In an attempt to curb some recent abuses on the boards, until further notice we will be imposing pre-moderation on all users who have a post count of less than 500.

If you have a post count of more than 500 and still have pre-moderation turned on, please send an email to the moderator ( to have this rectified.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, and thank you for your patience.

- DC Mod

Fuck that. I am not a child that needs to have my hand held. If you were to add up my post counts from each board that they've ran into the ground, I'd probably have well over 4,000. Only because they hit the reset button whenever some genius gets the bright idea to change boards to something more ugly, tacky and garish, people start off at zero again.

If they can't be arsed to handle trolls and approve membership to a satisfactory level, they can go kiss Gob's left nut. Whatevr happened to tracking by IP address, blocking email addy's etc.?