
harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:

harleykwin said:

PJP said:

harleykwin said:

Animalman said:
I agree with most of mxy/nowhereman/PJP's points, with the one exception being that I find this forum to be very cliquish. I don't have a problem with it, since being e-popular hasn't really ever been a life goal of mine, but it seems pretty obvious to me.

Ditto. I wasn't making a complaint, just making an observation.

you're in too....you just have to perform sex acts on mxy and nowie. Rob won't accept......he's gay.

Which myx? the one who likes pineapples?

And I've seen nowie's nekkid pic - but he still hasn't shown us the goods, so I dunno 'bout that...

And how much skin we seen from you?
You want to see mine, show me yours first (obviously then my picture would be better enhanced).

The answer, good sir, is "NONE!"

But Hey! I'm the one who has to do these sex acts to you - not the other way around! And how enhanced would these pics of you be?

Do you remember the show "Big John, little John"?