
thedoctor said:

r3x29yz4a said:
Stewart's a fine actor, but he's pushing 66. Also he's too refined to be Spider.
Spider needs to be the guy who opens the door naked pointing a bowel disrupter at someone.
Spider needs to jump up on tables and kick someone in the face.

HA! You obviously know little about Patrick Stewart the man. He cusses like a sailor and apparently gets annoyed by shit he can't control (just like Spider). Despite his age, I think he's a perfect match for the character.

"What do you know about rabbits? Rabbits are eating away at my house and I've done fuck all to them!" Patrick Stewart to Warren Ellis during dinner at some posh restaurant.

"Patrick Stewart comes from that generation of actors that are completely mad. . .his dream role is one where he can run around naked and screaming. . ." Warren Ellis, describing Stewart.