But anyway...
As noted above, I've thumbed through the book at the store. One of the things that I have trouble suspending disbelef for is the fact that, so far, every Marvel hero, regardless of powers, got afflicted with the virus.
In the past, for example, we've seen both Wolverine and Hulk's healing factors fight off viruses and the like.
And Thor is a mystical god. And HE got it?
Furthermore, as a flesh eating zombie, wouldn't Thor become "unworthy" of holding the hammer?
Similarly, it seems just..odd...to me that the characters, including characters who are loners when "normal," would suddenly band together and work in harmony once they became zombies.
Again, go back to the Hulk-zombie. Hulk is a loner and a brute when not a zombie. Wouldn't a zombie Hulk, instead of hanging around with the Avengers, be like some sort of wild card "eating machine" that got stronger as he got hungrier and who would eat the other heroes, no matter how bad they taste?
There's just too much disbelief to suspend here for me.