How many times has somebody here posted a serious (I dont think this is the best word, but it will suffice) topic only for it to get ignored?

The fact is that most people come here to have fun & let off steam, not to be "serious".

The sports forum is full of discussions & news, as are the media & comic book forums, if people choose not to join in those topics, then whose fault is it if the degenerate into crap?

Like you say Rob, if people want the DT forum to stop being political then change it instead of whining.
If people wanna discuss comics, wrestling, football, Serenity or whatever, discuss it & ignore all the crap instead of whining about it!

Try to equate a message board to your life.
Do we get to pick & chose what shit happens to you on a daily basis?
Do we get to pick who our work colleagues are?
Do we get to pick our families?

The answer to that is no, but we have to make the best of what is handed to us & ignore all the shit that gets thrown at us on a daily basis!

The difference with a message board is you can walk away with no repercussions, its your choice if you stay!