I have to disagree with this "Assholes came first" mentality/platform. It's illogical and ill-suited for a message board that wishes to avoid stagnation, inbreeding, and finally, obscurity.

I mean, that is, assuming Rob wants to evolve these boards into a larger crowd. He pushes the Poster Phoenix, and the recruiting of new blood. So, I can only assume that's what he wants. But, again with the moderation and balance, I also know that no one really wants to put up with a "Shazamgrrl" type that is only interested in one agenda, or, a "jacklildeath" that is intolerant of every other opinion but their own. There ARE, however, hundreds of "Lor"s, "I-Man"s, and "Harley"s out there that could be a great asset to this community, and bring many positive aspects....as well as someone new to talk to.

As with every single thing I've ever posted on these boards, it's all just my personal opinion. I respect your right to have a different one...