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#606827 2005-12-21 4:11 PM
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Hardcore Match
single choice
Chris Oakley (59%, 10 Votes)
Flameswordsman (41%, 7 Votes)
Total Votes: 17
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 4:43 AM
Hotties Match
single choice
Princess Elisa (88%, 15 Votes)
Kimi (12%, 2 Votes)
Total Votes: 17
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 4:43 AM
Tag Team Turmoil
single choice
Tuesday Night Rockers (47%, 8 Votes)
Howlerama (0%, 0 Votes)
Pig Iron & Spamm (DL) (24%, 4 Votes)
Chewy & Killconey (SDC) (18%, 3 Votes)
Johnny Evil & Charlie (12%, 2 Votes)
Total Votes: 17
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 4:43 AM
Singles Match
single choice
Captain Sammitch (71%, 12 Votes)
G-Man (29%, 5 Votes)
Total Votes: 17
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 4:43 AM
Main Event
single choice
Grimm (61%, 11 Votes)
PenWing (39%, 7 Votes)
Total Votes: 18
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 4:43 AM

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
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FR:"Buhgawb Queen,did you just see that?"

Queen:"Was it a cock"


Queen:"Then I didnt see it!"


Queen:"I prefer SLOBBERCOCKER!"

FR:"Please Queen,can we just talk about that image that just flashed up on the screen!"


FR:"*sigh* I thought that was The Fours image,but that looked like a one rather than a four!"

Monroe:"Will you two shut up so we can start the show!"

Marcum:"Yeah,fuck off back to the mens showers where you usually hang out!"

Monroe:"Looks like the Queen was way ahead of you on that one!"

What a slobberknocker!
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'Wings of a Butterfly' plays, and SPAMM makes his way out to the ring, 'friends' in hand.

SPAMM: Tonight, I and Pig Iron are booked in a Tag-Team Turmoil match. I send a warning to all those who face us: The Dark Lords are masters of turmoil, lords of chaos and destruction. We will walk out of that ring the winners. The rest of you will be lucky to walk out of that ring at all.

The crowd boos, and chants of 'Rockers!' and 'SDC!' can be heard

SPAMM: At Conniver Series, I was eliminated by MisterJLA, becoming the first to fall. Such indignites, MisterJLA, are not easily forgotten. I make you this promise: It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but one day you will turn around and I will be there, ready to destroy you. So Sayeth The Monkey Man.

'Wings of a Butterfly' plays, but suddenly...

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Promo to be posted later

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terrible podcaster
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Post deleted by Captain Sammitch


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"Ode to Joy" begins to play as Dr. William Paragon makes his way down to ringside, looking splendid in his white business suit. Paragon steps into the ring and takes the mic from James White as the crowd booes heavily.

DP: Thank you. Thank you. It gives me much pleasure to see that some of you can recognize true greatness while still wallowing in the muck of greed and avarice and defines your daily existences.

Paragon smiles as the crowd really begins getting on his case.

DP: Now as you may have noticed, I have been away for a couple of weeks. You see, after the events of Halloween Handjobs and Anathema Wednesday, I realized that I had to rethink my strategies. I realized that one man alone, even one man as naturally gifted as myself, one man is not enough to fight against the deep seated corruption that infests this company.

Corruption that allows the Spandex Monkey Mans, the Pig Irons, the Grimms, the Darths, the Chris Oakleys, the Nowheremans, the MisterJLAs, the Captain Howdys, the Joe Mamas, that allows these people to carry on their wickedness. To carry on and even in many cases, to thrive and spread their false ideals onto you, the people in the stands and watching at home!

I realized that I needed someone who could not only aid me in my struggle, but someone who could stop me from falling back into the pits of darkness myself. Someone who could lift the very beings of the RDCW wrestlers up into the light again. A man as familiar with this business as myself. A man who saw the evils of this business and tried to walk away with his head held high. A man I convinced to return to aid me in my cause. Now please, if you would, stand up, bow your heads, and hold your hands together. Because at this time, I present to you. . .


Monroe & MarcuM:

Let me tell you something, just because something is in a graphic format doesn't mean it needs to be apologized for. And just because a novel is serious, doesn't mean it's serious fiction. The only thing comics should worry about is telling a good story. You do that and people will find it. -Brad Meltzer
Doc Paragon #606834 2005-12-26 11:12 PM
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"Everybody Needs Somebody to Love" starts playing over the speakers as the Reverend Willie Williams makes his way to the ring.

Monroe: Buhgawb!

Marcum: Don't swear in front of the reverend!

Doc Paragon hands the Reverend Willie Williams the mic.

RWW: Before ah begin, ah would like to thank the good Dr. Paragon for that beautiful introduction.

The crowd boos.

RWW: Now, ah know you folks don't really mean that. Ya see, the only reason ya'll are booing right now, is because you have this emptiness inside of you and you just don't know what to fill it with! You come heyah every Tuesday night to be entertained. And there's nothing wrong with that! We all need to be entertained. It wasn't that long ago that ah, too, came heyah to find some...entertainment. But all ah found was emptiness. Sure, ah had mah Company, ah had mah Big Business, and ah had mah partnership with Louie Bastardo. Together, we ruled this heyah wrestling federation. Ah had money, ah had women, ah had everything all of you out there think you want. But you have to beg yourselves to ask just one small question. Whah did ah walk away?

Marcum: Wow, that is a good question. Why did Slick walk away?

Monroe: I guess he got bored.

RWW: The answer is simple. Ah had everything in the world, but ah didn't have that somebody to love, not really. And then, one night, after ah had decided to take my sabbatical from this business, ah awoke suddenly from my sleep, sweat soaked and shaking. For that night, ah had a dream! In that dream Slick Willie Williams, the man who stood before you with money and women, the picture of everything wrong with this business today, was tried and hanged for degrading everything pure and good in the world. And in his place arose a new man, a pure man, a man with a mission. This man is not a man who chases skirts and gold, no, this man is a man of morals and integrity. For before you stands a man reborn in the Reverend Willie Williams! And this man has found that somebody to love, and that somebody is the Lord!

The crowd is silent, not knowing how to respond.

RWW: That's right, ah am on a mission from Gob! In a time when the end of days have come upon us, when Dark Lords rule freely and the IV horsemen of the Apocalypse run amuck. A time when false Families cling together and rock and role music attacks the very nature of everything that is good and pure in this world. And most notably, in a time when women must degrade themselves to mud wrestling matches where they are stripped down to their unmentionables, someone must speak out with an answer!

There are gasps from the crowd, and some start chanting IV and TNR.

RWW: Well, ah give you that answer! Dr. Paragon has spoken of that answer, but you folks just don't want to listen. That is whah ah am heyah! If you will not listen by choice, if the people of this heyah federation will not change their ways by choice, then the good Dr. and ah will have to change all of your ways by force! If you will not turn away from the degradation going on around you, then we will change what you is happening right before your eyes so you will not have to turn!

The crowd boos.

RWW: And that begins with the Women's Division! It's time that ya'll had a women's champion who commanded some respect, and ah would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to just that person right now! Ladies and Gentlemen, stand up and show some respect for the next women's champion, Princess Elisa!

The crowd boos as "RESPECT" starts playing over the speakers and Princess Elisa makes her way to the ring. Dr. Paragon and the Reverend hold the ropes for her, and the Reverend hands her the mic.

PE: Thank you, Reverend Williams. And thank you, Dr. Paragon, for getting this all started. You know, I've been here for a while. I've fought in all the big matches. I've come close to winning the women's title many times. But, quite frankly, I'm tired of the way things are done around here. I'm tired of being stripped down to my undergarments! I'm tired of being called a whore! I'm tired of Nowhereman constantly begging to see my boobs! I'm tired of all of it! I will get some respect around here! And if I have to go through that amoral clown ya'll worship, if I have to end Lor's career to get it, if that's what it takes to clean this place up and get some respect around here, then that's exactly what I'm going to do! Because it's time ya'll grew up and started showing some respect to the more talented wrestlers in this business, instead of just cheering for the girl who shows the most skin!

The crowd responds with chants of "Prude" and "Asshole!"

PE: Ya'll can say that now, but come Arma-Gadda-Da-Vidda, I will get some respect around here, and Lor, you're gonna like this, because in that same moment, you will find your ABSOLUTION!!!

"RESPECT" again blasts over the speakers as Havoc cuts to break.

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Monroe:"Its that sign again,what does it mean? Has the IV split already?"

Marcum:"Maybe someone just wants to use the toilet!"


Monroe is cut short as the image changes

Kickstart my heart blasts out!

Monroe:"I guess it looks like an explanation is forthcoming!"

Marcum:"Well I was right about the toilet,but maybe it shoulda been a number 2 instead!"

Nowhereman makes his way out,he looks a little different to normal & as the pyro goes off we see he is dressed almost identically to Joe Mama,and appears to have at least 4 cushions stuffed up his shirt!

NM:"Well,well,well its me,Joan Mammary,arent I the big man!"

Audience laughs

NM:"Well when I say big man,I mean huge man.......although,maybe not so much emphasis on the man part!"

Audience chants "Joan Mamm-a-ry!"

NM:"Look at the fact that once again I have proved I cant do anything on my own!"

NM looks around as the crowd carries on chanting

NM:"Aw,fuck this!"

NM tears off the costume,revealing his normal clothes

NM:"Whoa,even I cant stoop as low as to imitate that guy for too long!"

NM kicks the costume out of the ring

NM:"So anyway,I'm guessing most of you must be thinking I'm a bit pissed off about the way Joan & his band of merry men turned on me a few weeks ago.......well I'm not. I am pissed off though,I'm pissed off at the current title situation. Just last week it was anounced that the title match at Armagadoodoo will be a three way match,which is all fine & dandy I'm sure,but what pisses me off is the participants. Gimmp had his fucking chance already,and he failed,so he's rewarded with another title shot!"

NM shakes his head as he paces the ring

NM:"And then theres PenWimp! Just what the fuck has that guy done recently to deserve another title shot?"

NM walks to a corner turnbuckle,climbs it & lays across the ropes in a rather relaxed position

NM:"Now,the way I see it,there is one guy in the RDCW who hasnt had a shot at the heavyweight belt in a long time. A guy who has done more for the RDCW than anyone else. A guy who made Gimmp the man he is. A guy who set Joan Mammary on the road to the world title he now holds!"

The crowd starts chanting "Nowhereman!"

NM:"Whoa,you guys catch on quick. Anyway,I think its time I had a little retribution for the shit I have put up with recently,and I certainly think its time I had some of the respect I deserve!"

The crowd continues chanting

NM:"I like these guys!"

NM gestures a thumb to the crowd which gets a huge pop

NM:"So what am I suggesting I hear you ask. Well I think Nowhereman deserves a title shot,and I think you guys deserve a main event at Armagadoodoo that will eclipse all the PPVs,not only of this year,but of every RDCW PPV we have ever held!"

The chants get louder

NM:"So Joan,Gimmp,PenWimp,what I am suggesting is we give these fans something they want,something they deserve"

NM jumps down from the ropes & walks to the centre of the ring

NM:"So boys,I think 4 is a number that is quite prevailant at the moment,so what say you to making the main event a four way dance?"

The crowd goes wild!

NM:"One way or another I will be involved in that match,I just think it will be better for you all if its official!"

NM throws the mic to the floor & leaves as Kickstart my heart blasts out again

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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Nowhereman is halfway up the ramp when "Kickstart My Heart" merges into "Faded" and his new banner is replaced by:

JM: Hey! Nowherejobber! Over here!!!

Nowhereman turns towards the ring. Joe Mama has made his way through the crowd and into the ring, Big Cheese Title over his shoulder.

JM: I've been listening to you whine and cry about the lack of chances you've been getting for weeks! About how you made me and Grimm and everybody else in this promotion. You come out here in costumes and do imitations and wonder why no one takes you seriously? Oh you poor li'l princess!!!

Now, I'll agree with you about Grimm. It's a sad statement about him that he talked all tough and then went and whined to The Doctor for another title shot, just like I told everyone he would. After the way we Four made an example of you for everyone to see, beating you down and humiliating you in front of both your fans, you have every right to demand a title shot. And you SHOULD be pissed that Grimm leapfrogged over you! But if you're looking for sympathy, I suggest you try the dictionary. Between "shit" and "syphilis" - two things that you AND Grimm are intimately familiar with!

At Arma-Gadda-Da-Vidda, I'm in a Triple Threat Match against the previous champion - PenWing - who decided to finally demand his rematch, and Grimm - the man who cried his way into yet another title shot. A match that I can lose without even being involved in the decision. Obviously, Doc's priority is to his boyfriend Grimm instead of these fans. But what the hell - let's stack the deck against me a little more. You want in my match? You wanna make the Main Event a Fatal Four-Way? Then let's make it a Fatal Four-Way Match!

The fans cheer.

JM: Let me make something clear. I don't back down from ANYONE! That's why I'm the Heavyweight Cheese Champion! It doesn't matter if I have to beat one of you or all of you to win the match, I'm coming in Champion and walking out Champion! And when I beat you, Grimm, and PenWing at Arma-Gadda-Da-Vidda and walk out of my match STILL the Champion, then you, Grimm, PenWing, and the rest of the RDCW will have to face the fact that I am the greatest Heavyweight Cheese Champion this promotion has ever seen!

Now run along, Nowhereman! You have a match to beg into! CUNT!!!

"Faded" starts again. The fans are cheering while Nowhereman and Joe Mama yell at each other for a while. Cut to commercial.

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

[Linked Image from]
Joe Mama #606837 2005-12-27 1:20 AM
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"Rooster" booms from the PA speakers as Chris Oakley roars down the aisle on an ATV and hits the ring.Mic in hand,he starts to address the crowd....

I want to destroy to the Tuesday Night Rockers in the worst way--but before I can do that I have to teach that little punk Flameswordsman a lesson!I hear he's been running me down behind my back,telling everyone that I'm an easy mark now that the Bond Brigade's gone....well,buddy,let's see if you still think that way after I rip your lungs out tonight!

Brief meaningful pause.

And speaking of TNR,I've got a little message for them too:right here and now I'm issuing an open challenge for any member of the Tuesday Night Rockers to face me one-on-one...

Another brief meaningful pause.


Huge pops from the crowd as Chris puts down his mic and walks out.

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Havoc returns from break as the ring has been converted into Louie's Lounge. "Ecstasy of Gold" is playing. Louie is sitting in mid-ring with Howlerama on one side of him and Johnny Evil & Charlie on the other side. Big Fat Elvis is behind the bar, attempting to mix drinks. Poorly. Ariel & Grace are sitting at the bar, patiently waiting for their drinks. Louie starts to speak.

LB: You know, there's an old saying. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Looking around at the RDCW tonight, that's more true than ever. Chris Oakley is still doing nothing of note and acting like he's the big cheese. Nowhereman is still doing nothing and getting rewarded for it. Willie Williams is still trying to con people. So-called champions are still hiding out to pad their title reigns. And the Bastardo Family is still here.

Now tonight, I've got not one, but TWO teams in the tag team turmoil match. Howlerama, simply the best tag team in the business today. Yet the RDCW continues to deny them every chance they get! These two men can go toe to toe with anyone in the ring! Yet the so-called champions refuse to grant them a shot! We have a word for that where I come from: Discrimination!

Monroe: Oh, please.

MarcuM: Shush! Louie's speaking!

LB: And on my other side, Johnny Evil, the Loose Cannon, the Big Gun, and his partner, Charlie, the Million $ Pitbull, the Family Enforcer! Undefeated in tag team competition! Not only do they hold a victory over the SDC's top team (when they were the champs, I might add!), but just last week, they taught the Tuesday Night Rockers a lesson in the tag team arts!

Tag Team Turmoil. The Bastardo Family. Two top teams. Four great wrestlers. How can we lose? Simply put, we can't!

Now get outta here!

"Ecstasy of Gold" starts up again as Havoc cuts to a commercial for the new Pig Iron "Woooaaayahhhh of Paaaiiinnnn" t-shirt.

I make stars, baby!
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A video package begins to play. We see a masked wrestler hurling himself through the air and onto Japanese opponents. A voice begins to speak.

Narrator: He is the most feared and respected competitor to travel throughout the orient and south america. . .

Footage of the wrestler hurtling himself and an opponent into barbed wire with no regard for either's safety.

Narrator: He is the most talked about competitor in years. . .

Footage of the masked man springboarding off of a chair and onto the ropes, and from the ropes onto his foe on the arena floor.

Narrator: He is reckless. . .

The masked man crashes through a pile of tables.

Narrator: He is unpredictable. . .

The masked man tosses a chair into an official's face and throws him out of the ring.

Narrator: He is. . .AMUCK.

Shot of Amuck turning towards the camera and grabbing it, shortly before the picture is lost.

Narrator: And he is coming to the RDCW in 2006.

Video package ends.

Amuck #606840 2005-12-27 8:00 AM
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass
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“Countdown to Armageddon” begins playing over the Cheesedome loudspeakers.

Marcum: “Psycho has entered the building. I wonder what he has to say…ooh, Schwartz wearing short shots…whoah.”

Monroe: “Well, the crazy pig clearly has some explaining to do after the last Havoc and that miserable display where he and SPAMM needed to be saved by Schwartz.”

Pig Iron escorts Schwartz through the ropes and enters the ring.

Pig Iron: “I’m glad SPAMM got to speak a little this week. I know you all missed him last week. He clearly has some pent up frustration he’s going to work out in our match. SPAMM has pretty much summed up my thoughts on the tag team match upcoming, so I think I’ll ramble on a little about something near and dear to my heart.”

Marcum:”He must be talking about Schwartz.”

Monroe: “No, he said ramble he’s going to talk about…”

PI: “Paragon, so you’ve come back from hiding in your hole. But let’s leave Captain Sammitch out of this. It’s fairly clear by now that the Dark Lords will have to take out the SDC once and for all to get to you--the little Paragon puppets that they are. Last week I came out flat, and SPAMM gave his all. I was outwrestled and outclassed by 2 punks that should’ve been handled with ease. It’s a great thing that the Schwartz is with me. I am truly honored to have such a whoayyaahh in my corner.”

Crowd pops as Schwartz raises her nightstick.

PI: “Two punks that play with 20-sided dice beat us, or me. I am ashamed, but here comes redemption. Here comes Tag Team Turmoil. The wooaayyyaaaahhh of painnnnnn will be coming for redemption. Tag Team Turmoil: SDC, TNR, and the Bastards. Clearly, the Bastards have worked out something with Paragon to get two slots. But I’m not here to bitch; I’m a real man of darkneeessssss. I see a day of reckoning coming soon Paragon, a prophecy I see clearly. A day of awakening is coming to the RDCW, and you will face the Dark Lords, and especially me.”

Monroe: “Nuts, completely nuts.”

Marcum: “Shwartz has that effect on everyone Monroe.”

PI: “The prophetic powers of the Pig of Iron will be followed by a revalation of paaainnn, Paragon. Paaaaaain, delicious paiiinn will be delivered in doses unheard of in RDCW history. You will be dealt with soon Paragon, your manipulations will end, your scripted wrestling, and your legions of puppets will be lined up and executed by the Dark Lords. Your puppets are with you…this I see. But the Schwartz is with me, Chesty is with me, Harley is with me, SPAMM is with me, Darth is with me, and Grimm is with me. I stand with the greatest assemblage of power and perfection of wrestling seen in the annals of RDCW, Paragon. And when I say annals I don’t mean what you have going on with Sammitch in your private room backstage at the Cheesedome. A prophecy has been set in motion Paragon, and it was set in motion by you. It starts at Tag Team Turmoil and will end with you, served up and sacrificed to the gods. The eternal battle of steeellll begins now, the battle begins anew, and the waar continues. The glorious war against Paragon, and I will be the instrument, Paragon. The Whooaaayyaaahh off Paaaainnnn will end your rule of villainy, and the RDCW will be reborn—in the image of the victors.”

Marcum: “Whewwww.”

Exit music

Last edited by Pig Iron; 2005-12-27 8:28 AM.

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Hardcore Match
Chris Oakley vs. Flameswordsman

This was a violent match that saw both men pull out all the stops. Ultimately, Oakley got the win after a Red Alert off of the top rope and through a table! Oakley celebrated his win, but was cut short as TNR member Tommy "The Surgeon" Savitz appeared on the rampway to accept his challenge because he is "that DAMN good!"

A cruel smile appeared on Oakley's face as Savitz' music began to play.

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #606842 2005-12-27 6:38 PM
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Hotties Match
Princess Elisa vs. Kimi

Elisa was accompanied to ringside by Rev. Willie Williams for this matchup. Elisa and Kimi immediately went to work on each other, trading moves and chops. Determined, and with Rev. Williams cheering her on, Elisa wore her foe down until she had the veteran gasping for breath in mid-ring. Finally, Elisa locked in Absolution for the win!

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #606843 2005-12-27 6:40 PM
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Tag Team Turmoil
Tuesday Night Rockers vs. Howlerama vs. Pig Iron & Spamm vs. Chewy & Killconey vs. Johnny Evil & Charlie

Howlerama hit ringside first, accompanied by Louie Bastardo.

LB: My boys are gonna take it all! Ahahahahahah!!!!!!

But the Bastardos would be in for a huge surprise as the next team in was. . .Johnny Evil & Charlie!


MarcuM: This isn't fair to the Bastardoes!

Louie and his two teams stood in mid-ring refusing to battle each other. Finally, senior RDCW official Lothar headed to ringside and ruled that if the Bastardoes did not face off, then both teams would be disqualified and eliminated!

The two teams of Bastardoes reluctantly squared off, with Howler locking up with his longtime associate, Charlie. As the team captain of Howlerama whipped the Million $ Pitbull into the ropes, Charlie ducked under the clothesline attempt and grabbed the larger man hitting a running spinebuster!

Fat Retard: Enforcer! Sternum! BUHGAWB!!!!!!

MarcuM: Weren't you fired?

Charlie tagged in Johnny Evil who went for a Mission to Mars, but Howler caught him with a boot to the face and an eye rake. He tagged in Highwayman just as familiar music began to play!

Monroe: It's the Tuesday Night Rockers!

MarcuM: Yay.

Fantastic and Big T stormed the ring and went at both teams! The Bastardoes attempted to gang up on the Rockers but Arnold Rimmer fought to keep the referee enforcing the rules! Howlerama tried for a double team, but Fantastic escaped, as Howler and Highwayman collided in the ring! Big T hit the Tommybomb and got the pin as Fantastic held the rest of the Bastardoes at bay with his guitar!

Louie Bastardo tried to confront Rimmer, but AJR held his own and sent the head of the Family down to the mat with a quick right hand!

Charlie stormed into the ring and hit Big T with a low blow with his knuckle dusters, as the ref watched the managers outside. Fantastic ran in and went for a superkick, knocking the Family Enforcer back into his corner! Johnny Evil tagged in and sized up Fantastic.

They locked up and Evil raked Fantastic's eyes and went for an armdrag! As he celebrated, the CheeseDome went dark and the Dark Lords, represented by Pig Iron, Spandex Monkey Man, and Heidi Schwarz made their way to ringside!

Monroe: This could be dangerous, Madman!

MarcuM: I'll say! The Dark Lords don't like anybody!

The Dark Lords hit the ring and a three way brawl ensued as bodies flew everywhere! Spamm and Charlie fought into the stands. Pig Iron and Big T brawled onto the announce table. Fantastic and Evil fought up the rampway! It looked as if all three teams would be eliminated, but Dr. Paragon appeared at the rampway with security, forcing all three teams to return to the ring and the match!

Once all three were in the ring again, the match continued on as Chewy Walrus and Killconey, representing the SDC headed to ringside to join in the match!

Monroe: The SDC, Madman! The last participants in this Tag Team Turmoil battle!

Chewy and Killconey hit the ring and immediately went for Pig Iron and Spamm, attempting to gain revenge on the beating they took last week! The Dark Lords dropped out to the floor, taunting the SDC members, who were hit from behind by a doubledropkick from the TNR!

The TNR celebrated, but Johnny Evil & Charlie caught them with ddts from behind! The Bastardoes went for the win, but the cover was broken up by Pig Iron & Spamm!

Heidi Schwarz climbed up onto he ring apron, distracting the official by claiming something was wrong with her outfit. As she did so, Spamm tossed Mr. Sledge Hammer into the ring and Pig Iron grabbed a steel chair from ringside!

The Dark Lords laid out all opposing team members with their weaponry and stood in mid ring, celebrating!

Monroe: This is horrendous! This isn't competition!

MarcuM: They don't give a damn, Monroe!

The referee turned away from Schwarz just in time to see Pig Iron attempting to light the chair on fire! The chair went up in flames, but before Pig Iron could use it, the referee disqualified the Dark Lords for their blatant use of illegal objects!

Pig Iron nailed the referee over the head with the flaming chair as Spamm followed up with an attack from Mr. Staple Gun!

Paragon reappeared with security, escorting the Dark Lords members out of the arena! A new official was assigned and the match would continue!

The TNR recovered first, and following A Hard Day's Night on Johnny Evil, eliminated the remaining team of Bastardoes! It was now down to two teams. The TNR, Fantastic and Big T, and the SDC, Chewy and Killconey.

The fans chanting both sides initials as the crowd was divided between them both! Chewy brawled with Big T while Fantastic traded fast paced aerial moves with Killconey!

Chewy hit a Walrus Tusk on Big T, but before he could follow up, Fantastic hit another superkick on the Walrus, knocking him onto the mat with a *THUD!* Killconey caught Fantastic with a swinging ddt, taking him down as the fans applauded both teams!

Killconey paused as if unsure what to do next. He dug into his pocket, looking for something.

MarcuM: You can't do that on tv!

Killconey pulled out a twenty sided die and rolled it in the ring. "Dammit!" he said, not liking the outcome of the roll.

He turned and walked straight into a Tommybomb from Big T who picked him up for a flying body press from Fantastic! Another three count and the Tuesday Night Rockers had won the Tag Team Turmoil encounter!

But instead of the TNR's music playing, Rob's Killer Instinct Ripoff Music began to play as the World Tag Team Champions, the Allied Powers walked out onto the rampway!

"Well isn't that special?" MisterJLA began. "But it's wrong! You see there's only one real tag team here in the RDCW, and it's me! Uhh, and my partner, Captain Howdy! The Allied Powers!"

Howdy: CUNTS!!!!!!!

JLA: "And it is an outrage that we did not compete here tonight! It is an offense to us, to our fans here, and to the millions of people watching on television hoping to catch the briefest glimpse of MisterJLA. . ."

Howdy: "And Capt. Howdy!"

JLA: "And Captain Howdy on their screens. So Jimmy Faboo, Big T, you and Arnold Rimjob celebrate your little win here tonight. Because at Arma Gadda Da Vida, the Allied Powers will give you a true lesson in the art of tag team wrestling. This is as close as you'll be getting to our belts for a long, long time! Let's go, Howdy."

The Allied Powers walked to the back as the TNR looked on the ring.

Monroe: Who is MisterJLA to give anyone a lesson in wrestling?

MarcuM: One half of the greatest tag team EVAR, Monroe! Pay attention sometime!

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #606844 2005-12-27 6:41 PM
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Singles Match
Captain Sammitch vs. G-Man

Capt. Sammitch earned a hard fought victory this week, as he escaped the Homeland Security member's attempt at hitting the Filibuster, and hit his patented Sammitch Slam! As the CheeseDome fans chanted "One more time! One more time!" Sammitch smiled and complied, nailing another Sammitch Slam and getting the pinfall. Afterwards, Sammitch began to speak, challenging Pig Iron to a rematch at Arma Gadda Da Vida!

The Swine of Steel ambushed the SDC member, letting him know that the match was on! The two brawled in the ring, but were soon separated by security! As the security guards pulled the two men apart, Dr. William Paragon came to ringside and announced that he would be the special referee for this bout!

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #606845 2005-12-27 6:43 PM
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Main Event
Grimm vs. PenWing

Monroe: It's time for our main event, fans. This match came about as a result of events from last week.

MarcuM: PenWing, that chucklehead, challenged Joe Mama to a ladder match at Arma Gadda Da Vida!

Shot of PenWing standing in the ring last week.

PenWIng: "It's time for me to call in my marker, and demand my rematch for the Heavyweight Cheese Championship at Arma-Gadda-Da-Vidda!"

Monroe: But PenWing didn't just want any match.

PenWing: "The only way I can think of to get this right, is to hang the Heavyweight Cheese title above this ring and reclaim from you in a ladder match!"

MarcuM: But there was someone else who wanted in the action at Arma Gadda Da Vida. Someone who defeated Joe Mama at Conniver Series!

Cut to a shot of Grimm and the Dark Lords standing on the rampway. Grimm's hands are covered in blood and he's speaking.

Grimm: "You see I heard the challenge that your protege, PenWing issued out here earlier and I decided to take things into my own hands. So I "talked" to Pennie backstage."

Monroe: He talked to him backstage?

MarcuM: What does that mean?

We see a closeup of PenWing's hockey jersey. The camera pans back to reveal PenWing, arms outstretched and cuffed to a pipe running along a wall. His face is covered in blood. There is a collective gasp as the audience realizes who's blood is covering Grimm's hands.

Grimm: "It's not gonna be a ladder match at Arma Gadda Da Vida. What it will be, is a three way dance for the Big Cheese Title!"

Monroe: PenWing demanded this match this week, to get even with Grimm!

MarcuM: That moron demanded this match? We haven't even seen or heard from him all day!

Monroe: He'll be here, Madman! Grimm! PenWing! Next!

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #606846 2005-12-28 12:01 AM
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The Match

The CheeseDome went dark as "Black Wedding Intro" cued up and Harleykwin walked out, amidst the fog.

Monroe: Here we go, Madman!

MarcuM: Spectular entrance. Gives me chills everytime I see it.

Monroe: The SDC and the Dark Lords have been removed from the building for this match. It will be one against one tonight!

MarcuM: Too bad, because that was the only chance PenWing had to win! Calling his buddies for help!

The sarcophagus opens as the music kicks into "Return of the Living Dead" and Grimm steps out onto the rampway. He begins walking down to ringside looking smug and happy. He lifts up his taped hands to show them still covered in blood.

Monroe: He's still wearing PenWing's blood from last week!

MarcuM: That's disgusting! I wonder if Harley's into that?

PenWing barrels down the rampway, leaping onto Grimm's back and pounding on his head as Grimm drops to the floor! PenWing's head is heavily bandaged from last week's assault.

Monroe: PenWing couldn't wait for the match to start! He's ready to fight now!

MarcuM: Jumping somebody from behind! A typical example of SDC's cheating ways! I hope Paragon is watching this!

Harley attempts to catch PenWing by surprise, but he's ready for her. He stands up, threatening her, and she backs off towards the ringside area as PenWing follows. PenWing stalks her down to ringside as Grimm recovers and follows.

Lothar rings the bell as both men make it into the ring. PenWing lifts Grimm up and whips him into the ropes, nailing an enzuguiri on the rebound! He climbs up on the ropes to celebrate with the fans, who are screaming their heads off!

Monroe: These fans are solidly behind PenWing tonight!

MarcuM: Of course they are! He's just as dumb as them, Monroe!

PenWing tries to set up a Drag-N-Whip, but Grimm uses Grave Breath (green mist), spitting it directly into PenWing's face!

Monroe: That's disgusting! Why does he have to do things like this?

MarcuM: He does them because he can, Monroe! Are you gonna tell him he can't?

Grimm throws PenWing back into the corner and chops away at his chest. As PenWing staggers out, Grimm picks him back up and goes for the Kobe Special, taking both men out to the arena floor!

Monroe: Buhgawb! The brutality! The brutal brutality of the brutalness!

Grimm picks PenWing up and carries him around the ringside stairs, delivering a wicked ddt onto the steps! PenWing's bandages are knocked loose and his head begins bleeding again.

Monroe: The carnage!

Grimm delivers the crucifix pose as the crowd booes heavily. Harley taunts PenWing, slapping him in the face repeatedly.
Grimm rolls PenWing back into the ring and goes for a pin attempt, but PenWing barely lifts his shoulder up before the three. Grimm berates Lothar's count.

MarcuM: Slow count! Lothar's a terrible referee.

Grimm applies the Dragon Sleeper, attempting to further weaken PenWing's neck and head.

Monroe: Grimm loves to punish his opponents. He works on the neck area. Powerbombs, ddts, chokeslams. . .

MarcuM: Don't forget the devastating spike piledriver that he and Darth use in tag matches!

Lothar checks PenWing's arm, but he keeps it raised and tries to rally to the cheers of the fans. PenWing kicks Grimm in the head and escapes the sleeper! He bounces off the ropes and goes for the Whinged Wheel, laying both men out!

Monroe: Both men are down!

Lothar begins the count as both men struggled to their feet. Finally at eight, both men stood, and Lothar ordered the bout to continue! Grimm went for a clothesline, but PenWing countered into a Spin-O-Rama!

He hit the ropes again, but Harley tripped him and he fell onto the mat! PenWing attempted to go after her, but Grimm caught him from behind with an overhead release german suplex! PenWing managed to pull himself into a kneeling position but was caught by a Crapping Wizard from Grimm!

MarcuM: It's over, Monroe! There's no way PenWing can recover from that!

Monroe: You may be right, Madman. That was a devastating kick to PenWing's already injured head!

Grimm pauses again, to play to the crowd, wiping PenWing's blood onto his face, and smiling sadisticly.

Monroe: He's sick!

Grimm goes to deliver a Triple 6 Bomb, but PenWing drops back down onto the mat, too tired to hold himself up. Grimm smiles again, looking out at the audience with disdain. He picks PenWing up again, but Wing rolls him over into a small package pin attempt!

Monroe: Out of nowhere!

MarcuM: Two count! Two count! What a close match!

Grimm, though surprised, kicks out of the move, and begins to pound away on PenWing's head again, opening up his injury more.

Grimm whips PenWing into the ropes again, but Wing reverses into a Drag-N-Whip, knocking him to the mat!

PenWing points to the skies as the fans get on their feet and he climbs up the turnbuckle in preparation for the High Holy Howe!

Monroe: This could be it!

Harley runs over to the corner and grabs PenWing's leg, holding him back from getting to the top. PenWing tries to shake her off, but has trouble doing so. Finally he shakes her off and leaps, but Grimm has recovered and delivers a brutal Flatliner (heart punch) to PenWing in mid air!

PenWing hits the mat, stunned as Grimm rolls over onto him for the three count and the win!

Monroe: That was wrong! PenWing had him! He had him!

MarcuM: Cheat to win, Monroe! Cheat to win! That's what the knucklehead gets and that's what's going to happen at Arma Gadda Da Vida next week!

Havoc fades out as Grimm & Harley leave the ring, while Lothar checks PenWing's condition.

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."

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