pig iron: doc i wantbyou havoc.next week...you losre..you
pig iron: you perecule lost atifacts and losers like sammitch and chewy
pig iron : ahh now ya go
pig iron: this is funny
pig iron: ya bastad... corn is an all time low now..yta can't cornhole. at willl. ya snekay freak. I'm wasted.....and schwarz is watchin' mjy ass....screw you you big p[lump bastad. paragon is a big ol''pudddyy puddy pudddyyyyy.
PI is dri=unk: fucxk dat ya hormnone imbalanced pottager....nowhereman would say you were welsh and ibelieves him. caus you are noit human.
PI: tak a swallow of my shit that is cumin to you younold fart io do not displease. ea6t my semenb boy. My sperm is the high count..you enlist in the viagra nation.
PI: my victory is treu and i will defeat you..that rhyned....step bavck you janus of rdcw..you liare..eat my pants and on them schwarz will dance because no one bcaks you..you are like the avaian flu..you cogiity crogitty ol bastahd.
lame like your sammitch and chewy and penwing you bring nothing tomnthe ring...come on doc..face adrunken piggy...a loser....
Last edited by Pig Iron; 2006-02-16 2:18 AM.