
Nowhereman said:
How many times has somebody here posted a serious (I dont think this is the best word, but it will suffice) topic only for it to get ignored?


if people choose not to join in those topics, then whose fault is it if the degenerate into crap?


which is why i said that its not just up to you and other "not serious" posters, but rather those upset with it.

if y'want change, y'havta make change.

if people want more "good" posts, y'gotta make more good posts, instead of being upset that there aren't enough of them.


Nowhereman said:
Like you say Rob, if people want the DT forum to stop being political then change it instead of whining.
If people wanna discuss comics, wrestling, football, Serenity or whatever, discuss it & ignore all the crap instead of whining about it!

i agree(d)!

its a balance on both sides.


cross said:

Rob Kamphausen said
"the power ... is yours!" (i can't remember the cartoon or movie that used that slogan, but i hear it very vividly in my mind!)

captain planet

good man.

giant picture