Main Event
Grimm vs. PenWing
Monroe: It's time for our main event, fans. This match came about as a result of events from last week.
MarcuM: PenWing, that chucklehead, challenged Joe Mama to a ladder match at Arma Gadda Da Vida!
Shot of PenWing standing in the ring last week.
PenWIng: "It's time for me to call in my marker, and demand my rematch for the Heavyweight Cheese Championship at Arma-Gadda-Da-Vidda!"
Monroe: But PenWing didn't just want any match.
PenWing: "The only way I can think of to get this right, is to hang the Heavyweight Cheese title above this ring and reclaim from you in a ladder match!"
MarcuM: But there was someone else who wanted in the action at Arma Gadda Da Vida. Someone who defeated Joe Mama at Conniver Series!
Cut to a shot of Grimm and the Dark Lords standing on the rampway. Grimm's hands are covered in blood and he's speaking.
Grimm: "You see I heard the challenge that your protege, PenWing issued out here earlier and I decided to take things into my own hands. So I "talked" to Pennie backstage."
Monroe: He talked to him backstage?
MarcuM: What does that mean?
We see a closeup of PenWing's hockey jersey. The camera pans back to reveal PenWing, arms outstretched and cuffed to a pipe running along a wall. His face is covered in blood. There is a collective gasp as the audience realizes who's blood is covering Grimm's hands.
Grimm: "It's not gonna be a ladder match at Arma Gadda Da Vida. What it will be, is a three way dance for the Big Cheese Title!"
Monroe: PenWing demanded this match this week, to get even with Grimm!
MarcuM: That moron demanded this match? We haven't even seen or heard from him all day!
Monroe: He'll be here, Madman! Grimm! PenWing! Next!