I-Man, the regulars here have no more or less right to post here than you do. It's freedom for anyone to post on these boards, and you shouldn't allow anything to keep you from that if you want to join in. There will continue to be those that do what they do. But, if it bothers you, ignore it. You were here before ninety-percent of these people. And, I wondered why you and Bibbo dropped out of sight for so long. Stick around this time. You might have fun.

As for a clique, it's only natural that friendships are born between a selection or groups of posters. But, keep in mind, cliques are only that to those that feel they are part of it. For example, I pre-date PJP, PC, Klinton, etc. However, there are certain running jokes, gags, and cliques within their "groups" that I do not understand or participate in, mainly born from chats and the OT-Forum. However, when, say, Grimm, Sneaky, or Joe Mama start up, I pretty much understand most of their "jokes". Whether I participate in it is my choice, and I do not feel any more or less a part of this community either way.

So, Harley, I-Man, even Beardguy....if you don't feel "included" in a particular sect of posters, then, don't worry about it. It makes no difference one way or the other. You are your own individual self, and should take what you want from these boards at any time. No group of posters has any more or less sway than the individuals themselves.

Just saying. Stick around and do what's fun. That's the point...