i must sheepishly admit that i didn't mind it too much.

actually... the pictures i have of harley touching herself are quite lovely! post your email addresses, and i'll send them around.

... but with the book... i think i sorta liked it. well, the story, at least.

no fan of winnick am i, but... seriously, with comics, or just batman comics, or just batman comics in the past 12 months, we've seen much, much, much worse.

the annual just summed up the whole story line, with a pretty high level of comic book logic. everything fit in and fell into place and, i thought, wrapped up quite nicely. it had his rebirth make sense, have a type of justification, gave jason a real motive... even sorta made sense! its kind of a cool twist, for jason to be mad at batman for not avenging his death, then madder at batman when bruce didn't express frustration and grief over his own inaction, towards the joker.

granted, bringing jason todd back from the dead, at all is still something i dunno if i enjoy too much. but, with everything being said and done and keeping it as is... t'wudn't too bad.

giant picture