Monroe:"Its that sign again,what does it mean? Has the IV split already?"

Marcum:"Maybe someone just wants to use the toilet!"


Monroe is cut short as the image changes

Kickstart my heart blasts out!

Monroe:"I guess it looks like an explanation is forthcoming!"

Marcum:"Well I was right about the toilet,but maybe it shoulda been a number 2 instead!"

Nowhereman makes his way out,he looks a little different to normal & as the pyro goes off we see he is dressed almost identically to Joe Mama,and appears to have at least 4 cushions stuffed up his shirt!

NM:"Well,well,well its me,Joan Mammary,arent I the big man!"

Audience laughs

NM:"Well when I say big man,I mean huge man.......although,maybe not so much emphasis on the man part!"

Audience chants "Joan Mamm-a-ry!"

NM:"Look at the fact that once again I have proved I cant do anything on my own!"

NM looks around as the crowd carries on chanting

NM:"Aw,fuck this!"

NM tears off the costume,revealing his normal clothes

NM:"Whoa,even I cant stoop as low as to imitate that guy for too long!"

NM kicks the costume out of the ring

NM:"So anyway,I'm guessing most of you must be thinking I'm a bit pissed off about the way Joan & his band of merry men turned on me a few weeks ago.......well I'm not. I am pissed off though,I'm pissed off at the current title situation. Just last week it was anounced that the title match at Armagadoodoo will be a three way match,which is all fine & dandy I'm sure,but what pisses me off is the participants. Gimmp had his fucking chance already,and he failed,so he's rewarded with another title shot!"

NM shakes his head as he paces the ring

NM:"And then theres PenWimp! Just what the fuck has that guy done recently to deserve another title shot?"

NM walks to a corner turnbuckle,climbs it & lays across the ropes in a rather relaxed position

NM:"Now,the way I see it,there is one guy in the RDCW who hasnt had a shot at the heavyweight belt in a long time. A guy who has done more for the RDCW than anyone else. A guy who made Gimmp the man he is. A guy who set Joan Mammary on the road to the world title he now holds!"

The crowd starts chanting "Nowhereman!"

NM:"Whoa,you guys catch on quick. Anyway,I think its time I had a little retribution for the shit I have put up with recently,and I certainly think its time I had some of the respect I deserve!"

The crowd continues chanting

NM:"I like these guys!"

NM gestures a thumb to the crowd which gets a huge pop

NM:"So what am I suggesting I hear you ask. Well I think Nowhereman deserves a title shot,and I think you guys deserve a main event at Armagadoodoo that will eclipse all the PPVs,not only of this year,but of every RDCW PPV we have ever held!"

The chants get louder

NM:"So Joan,Gimmp,PenWimp,what I am suggesting is we give these fans something they want,something they deserve"

NM jumps down from the ropes & walks to the centre of the ring

NM:"So boys,I think 4 is a number that is quite prevailant at the moment,so what say you to making the main event a four way dance?"

The crowd goes wild!

NM:"One way or another I will be involved in that match,I just think it will be better for you all if its official!"

NM throws the mic to the floor & leaves as Kickstart my heart blasts out again