MisterJLA is strolling through the backstage area, looking sad. As he rounds the corner, he bumps into Chesty LaRue!
<embarrassed> JLA: Oh, hello there.
Chesty: Do you want something, or are you just going to stand there and stare like an idiot?
JLA: Be nice. I only have one thing on my mind right now.
Chesty: Oh, the tournament, eh? I'm sure you'd like your team of The Allied Powers to face The Dark Lords for revenge. Sure you and Howdy won the Hell in a Cell a while back, but last time you clashed with any Dark Lord, Darth took your IC Title in a Casket Match!
Still stings, doesn't it?
Well, I have no control over team matchups in the tournament. But rest assured...
JLA stares at Chesty's chest, while licking his lips. He then looks confused...
JLA: Huh? There's a tag tournament going on?
Chesty: Of course! What did you mean when you had only one thing on your mind...
An outraged look comes across Chesty's face!
JLA hits the floor...
Chesty: I hope The Powers don't even get invited to T.I...the event! The winning team becomes the number one contenders, and gets a Tag Title shot at RobbleMania! You guys had your run, and it's over!
Chesty storms off. Captain Howdy then rounds the corner...
Howdy: What happened this time, gibbon?
JLA: Oh, the usual. Hey! Did you hear about T.I.T.S?
Howdy arches his neck, and watches Chesty walk away until she disappears out of sight...
Howdy: Her name is Chesty! And I thought you've given up on her!
JLA: Nooooo, T.I.T.S.! It's some sort of tag team tournament, or some rubbish. The winning team gets to be #1 contenders for the Tag Team Championships! Just think, we could be #1 contenders if we enter and win!
Howdy: Why should we bother with that?!? We're first in line anyway, since we're the former champions!
JLA:True, but not only could we be first in line, but we could also be #1 contenders!
Howdy: You fucking moron...oh, forget it!
Captain Howdy walks away, leaving JLA on the backstage floor, rubbing his face where Chesty slapped him...