Backstage, The Crotch is interviewing the m.W.o
Crotch: Guys, tonight you face off against Darth and Pig Iron. What are your thoughts?
SPAMM: Well, Crotch, first I'd just like to say that this whole deal is totally unfair. I mean, we're in the Dark Lords too! I think. Hey, Chevy, we're still with the Dark Lords, right?
SPAMM: Absolutely! See, Chevy's got this right. This is just more of Doc's BS!
Critch: Eh, riight. What's your game plan going into this match?
SPAMM: At the moment, we're looking at a plan dedicated to the two pillars of the m.W.o: Running, and Hiding. If that doesn't work, well, we've got a secret third man debuting for us, and he'll take them on!
Crotch: A third member of the m.W.o? Who is it?
SPAMM: If I told you, it wouldn't be secret would it? But rest assured, he's in the building! In fact, he's in the locker room right now, getting ready!
From the locker room we hear a bellowed 'KNEEL BEFORE...' but Chevy and SPAMM slam the door closed before we can hear any more
SPAMM: Well, we'd love to stay and chat, but we've gotta go get ready for our match! And you've got somewhere that isn't here! Yeah, that's right! Come on, you don't wanna be late
the m.W.o drag Crotch away, as we go back to the ring