
PCG342 said:
hahaha. This is as good of a time as any to say it:
Most of you guys are disrespectful assholes.
And most of ya ain't single, either!
The fact of the matter is, I just don't see what the point is of sounding like a complete idiot in public when it comes to members of the opposite sex. Most people, because of this behavior, think of me as "asexual" or assume I'm gay. No, it's merely called respectful, and not understanding the point of sounding like such a dumbass.
Maybe the whole point of such behavior is to define your sexuality, so others know it. Maybe I'm too young to get all of this stuff.

Or maybe everybody else is just insecure.

Many of them happen to be taken or married or expecting, and they'll turn it around and say that you're the lonely or desperate one. It's an ego defense and can't take the criticism, nothing more. In real life, they say "Why are you talking to yourself?" I find it quite amusing, which is why I'll never leave this place.

And hi karla.

JPJ to Danbey Donavan

"That never gets old."