
I seem to have forggotten the criteria that was used to select teh wire taps, could you please remind me.

Not sure where you got the story about it just being 500 people that had received calls from suspected terrorist or those linked to terrorist activities. I've been doing the Christmas thing so may have missed that one. The problem is the source is probably the White House who last year assurred us that warrants on wiretaps were being used. Congress would not be doing it's job if they didn't check it out & find out what exactly is going on. If it's as you said, we're back to why couldn't NSA have started the wiretaps & got a judge to OK it later?


...teh US government as taken radiation samples from places NEAR (not in) mosques and buisinesses and homes suspected of having terrorist ties to make sure they don't have nukes stashed. Alot of the same civil libertarians are saying this is a violation of civil liberties. I didn't realise the right to house nukes was a civil liberty.

Again I have some catching up to do but this sounds like an FBI thing. From the sounds of it though I would think they would have no problems working within the law to do that.


...Let me ask you, does the fact that THIS information was leaked to the press make your blood boil? Are you as much or more angered by the fact that information has been leaked that will endanget the goernments ability to know if there are terrorists with nuclear suitcases hiding out as you were that a desk jocky from the CIA whome everyone in the press allready knew was an agent had her name leaked?

I'm going to guess that the motivation between this NSA leak was more altrulistic than the Plame one. Unlike you I'm interested in both cases being investigated.


...For all your side's postring and sermons about slippery slopes, thier true motivations are exposed here. We are on a slippery slope, but it isn't that the Government is taking away people's civil liberties it's that the left is, for political advancement, hindering the governments ability to protect teh civil liberties of it's citicens, not least among those is life it's self.

And here I thought I was just asking Congress to do it's job & check out that the President is truly operating within the bounds of the Constitution. The wiretapping can continue while that is being done. So no government hinderment. So what is your problem with that?

Fair play!