McCain is only praised and uplifted by Democrats and the liberal press because of his periodic dissent from Bush, that allows them to say: "even Republicans don't agree with Bush."

But McCain is vulnerable on a number of issues, and if he ever becomes the candidate, Democrats will turn on him in a second and rip his credibility to shreds.

As evidenced by this liberal site:



  • McCain, like Bush, sucks up to the Christian yahoos by voicing support for teaching intelligent design in schools. He has said that kids should be exposed to this half-assed non-science because "all points of view" should be available to students.
    Down factor: America needs more science taught in schools and fewer spurious 'points of view.'

  • McCain was a recipient of campaign contributions/bribes from Charles H. Keating Jr's Lincoln Savings and Loan Association. He was amongst those censured for "questionable conduct" by the Department of Justice and the House Ethics Committee for obstructing investigations into its $3.4 billion collapse in 1989.
    Down factor: Please... we've had enough Republican crooks already.

  • McCain admitted to offering "military information" in exchange for special medical treatment while in captivity also does not endear him to some ex-POWs.
    Down factor: He served his country and had a rough time as a prisoner of war. But what the hell bearing would this have on his ability to be president?

  • McCain's five year stay in the Hanoi Hilton did not predispose him fondly to the Vietnamese people. He once said "I hate the gooks... I will hate them as long as I live."
    Down factor: Would the 13.5 million Americans of Asian descent be entirely confident in a 'gook-hating' president's ability to represent them?

  • McCain will be 73 years old in 2008. The Gipper is often cited as the apogee of presidential senility - and he was only 69 when he got elected. This is America - not the Soviet Union. Are we angling for a gerontocracy?
    Down factor: Old as dirt.

  • McCain once sent birthday greetings and regrets for not attending the party of Joseph "Joe Bananas" Bonano, the head of the New York Bonano crime family, after he retired to Arizona.
    Down factor: We don't want a president who sucks up to the Mafia. These days, the President is the Mafia, dumbass.

  • McCain tactfully divorced his wife Carol after she was crippled in a car wreck to hook up with the attractive and wealthy Cindy Hensley. In addition to being able-bodied, the fact that she was the daughter of millionaire Arizona beer baron Jim Hensley didn't hurt either.
    Down factor: Tacky machinations and terminal inability to keep dick in pants.

  • McCain graduated from the United States Naval Academy 894th out of a class of 899. Haven't we had enough special ed presidents already?
    Down factor: May be dumb as rock.

  • I wonder what the Dems, who are so critical of the 2004 Swiftvet ads against Kerry, have to say about attacks by their own on McCain's military service.