Don't Buy This! Worst Valentine's Gifts

Americans will dish out a staggering $13.7 billion on Valentine's Day, according to the National Retail Federation. That's a lot of red roses and chocolate hearts.

But there are some things you should never buy your sweetie on this day of love, such as nose hair trimmers for men or PMS relief pills for women. The retail team, an online site where you can purchase all sorts of embarrassing products for constipation, warts and hemorrhoids to name a few, has issued a helpful list for lovers that is unlike any other Valentine's Day shopping guide. It tells you what NOT to buy.

The 5 Worst Valentine's Day Gifts for Men:

1-The Razorba back shaver
2-Premature ejaculation cream
3-Fart filters
4-Erectile dysfunction pump
5-Nose hair trimmers

The 5 Worst Valentine's Day Gifts for Women:

1-Weight loss pills
2-PMS relief pills
3-Pregnancy test
4-Hair removal wax
5-Man Catcher Voodoo Kit

If money is no object, and we really mean it's of no concern at all, you could take one of the suggestions of Jim Trippon, a certified public accountant and one of America's foremost authorities on the money habits of self-made millionaires. Here's his list of:

The Top 10 Most Outrageously Expensive Valentine's Day Gifts:

1-Annaliesse yacht, $95 Million
2-Satya Paul tie, $21 Million
3-Scott Henshall dress, $5 Million
4-Caran d'Ache's "La Modernista Diamonds" pen, $265,000
5-White Alba 2 lb. 10 oz. truffle, $112,000
6-Chateau d'Yquem Sauternes (1787) wine, $64,000 per bottle
7-Gucci "Genius Jeans," $3,134
8-Lee Stafford "Couture Haircut," $1,925
9-Golden Opulence Ice Cream Sundae, $1,000
10-Platinum Guild International "I Do" nail polish, $250 per bottle

Trippon's love advice? "Get real and deal with your budget. Be honest with each other about your money habits and come up with a plan to spend it as a couple. It will improve your love life!"

Chocolate and red roses probably sound like the perfect gifts now!