
britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
i think if pro wants serious anal discussion,

Heh. I think there's plenty "anal" discussion around here. And thus, my point...


i think what pro means is he wants joking when he wants joking and seriousness when he wants it.

If that's all you got out of my rant, then, that's your call...


its cool to see how pro considers people "elitist" and "gang mentality"

Please show me where I used the word "elitist". Did I? I cannot remember...


but really, as far as your whole list goes its basically elitist bs

You certainly are taking my opinions personally, aren't you?


now pro will say he was just venting, and not implying that people should be forced to post his way.

I'm not just saying it, I emphatically stated it. In the very first post. A list of my opinions. Really. It's okay to voice my opinions, right?


he'll gladly move and/or delete if you dont know where YOUR thread should be.

I've never deleted a single thread. But, I will move them. And I've never claimed otherwise...


if pro really wants a consensus let people post, how they post will tell how they want the board to go.

This entire thread is about getting the consensus. Thus, the point of it...


this was a free expression place, and it is just a message board so im sure that the people doing the one liners and the bsamsing and the sock fucker jokes are much like myself and dont give it another thought except when they are using it,

and hey if a few of you wanna turn it into nightly.net thats up to you and rob i suppose, its just a shame this wont be the free flowing place of ideas and comedy(READ ANUS COMICS) that it used to be.

i cant plug nightly net enough for you pro i really think its what you are looking for.

I prefer USAToday, NYTimes, and the like. But, seriously, how many times can I type the word "balance" and people read it as my announcement to claim dictatorship of the boards and the total abolishment of fun or comedy? How can it be interpreted like that?

I think I've posted enough of my thoughts about it in this thread to keep from repeating myself. I feel, though, that my opinion has in some way offended or threatened you. If so, I apologize, Bsams. You've always been a constant around here, and shouldn't feel threatened by other ideas or opinions on these subjects. Yet, you always do. What is it that you're afraid of? That the boards will suddenly become a PBS station? That an Orwellian movement of emotionless mechanics will suddenly supercede the obvious nature of this place?

You talk about my "vision" of this place. Is there no room for a comfortable balance within yours?

Again, please re-read my inital rant and take it for what I meant it to be, not what you interpret it to be.

I love you bsams. Don't break up with me...