this is all I have saved up. I have two more on there but those bastards banned me before I could get them.
From: Joseph
To: Bill Jemas
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 8:59 pm
Subject: yo
Wazup biaaatch!!!
From: Bill Jemas
To: Joseph
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:20 pm
Subject: Re: yo
Hi Joseph! How are you? I love Michael Jackson so much but everyone hates him because they say he touched a child wrong and that is bad but Michael wouldn't do that because Michael is the r0x0rz LOL!!1! What's your favorite song? My favorite is Beat It because it gets me up and crazy OMG I love that song LOL!
From: Joseph
To: Bill Jemas
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:26 pm
Subject: Re: yo
Bill Jemas wrote:
well hello billy boy,i´m just doing fine, how yaa doing. yeagh i know every1 hates him but who fucking cares right, we are not his mommy,are we?? and to tell u the truth i aint a fan of his, so i dont have a favourite song. i am just an desperate troll that craves attention, but then again, aren´t we all?
Sent :: Message
From: Bill Jemas
To: Joseph
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:30 pm
Subject: Re: yo
I'm not a troll LOL I don't know what that is but my sister has one. OMG They're ugly things with stupid hair! How old are you? I'm 32 and a half but still hit the under 13 thing because I'm close to 13 right? LOL don't tell because I don't want to get in trouble!