I don't know or really care for you but PJP and G-man are cunts!
Joe Mama, you're not much better!
This book is shit hot!
Finally, Marvel is letting people go wild with their characters - out-fucking-rageus!
I was sad as shit to see Magneto bite it!
Amazed to see the Silver Surfer - THIS IS HOW THE CHARACTER SHOULD BE SEEN, just as PAD did in Hulk a few years back!
WUH THE! poor Black Panther!
Has Pym got an idea to cure the Zombies!
SAD, to see what they did to Surfer - will they do the same to Galactus?
Hilarious what has happened to Iron Man, Cap, Wolverine!
This is the best mini-series since Spider-man/Human Torch and to be honest, one of the best ever Marvel mini series!
If editorial would let loose on their such close reigns of characters(such as this mini series), maybe comics have a future!
Please let Grant Morrison go wild on Batman!
I have to agree w/ Roy...G-Man and PJP are cunts! 
I also agree this is one hell of a mini-series! I didn't pick it up until late but have absolutely loved it. The way they wrapped it all up? I don't know if this was the best ending or not. Guess I'll have to wait for Marvel Zombies 2 and see if they can keep the concept fresh and interesting.
I did find it absolutely hilarious that Peter was transformed into a Zombie and was still filled with his trademark angst! Too bad he didn't get to take a bite out of Jonah as well! That would have been something he could have felt good about!
-----once over and twice twisted---------