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#609012 2005-12-31 7:06 PM
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Marvel's "Civil War"

    Civil War will be a 7-issue event, with double-sized bookend issues by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, shipping in May.

    Quote: asks:
    “In Civil War will heroes give up their super hero life, rather than reveal their identity?”

    Joe Quesada - That is a very distinct possibility.

    Quote: asks:
    “I know it may be a bit early to reveal anything, but will we see new super heroes come out of Civil War?”

    Joe Quesada - That is a distinct possibility as well as the return of some.

    Quote: asks:
    “Now that we know Civil War is about a superhero registration act, I was wondering about the following:

    1. Is this any different from the constantly-referenced Mutant Registration Act? i.e. Does this only pertain to vigilantes who fight crime and hide their identities, or will this affect every individual in the Marvel Universe with superhuman abilities?

    Joe Quesada - I believe it will affect everyone. Remember this isn't merely about registering and giving up your secret ID. This is also about once you do register being trained and then approved/licensed/sanctioned by the powers that be to go out and do what you do. Would a part of that also be learning the laws in your particular area of operation? Think it through and it just gets deeper and deeper. Imagine the following; I was in a NYC cab the other day. The driver asked me where I was going, after telling him, he then took out his log book and wrote down the time, pick up and drop off address. Imagine you now had to do that as a super hero? Call into a dispatch to get an assignment or have to log your every move during an evening of crime fighting.

    Quote: asks:
    2. Obviously someone at Marvel must have considered the similarities between this storyline and one of the key plot points of The Watchmen. Is this story going to be intrinsically different from that premise, or is Civil War going to be be such an incredible story that we won't even care about any similarities?

    Joe Quesada - To be honest, no, all we were looking at was our own universe and the idea of the mutant registration act. What would happen if that was taken to extremes?

    Watchmen and any similarities didn't come to mind at all. But then let me ask the question, was Alan Moore thinking of X-men and Days of Future Past when he came up with the idea of Watchmen? Some how I doubt it, but there are many similarities in themes aren't there? Does that take away from Watchmen in any way? Of course not. You can't judge something like Watchmen on those similarities, you have to judge it on what it says about those ideas nine years after some like Days of Future Past touches on it. In nine years a lot changes in the world, a lot changes in the writing of comics.

    Also, if I remember Watchmen correctly, registration was a small part of the back story and certainly not key plot point. It was the world those characters found themselves having lived through when the story begins. But actually didn't it involve super heroes being outlawed and only Doctor Manhattan having the ability to operate, wasn't that where we found ourselves. I don't remember clearly it's been a while since I read it, but really, Watchmen was not a consideration.

    So, is registration of people with powers a new idea unto itself? No, Byrne and Claremont came up with idea in 1980 and that's the earliest I can remember, perhaps something else predates that as well, but what's important here is that that's not the point. What we intend to do is take it to places that it's never been, to extrapolate on the concept with today's modern world in mind. It is what our story is about. Knowing what we know, living as we do, that's where the differences come in. That's the story we want to tell and we want to tell it with our characters who for better or worse reflect the world better than any other universe.

    Every idea can be scrutinized with an eye towards chicken and the egg. What's that they say, there are eight great stories archetypes in literature and everything derives from those eight stories. Looking at it through that prism, it's all been done before, but if I had to judge every comic, every book, every movie with that criteria, I would be pretty bored.

click here to read the full interview

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Rob #609013 2005-12-31 7:59 PM
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If every superhero must reveal his or hers IDENTITY, surely there will some sort of CRISIS.

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Please, Mxy, I resent the implication that the Donkey Fucker might stoop so low as to rip off something from DC.

He'd never do that...

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Please. Denny O'Neil was raping donkeys in the 70's, and doing a much better job at it.

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Its not rape if the donkeys were asking for it!

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Point of information: under NYS law, an animal, such as a donkey, is incapable of consent. Joe Q lives in New York. Therefore, under NY law the donkey fucker is a donkey rapist.

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What if he takes the donkeys across state lines?

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Then it is protected as "interstate commerce."

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“In Civil War will heroes give up their super hero life, rather than reveal their identity?”

WHAT secret identities?! the ones they gave up four years ago? gimme a break.

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the G-man said:
Point of information: under NYS law, an animal, such as a donkey, is incapable of consent. Joe Q lives in New York. Therefore, under NY law the donkey fucker is a donkey rapist.

What if the donkey is the one from Shrek or Eeyor?

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love

Rob #609022 2006-01-02 8:05 AM
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Quote: asks:
“In Civil War will heroes give up their super hero life, rather than reveal their identity?”

Joe Quesada - That is a very distinct possibility.

any guesses on how each marvel hero will act?

will cap register and move on, but spidey fold away into teenage obscurity?

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Rob #609023 2006-01-02 8:13 AM
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That whole "donkey fucking" gag's a hoot guys. Keep it up! It's a non-stop laugh romp every time!!!

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Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
If every superhero must reveal his or hers IDENTITY, surely there will some sort of CRISIS.

Wait a second, Mxy.
Are you suggesting some sort of Identity Crisis?

Bow ties are coool.
Rob #609025 2006-01-02 10:27 AM
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Rob Kamphausen said:
Quote: asks:
“In Civil War will heroes give up their super hero life, rather than reveal their identity?”

Joe Quesada - That is a very distinct possibility.

any guesses on how each marvel hero will act?

will cap register and move on, but spidey fold away into teenage obscurity?

Iron Man will be forced to reveal that when he already revealed his secret identity and then pretended to retire from being Iron Man and had a new guy as Iron Man that it was really him all along.
After this he will once again pretend to retire from being Iron Man and then appoint a new Iron Man that is not him...but really is him.

Bow ties are coool.
Rob #609026 2006-01-02 2:12 PM
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Rob Kamphausen said:

any guesses on how each marvel hero will act?

will cap register and move on, but spidey fold away into teenage obscurity?

I would guess that Cap would register while Spidey wouldn't. He wouldn't retire but be a vigalante hero.

Fair play!
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I thought Captain America was already registered.

Spidey would probably consider it, then decide not to because of family.

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Fused said:
That whole "donkey fucking" gag's a hoot guys. Keep it up! It's a non-stop laugh romp every time!!!

.........Joe Quesada? This explains so much...

Rob #609029 2006-01-02 4:52 PM
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Marvel's "Civil War"

    Civil War will be a 7-issue event, with double-sized bookend issues by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, shipping in May.

    Quote: asks:
    “In Civil War will heroes give up their donkey fucker life, rather than reveal their identity?”

    Joe Quesada - That is a very distinct possibility.

    Quote: asks:
    “I know it may be a bit early to reveal anything, but will we see new donkey fuckers come out of Civil War?”

    Joe Quesada - That is a distinct possibility as well as the return of some.

    Quote: asks:
    “Now that we know Civil War is about a donkey fucker registration act, I was wondering about the following:

    1. Is this any different from the constantly-referenced Ass Soup Registration Act? i.e. Does this only pertain to donkey fuckers who fuck donkeys and hide their identities, or will this affect every individual in the Marvel Universe who makes Larry's pee pee tickle?

    Joe Quesada - I believe it will affect everyone. Remember this isn't merely about registering and giving up your secret ID. This is also about once you do register being trained and then approved/licensed/sanctioned by the powers that be to go out and do what you do. Would a part of that also be learning the laws in your particular area of operation? Think it through and it just gets deeper and deeper. Imagine the following; I was in a NYC cab the other day. The driver asked me where I was going, after telling him, he then took out his log book and wrote down the time, pick up and drop off address. Imagine you now had to do that as a donkey fucker? Call into a dispatch to get an assignment or have to log your every move during an evening of donkey fucking.

    Quote: asks:
    2. Obviously someone at Marvel must have considered the similarities between this storyline and one of the key plot points of The Watchmen. Is this story going to be intrinsically different from that premise, or is Civil War going to be be such an incredible story that we won't even care about any similarities?

    Joe Quesada - To be honest, no, all we were looking at was our own universe and the idea of the ass soup registration act. What would happen if that was taken to extremes?

    Watchmen and any similarities didn't come to mind at all. But then let me ask the question, was Alan Moore thinking of X-men and Donkeys of Future Past when he came up with the idea of Watchmen? Some how I doubt it, but there are many similarities in themes aren't there? Does that take away from Watchmen in any way? Of course not. You can't judge something like Watchmen on those similarities, you have to judge it on what it says about those ideas nine years after some like Donkeys of Future Past touches on it. In nine years a lot changes in the world, a lot changes in the fucking of donkeys.

    Also, if I remember Watchmen correctly, registration was a small part of the back story and certainly not key plot point. It was the world those characters found themselves having lived through when the story begins. But actually didn't it involve donkey fuckers being outlawed and only Doctor Smith having the ability to fuck donkeys, wasn't that where we found ourselves. I don't remember clearly it's been a while since I read it, but really, Watchmen was not a consideration.

    So, is registration of people who make Larry's pee pee tickle a new idea unto itself? No, Byrne and Claremont came up with idea in 1980 and that's the earliest I can remember, perhaps something else predates that as well, but what's important here is that that's not the point. What we intend to do is take it to places that it's never been, to extrapolate on the concept with today's modern world in mind. It is what our story is about. Knowing what we know, living as we do, that's where the differences come in. That's the story we want to tell and we want to tell it with our characters who for better or worse reflect the world better than any other universe.

    Every idea can be scrutinized with an eye towards chicken and the egg. What's that they say, there are eight great stories archetypes in literature and everything derives from those eight stories. Looking at it through that prism, it's all been done before, but if I had to judge every comic, every book, every movie with that criteria, I would be pretty bored.

click here to read the full interview

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Fused said:
That whole "donkey fucking" gag's a hoot guys. Keep it up! It's a non-stop laugh romp every time!!!

We'll stop the day that man stop scarring donkeys for life.

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A Rabbi, a Priest, and a Lawyer walked inside a bar. The priest says to the lawyer and the rabbi, "hey you guys know what would be cool right now?" the two said no AND THEN JOE QUESADA FUCKED A DONKEY!!!

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Wednesday said:
I thought Captain America was already registered.

is his ID public? or at least known to the whole government?


Wednesday said:
Spidey would probably consider it, then decide not to because of family.

so... then retire? function as a true vigilante?

what about others, thor, fantastic four, the x-men... who do you think will publically register and become, essentially, government operatives?

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Rob #609033 2006-01-03 4:37 AM
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Rob Kamphausen said:

Wednesday said:
I thought Captain America was already registered.

is his ID public? or at least known to the whole government?

Unless it's been retconned, Cap revealed his identity to the entire world in the first arc of John Ney Rieber's post-9/11 run on Cap...

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as Chewy said. Iron Man, Cap, and Daredevil have all been outed. everybody's seen Spider-Man without his mask.

Thor's not around currently, pending his relaunch.

The X-Men were also outed as a school for mutants during Morrison's run and never really had civilian ids anyway. the whole idea is really silly, considering.

Grimm #609035 2006-01-03 12:03 PM
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DD is denying it.

Thor is dead.

Even odds the X-mansion will get blown up. Again.

Pimping my site, again.

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Quote: asks:
2. Obviously someone at Marvel must have considered the similarities between this storyline and one of the key plot points of The Watchmen. Is this story going to be intrinsically different from that premise, or is Civil War going to be be such an incredible story that we won't even care about any similarities?

Joe Quesada - To be honest, no, all we were looking at was our own universe and the idea of the ass soup registration act. What would happen if that was taken to extremes?

Watchmen and any similarities didn't come to mind at all.

Suuurreee....and NO ONE at Marvel watched the "Incredibles" either.

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Don't make me edit your post for clarity.

Rob #609038 2006-01-03 1:59 PM
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Rob Kamphausen said:

Wednesday said:
I thought Captain America was already registered.

is his ID public? or at least known to the whole government?


Wednesday said:
Spidey would probably consider it, then decide not to because of family.

so... then retire? function as a true vigilante?

what about others, thor, fantastic four, the x-men... who do you think will publically register and become, essentially, government operatives?

When Marvel says registered, I assume that doesn't mean the heroes will have to make their secret identities public or even known to the entire government. My guess is that only a priveledged few--maybe not even the President--would be given access to those files.

As far as the others, those have been answered. Thor's deader than dead...until he comes back. The FF have been public for a very long time. They never even bothered to wear masks. Bruce Banner is known.

The only big names I can really see this affecting are Daredevil, the X-teams, and Spider-Man. I'd say Elektra too, but I don't think she sticks to the USA all that much.

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So they effectively have to choose whether to go with the Government or become renegades?

What about SHIELD being complete bastards now that Nick Fury has gone? That seems to be a core focus of the New Avengers title, so if the President and all the other agencies that have only ever impeded super-heroes cant even keep a powerful world-saving organisation from going rogue, why the fuck would anyone trust them enough to reveal their identities and jeperdise anyone they ever socialise with?

"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here. Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!" "So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children." "Get off my lawn Cookie Beast!" --Invader Zim
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Wednesday said:When Marvel says registered, I assume that doesn't mean the heroes will have to make their secret identities public or even known to the entire government. My guess is that only a priveledged few--maybe not even the President--would be given access to those files.

Some insidious evil-doer would get ahold of the files sooner or later. Cap is already running an off-the-books super-team and has strictly said he cant be bothered with UN backing anyway, so I struggle to see where this would lead, unless even Cap turns his back on the corrupt Government and effectively all super-heroes operate outside of the law [not like this would effect any team-titles anyway]


As far as the others, those have been answered. Thor's deader than dead...until he comes back. Bruce Banner is known.

Thor ascended to a higher being or just dissapeared, he stopped the endless cycles of Ragnarock and killed everyone, but didnt die himself. This would be a good time for him to return at any-rate.

Banner could play a sweet little role in the game seen as he's wanted by the Government with all their shitty 'bring dead people back to life and employ them' crap


The only big names I can really see this affecting are Daredevil, the X-teams, and Spider-Man. I'd say Elektra too, but I don't think she sticks to the USA all that much.

Everyone knows Daredevils, he's just constantly denying it. Cant see it going further than that unless its reversed and somehow no-one knows his ID again

X-teams= renegades. Governments never had any love for filthy mutie scum. Unless, they all sign up and all the X-titles are drastically changed, which I cant really see happening seen as they've always operated outside the law

Spidey--Marvel will probably take the safe route and have him go renegade, but it would be interesting if he didnt.

"Now TV's all about format these days isn't it, and I've got a new type for you right here. Its me and Paris Hilton driving around in a car.... Now I know what you're thinking, but she's in the boot!" "So you see, 'Ring around the Rosey' refers to the horrible symptoms of a terrifying disease, a disease which.....a disease which....ZIM! Theres a Pigeon on you're head. You have 'Head Pigeons'. get to the Nurse before they spread to the other children." "Get off my lawn Cookie Beast!" --Invader Zim
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Flameswordsman said:

The only big names I can really see this affecting are Daredevil, the X-teams, and Spider-Man. I'd say Elektra too, but I don't think she sticks to the USA all that much.

Everyone knows Daredevils, he's just constantly denying it. Cant see it going further than that unless its reversed and somehow no-one knows his ID again

X-teams= renegades. Governments never had any love for filthy mutie scum. Unless, they all sign up and all the X-titles are drastically changed, which I cant really see happening seen as they've always operated outside the law

Spidey--Marvel will probably take the safe route and have him go renegade, but it would be interesting if he didnt.

Exactly. This is pretty much going to keep everything status quo at Marvel but just be a big event to try and get you to buy the books. The only way this can really do anything to the Marvel U is if they try and impose government control over the heroes, moving the supers around, giving them orders on who to go after, or pull a Tower of Babel and have the files, with detailed info on each one's powers and weaknesses, fall into some baddie's hands.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
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Matt Murdock got arrested by the FBI wearing his costume sans mask while being treated for wounds in the latest Daredevil, and now he's in prison.


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Wednesday said:I'd say Elektra too

Elektra IS her real name. So I don't think she has a secret ID. I see her more as Osama Bin Laden (to use a real world example) someone who's true ID is known and wanted, but whom hasnt yet been captured.

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Also, Elektra really isn't a hero.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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the G-man said:

Wednesday said:I'd say Elektra too

Elektra IS her real name. So I don't think she has a secret ID. I see her more as Osama Bin Laden (to use a real world example) someone who's true ID is known and wanted, but whom hasnt yet been captured.



thedoctor said:
Also, Elektra really isn't a hero.

True, but she's been known to perform superhero-type acts when the situation fits. She could fit under the government's definition of a superhero, methinks. And besides, they probably look at her in the same light as they do Spider-Man and Daredevil.

Which brings up another character: The Punisher. Does this mean the government will finally get off their asses and try to do something about the guy?

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Wednesday said:

thedoctor said:
Also, Elektra really isn't a hero.

True, but she's been known to perform superhero-type acts when the situation fits. She could fit under the government's definition of a superhero, methinks. And besides, they probably look at her in the same light as they do Spider-Man and Daredevil.

Actually, I think they'd look at her more in the light of HYDRA or Bullseye.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Wednesday said:The Punisher. Does this mean the government will finally get off their asses and try to do something about the guy?

I think its been established that the government knows bloody well exactly who the Punisher is, but turns the other way exactly because of who he kills.

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Even when he killed the Marvel Universe?

Thing is- I can’t spell or type. I spell so badly my spell check doesn’t even know what I was trying to spell. And I have five Eisners HAHAHAHHA!! -Brian Michael Bendis
Danny #609049 2006-01-04 12:30 PM
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Especially when he killed the Marvel Universe.

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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Fred Hembeck?

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

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Flameswordsman said:

Wednesday said:When Marvel says registered, I assume that doesn't mean the heroes will have to make their secret identities public or even known to the entire government. My guess is that only a priveledged few--maybe not even the President--would be given access to those files.

Some insidious evil-doer would get ahold of the files sooner or later. Cap is already running an off-the-books super-team and has strictly said he cant be bothered with UN backing anyway, so I struggle to see where this would lead, unless even Cap turns his back on the corrupt Government and effectively all super-heroes operate outside of the law [not like this would effect any team-titles anyway]


As far as the others, those have been answered. Thor's deader than dead...until he comes back. Bruce Banner is known.

Thor ascended to a higher being or just dissapeared, he stopped the endless cycles of Ragnarock and killed everyone, but didnt die himself. This would be a good time for him to return at any-rate.

Banner could play a sweet little role in the game seen as he's wanted by the Government with all their shitty 'bring dead people back to life and employ them' crap


The only big names I can really see this affecting are Daredevil, the X-teams, and Spider-Man. I'd say Elektra too, but I don't think she sticks to the USA all that much.

Everyone knows Daredevils, he's just constantly denying it. Cant see it going further than that unless its reversed and somehow no-one knows his ID again

X-teams= renegades. Governments never had any love for filthy mutie scum. Unless, they all sign up and all the X-titles are drastically changed, which I cant really see happening seen as they've always operated outside the law

Spidey--Marvel will probably take the safe route and have him go renegade, but it would be interesting if he didnt.

Actually, the second X-Factor team (the one led by Havok/Alex Summers) worked for the government, IIRC. And Spiderman going renegade doesn't seem too original either.

"Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money" - Ice Cube
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