
harleykwin said:
Haven't had time to read it yet. How does Superboy punching anything bring back Jason? Spoil it for me please.


Posted by shamon on Friday, March 03 2006 at 05:32:31 GMT

In Batman Annual #25, Jason Todd's resurrection was finally explained. Apparently Jason had died at the hands of Joker, but when Superboy Prime broke out of the paradise dimension created by Alexander Luthor, he altered the current reality, thus restoring things to the way they were supposed to be (in this case, Jason Todd was never meant to die). From there, a temporal anomaly partially regenerated Jason's decaying body, and the young boy broke out of his coffin. Suffering from shock (due to his head trauma and wounds), he wandered the streets in a catatonic state, until a lost couple found him and brought him to a hospital. There, he lapsed into a coma and was subsequently transported to Huntington Covalescent Home.

One year later, Jason regained consciousness, but suffered from amnesia. Driven by sheer will alone, he managed to escape the convalescent home and consequently began living in an alley. Surviving on pure instinct, with no memory of his previous life as Robin, he got into a fight one night with another homeless man who accused him of sleeping "in his spot". During the fight, Jason's memory was jogged and his combat skills kicked in. Thomas Cabone, a one time gun-runner who was taken out by Batman and Robin years earlier, recognized the troubled teen as the former Boy Wonder, and quickly informed Talia al Ghul, who took possession of Jason in an attempt to rehabilitate him with Ra's al Ghul's permission.

When another year passed and Jason still remained in a vegetative state, Ra's al Ghul ordered his daughter to send him away. Talia of course refused, and managed to submerge Jason in a life rejuvinating Lazarus Pit. When he resurfaced, Jason's physical and mental health were fully restored, including the memory of his own murder. Talia then helped him escape, and urged him not to seek out Batman, but instead "to learn the truth" about what happened. Right before letting Jason go, she bestowed upon him a kiss, and proclaimed "you remain unavenged".

After that, Jason began following the history of his demise, discovering that Batman indeed had not killed The Joker after his murder. Eventually he made a pact with Thomas Elliot (Hush) to confront Batman in the cemetary where he was supposedly buried. He then switched places with Clayface who fought against Batman, so he could observe them do battle from afar. He had hoped to see some trace of regret in Batman for not punishing The Joker, but when the Dark Knight expressed no such remorse, Jason felt even more betrayed, and took up the mantle of the Red Hood

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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