
Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Ah, what do you know?

shut it, n00b!!1!


Nowhereman said:
It seems people want to join a message board community that already exists, then change it to their own community rather than fit in with what is already set up!

valid point. and i totally agree -- y'can't join something and expect to change what "is."

but at the same time, there's no reason why what "is" can't change, or evolve, on its own. like, according to this topic, and other similar discussions, there are a number of long-standing posters that would like things to change.

not least of which, myself. (...and i hope i've made it very clear that i put no more stock in what i say than anybody else. and i've tried, as best as i can, to make these boards as equal as possible.)

serious comic book discussions is something i'd love to have more of. being a huge, fat nerd, comic books are something i really love to talk about. same with video games and wrestling and boobies and tv shows. its sorta frustrating to see a lack of fun topics -- even more so to see an otherwise good topic peed on with the "you're gay"s.

i think pro is right in his use of the term "balance."

there will always-be the never-was natureboys to keep things in check. its got to be silly here, and if it wasn't, i'd shut the fucker down.

but i think (a) if a greater effort by "serious" posters was made to create "serious" posts and (b) a greater effort by "not serious" posters was made to tollerate the "serious" posts, we'd have a happier lil family. with hugging and gaying.

giant picture