
Prometheus said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
but, criminy, leno is coming up with new material on occasion. bob hope knew he could only get away with some things forever. a lot of what i'm most annoyed with on these boards isn't just labled as "bad posts" but a total lack of creativity!

...you can call me gay a thousand times, and it never upsets me. and mebbe the first 10 are funny and the first 100 are "tradition." but after that... its awful. just bad. and not because i've begun to take offense, but because its just gone from being "funny" to being "clutter."

Exactly my point. Perfect.

But then taking that into account, what would Bob & Jay be without their traditional trademarks?

They might occasionally throw in the odd new joke, but people watch/watched them to see stuff they expect from them.

Another good analogy would be music.
Lets say you liked Bon Jovi.
You like them because they perform the kind of music you like.
Now one day Bon Jovi decide they need to evolve, or expand their repetoire & start performing songs that sound like Creed.
That might be well & good for a few people, but people who are fans of Bon Jovi wanna hear Bon Jovi, not something new!

AC/DC have never changed their style yet they still continue to have hit albums & sell out concerts.
Not bad for a band with 30 odd years in the business.
Go tell them they need to try something new!