
PJP said:
I agree with everyone....seriously.

Pro is right.....evrything in moderation. Sometimes jokes go too far and too long (except with rex). All great artists need to reinvent themselves every once in awhile. Also don't dish out insults and punishment if you aren't willing to take a ribbing(for her pleasure) as well.

With that said.....serious discussion happens on a daily basis here so I'm not too worried about that. Even if some douchebag derails a thread in lets say the Comic Forum, if the topic is good enough it will get back on track on it's own and it always does.

And of course I agree with mxy and Jaburg, a little havoc and chaos never hurt anyone. Most importantly laughter is the lifeblood of this place. Keep the laughs coming.

i agree in that the nonsense and general lighthearted approach to everything is what got me here. everything is a joke, but, i love to laugh. as with everything i think it can go too far, but i don't know that if it wasn't what it is, that i would even be here. there are times it gets agitating, or frustrating but then i stumble across somthing funny and it's all good again. get your zingers in when you can, take your lumps when you get'm and enjoy is what i try to do. and somehow along the way, i managed to find links to a few kick ass sights, got a few cool pics.


PJP said:
also Pro made a good point about klint and Jim Jackson.....

i agree with both of you.