Pardon me for agreeing my Liberal counterparts (not that I'm a staunch Republican, but this argument is ridiculous.

First, Privacy is every Americans' right. This is the same as illegal search and seizure (sp?).

Second, Until you do something about a wide open border nothing in any new law makes any difference.

Third, we all know this goes on anyway--with or without permission and warrants, and always has. Warrants are only necessary if you want to take someone to court and build a case.

Fourth, Bush is not an idiot..he is a calculating manipulator that plays the idiot--and very well.

Fifth, Agents checking on someone reading a book is rather silly, in context, to the actual threats facing the US if terorists really wanted to go into action.

sixth, this is becoming and rebublican..the dems are the pc police and the reps are the terrorist police.

seventh, why are we still worried about goofy Iraq when we have 3 or more true threats in the world...the crazy ass in Iran is still publicly stating he wants to nuke israel and bring about the new messianic age....Heeellloooooooooo???

eighth, if you actually tighten airport security and watch the borders more closely you don't need all this bs....Americans police themselves pretty well...

ninth, this is about power not about freedom and liberty and safety...if it was so many free thinking people wouldn't be questioning it.

and ten..G-Man and anyone else if you honestly don't see a problem with any of this..then you are blind and misguided and party puppets..just like many of my liberal counterparts...