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#628385 2006-02-15 5:57 AM
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T.I.T.s Match 1
single choice
Joey From Friends / LLance (46%, 6 Votes)
Rex / Pariah (54%, 7 Votes)
Total Votes: 13
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 3:38 AM
T.I.T.s Match 2
single choice
The Crotch / Bookaki (50%, 6 Votes)
Los Vatos de Fuego (50%, 6 Votes)
Total Votes: 12
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 3:38 AM
T.I.T.s Match 3
single choice
Johnny Evil / Big Fat Elvis (58%, 7 Votes)
Liberal Conspiracy (42%, 5 Votes)
Total Votes: 12
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 3:38 AM
T.I.T.s Match 4
single choice
Darth / Pig Iron (50%, 6 Votes)
Monkey World Order (50%, 6 Votes)
Total Votes: 12
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 3:38 AM
Hotties Match #1 Contender
single choice
Nuriko (50%, 6 Votes)
Princess Elisa (50%, 6 Votes)
Total Votes: 12
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 3:38 AM
Tables Match World Tag Titles
single choice
Outcasts (C) (100%, 12 Votes)
Team OC (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Votes: 12
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 3:38 AM

I make stars, baby!
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass
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pig iron: doc i wantbyou

pig iron: you perecule lost atifacts and losers like sammitch and chewy
pig iron : ahh now ya go

pig iron: this is funny

pig iron: ya bastad... corn is an all time low now..yta can't cornhole. at willl. ya snekay freak. I'm wasted.....and schwarz is watchin' mjy ass....screw you you big p[lump bastad. paragon is a big ol''pudddyy puddy pudddyyyyy.
PI is dri=unk: fucxk dat ya hormnone imbalanced pottager....nowhereman would say you were welsh and ibelieves him. caus you are noit human.

PI: tak a swallow of my shit that is cumin to you younold fart io do not displease. ea6t my semenb boy. My sperm is the high enlist in the viagra nation.

PI: my victory is treu and i will defeat you..that rhyned....step bavck you janus of my pants and on them schwarz will dance because no one bcaks are like the avaian cogiity crogitty ol bastahd.
lame like your sammitch and chewy and penwing you bring nothing tomnthe ring...come on doc..face adrunken piggy...a loser....

Last edited by Pig Iron; 2006-02-16 2:18 AM.

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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass
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man I'm drunkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass
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shoulda held handdddddd

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Award-Winning Author
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That... That's the greatest promo EVAH!!!!

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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Backstage, The Crotch is interviewing the m.W.o

Crotch: Guys, tonight you face off against Darth and Pig Iron. What are your thoughts?

SPAMM: Well, Crotch, first I'd just like to say that this whole deal is totally unfair. I mean, we're in the Dark Lords too! I think. Hey, Chevy, we're still with the Dark Lords, right?


SPAMM: Absolutely! See, Chevy's got this right. This is just more of Doc's BS!

Critch: Eh, riight. What's your game plan going into this match?

SPAMM: At the moment, we're looking at a plan dedicated to the two pillars of the m.W.o: Running, and Hiding. If that doesn't work, well, we've got a secret third man debuting for us, and he'll take them on!

Crotch: A third member of the m.W.o? Who is it?

SPAMM: If I told you, it wouldn't be secret would it? But rest assured, he's in the building! In fact, he's in the locker room right now, getting ready!

From the locker room we hear a bellowed 'KNEEL BEFORE...' but Chevy and SPAMM slam the door closed before we can hear any more

SPAMM: Well, we'd love to stay and chat, but we've gotta go get ready for our match! And you've got somewhere that isn't here! Yeah, that's right! Come on, you don't wanna be late

the m.W.o drag Crotch away, as we go back to the ring

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Quick Runoff polls. Keep posting your promos.
Runoff 1
single choice
Crotch / Bookaki (73%, 8 Votes)
Vatos Fuego (27%, 3 Votes)
Total Votes: 11
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 3:38 AM
Runoff 2
single choice
Darth / PI (82%, 9 Votes)
MWO (18%, 2 Votes)
Total Votes: 11
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 3:38 AM
Runoff 3
single choice
Nuriko (33%, 4 Votes)
Elisa (67%, 8 Votes)
Total Votes: 12
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 3:38 AM

I make stars, baby!
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Monroe: Fans, we've just gotten word that more events are transpiring backstage! Let's take you to Joey Biles!

Joey: Thank you, Mike! As you can see behind me, Pig Iron is still drunk and has been surrounded by Dr. Paragon's security guards!

PI: Let go of me, you bastards!

DP: Get him out of here! I want him out of the building! Toss him out on his drunken ass!

PI: Fight me, you semen sucking bitch!

DP: That. . .is. . .it! That's it! You want me? You'll get me! Next week. . .Dr. William Paragon takes this drunken hoodlum back to school! Now get rid of him!

JB: You heard it here first, Mike! Paragon has accepted Pig Iron's challenge for next week!

Monroe & Bastardo:

Let me tell you something, just because something is in a graphic format doesn't mean it needs to be apologized for. And just because a novel is serious, doesn't mean it's serious fiction. The only thing comics should worry about is telling a good story. You do that and people will find it. -Brad Meltzer
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I Am Groot
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Camera fades to the locker room,where Chris Oakley and El Superbeasto are taping up in preparation for their tag team title defense against Team OC.

SUPERBEASTO:This will be a good night for us,verdad?

CHRIS:Amen to that.After tonight's match,Team OC's definitely going to have wood...we'll make their caskets with it.

The reigning RDCW tag team champions laugh their heads off.

CHRIS:Oh yeah,it's good to be the champs...


The Giant Luchadore high-fives his tag team partner and with that,the champions pick up their belts and head to the ring.

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Buhgawb RDCW fans, ah have a very special video message for you from our current heavyweight cheese champion.

What a slobberknocker!
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Hip To Be Square
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The video clip starts & Nowhereman is sitting in a rather comfortable looking leather chair in his home in England!

Some of you may be wondering why I have not been seen since I won the title at The Randy Rumble, and I thought it only fair to let you know!

After my win, our esteemed general manager, thecockboy, was so upset that he did'nt book me for Havoc last week, and did'nt even make mention that we have a new champion!

Now while this jealousy is no surprise to anyone, I was surprised that he would disrespect you fans & the title by totally ignoring the man who currently holds it!

Now I tried to make an appearance last week, but security was informed that I was not allowed to enter the Cheesedome!

I decided to take this opportunity to take some time off to recharge my batteries and visit the old home soil!

Obviously this must be upsetting to most of you not being able to see your hero, but I am sure you understand that I need to be on top form when I defend my title at No Way Out Of The Closet!

Now who I will be defending against is a whole other story as even I am not sure who it will be.

What I do know is that I showed those amateurs what a true pro is.
Gimmp, Joan Mammary & Stinky Bunny constantly harped on about the pupils surpassing the master, yet here I sit with this fine piece of gold, while they have...........oh yeah, nothing!
What they forgot is that I taught them everything they know, not everything "I" know!

MisterGayLA has a title shot at Robblemania, as we all know, and I'd be a fool to automatically assume that it will be me defending against him, but let me assure you this.
As long as I am your champion, I will never let a talentless fool like him wear this belt!
And if any of those losers in the IV wanna get involved, well I will lay your little faction to waste just like I did with the Daft Lords!

Oh, and one more thing for thecockjaw, I spoke to Kamperdoodle, and he told me two things:
1) If you so much as try to strip me of this title, you will lose you job
2) You left your underpants in his bedroom, and he wants to know if you want them back

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T.I.T.s Matches
Joey From Friends and LLance vs. Rex and Pariah

Joey From Friends and LLance entered the T.I.T.s very confident and cocky as the reigning GBW tag team champions! But they had never faced a team comprised of two crazed competitors such as Rex and Pariah!

Storming the ring, the two rushed their foes before the bell and engaged in an all out brawl! Rex ducked an AvaLLance attempt and hit his Wet Sprocket move, as Pariah held Joey at bay with a groin claw!

Rex and Pariah got the win and advanced in the T.I.T.s!

I make stars, baby!
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T.I.T.s Matches
The Crotch and Buhhkakkee vs. Los Vatos de Fuego

The two RDCW backstage announcers teamed up for their first ever match against the former RDLL champions. They managed to hold their own, but as Los Vatos Fuegos attempted their finisher, Lor ran down to the ring and distracted Lothar!

She tossed something over to the Crotch, who grabbed it and smiled wickedly. Crotch pasted one of Vatos Fuegos directly in the face, and the luchadore dropped to the mat! The Crotch pinned him as he called for Lor to help him celebrate! Lor stepped in the ring and gave Crotch a big hug, before pulling back and hitting a Punch & Judy on him!

Lor blew Crotch and the fans several kisses before leaving the ring.

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T.I.T.s Matches
Johnny Evil and Big Fat Elvis vs. The Liberal Conspiracy

The Conspiracy hit the ring first as their manager, The Insane Liberal, ranted and raved at ringside!

Monroe: We haven't seen the Conspiracy in some time, Louie! They've been down in GBW apparently. What do you know about GBW?

Bastardo: Well, I know it's Nowhereman's favorite fed!

Monroe: Will you stop? Be serious!

"Soarin" then played as Johnny Evil, Big Fat Elvis, and Arial headed down to the ring.

Monroe: What? Him again? But he's already entered in the T.I.T.s!

Bastardo: He entered twice because he's eeeevvvviiilllll, Monroe!

Evil and Elvis managed to work together to keep the Libs off guard, until Elvis fell over the ropes, landing square on top of Whomod! Evil hit Jim Jackson with his patented WedWay PeopleMover and it was all over! Evil advanced again!

Monroe: He's in the tournament twice! What if he has to face himself?

Bastardo: What? Listen to yourself, Monroe! That's ridiculous!

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T.I.T.s Matches
Darth and Pig Iron vs. Monkey World Order

The Dark Lords were first down, to a heated reception from the fans.

Monroe: The fans aren't fond of the Dark Lords!

Louie: Last time I checked it wasn't the fans that decided who won a match!

With a cry of 'BROTHER BROTHER BROTHER! WE'RE TAKING OVER!' the Monkey World Order came down the ramp. They were somewhat taken aback by the fans' enthusiastic pop, and SPAMM even went so far as to yell 'You're supposed to boo!'

The match started with Darth in the ring against Chevy Nova, and the Sith Lord quickly went to work, utterly dominating the smaller man. However, the beating quickly went beyond simple wrestling, as Darth started to choke Chevy in the Dark Lords corner, breaking the hold only to tag in Pig Iron. The pair continued to work over Nova, pounding him with a series of brutal double-teams before using a distraction by Chesty to hit Chevy with a vicious double chair shot. However, SPAMM entered the ring to hit both members of the Dark Lords with a double chop-block.

Monroe: SPAMM's coming to the aid of his partner!

Louie: Boy is he gonna regret that!

Sure enough, SPAMM was soon destroyed by the pair, as his attempt at a Chop! was reversed into a double chokeslam. With both members of the m.W.o laid out in the ring it looked like The Dark Lords had the match in the bag. But as Pig Iron went for the pin the arena reverberated with a cry of 'KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!' as ZOD came to the ring!

Monroe: BUHGAWD!


ZOD entered the ring, steel chair in hand, but as he went to hit Darth with it The Sith Lord grabbed him and hit a Darkside Slam, knocking The General out!

Louie: Well that was less than inspiring!

As the ref returned his attention to the match Pig Iron went for the pin, scoring a 1-2-3 to win the match. As the bell went Pig Iron and Darth shook hands.

Monroe: It looks like the Dark Lords are on the same page at last!

Louie: If these boys keep their act ogether nobody can stop them!

I make stars, baby!
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Hotties Match #1 Contender
Nuriko vs. Princess Elisa

Nuriko's challenge was ended when she missed a top rope Hiroshima Mama, allowing for Elisa to lock in Absolution, giving the Princess the win and the title shot at No Way Out of the Closet!

I make stars, baby!
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Tables Match World Tag Titles
Outcasts (C) vs. Team OC

Monroe: Fans, here's what Team OC had to say earlier today!

Cut to a pre-taped video promo, showing Brother Joe OC, Brother Faarooq OC, and Christine OC in the arena.

Joe OC: Last week. . .last week. . .Chris. . .Superbeasto. . .you left us laying in our own blood! But you made a mistake, Chris. Just like when you and that fat, former manager of yours filed suit against us for using your name! You see, all you've done is piss us off and motivate us to further kick your asses and take those belts that rightfully belong to us!

Christine OC: Got wood, Chris! We do!

Faarooq OC: Oh, my bruthas, TESTICLES!!!!!

The rough strains of Powerman 5000 threatened to shake the Cheesedome off its foundations as the three Oakley clones marched down to the ring.The crowd made no effort to hide its disdain for Team OC,and neither did Louie Bastardo...

LB: These clowns shouldn't even be in the same country with the champs, let alone the same ring!

MIKE "THE MOUTH" MONROE: The Outcasts made the challenge, Louie--take it up with them!

As Team OC was posing in front of the table inside the ring,making lewd insinuations about their opponents(and certain members of the RDCW broadcast team),Judas Priest's "Breaking the Law" exploded from the PA and the reigning RDCW tag team champions rushed out of the locker room and proceeded to lay a furious beatdown on the challengers.

MONROE:Chris is tearing into Joe OC like a man possessed! Superbeasto just laid Christine OC out cold with the Chokeslam to Oblivion!

LB: That's why they're the champs, Monroe-- they're aggressive and not shy about taking advantage of opportunities!

Team OC fought as long as they could,but the champions stayed in control for the rest of the match,and less than ten minutes after it started the carnage came to an end as Chris Oakley signalled the Giant Luchadore to lift Brother Faarooq OC in the air...

MONROE:My God, Chris looks like he's really enjoying this!

LB:Can you blame him, Monroe? These assholes have been trying to steal his good name for years! Why shouldn't he get him some payback now?

MONROE: Chris gives the sign....and there it is!The Odd Man Out!(Brother Faarooq goes crashing through the table and the referee signals the timekeeper to ring the bell)The Outcasts have won the table match! They've retained the tag titles and annihilated Team OC!

But the mayhem wasn't over yet; with encouragement from the Giant Luchadore, Chris brought another table into the ring for some post-match fun...

LB: Looks like the champs are getting ready to put the icing on the cake!

MONROE: Joe OC being hoisted into the air....WHAM! Chris Oakley just nailed him him with the Red Alert!

The champions posed triumphantly with their title belts as "Havoc" went off the air.

I make stars, baby!

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