I'll say this, about the Writer's Block forum...

Coming here to these boards at Rob's suggestion after he had deleted the JLR thread on the DCMBs has probably been my best experience in my years online.

However, when I first came, the Writer's block forum, or hero headquarters as it was known back then, welcomed myself and the other immigrants with what appeared to be open arms. But afterwards it felt like a VERY closed and a very elitist forum. I cannot speak for my fellow JLRians, but I myself did most certainly not feel welcome at all.

I really don't know how the mood is there now as I seldom venture in there anymore.
I'm not even holding anything against anyone who uses that forum, not at all. The open welcome simply seemed hollow, indifferent and utterly useless.

On another, and more serious note. I'm very much opposed to the targeting of individual posters here. I'll use the "Oakley affair" as an example.

It was like the entire message board turned against a single poster and harrassed him in every possible way because of a few jokes. Yes, I'm aware that it was Oakley himself that didn't like one particuliar joke and that he did indeed fan the flames, making it worse. But the amount of "hate" for lack of a better word, astounded me.

It seemed, nay, it WAS uncalled for.

Some people can take it, others can't. I think this is one the few things that posters here should realize, or at least try to realize.

Racks be to MisterJLA