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sneaky bunny said:
dear god, seconds away from everybody hugging......

Yes, and that sound you hear will be your neck cracking...

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The conscience of the rkmbs!
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You guys are complaining over nothing! All we need is to get some new blood here, like I proposed through inviting people from the Wondy boards, and then this place'll be fun again. Oil threads o' plenty! And then when their eyes eventually dull over and become like us, like what happened to Klinton and countless others, we'll find some more livestock.

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I'll say this, about the Writer's Block forum...

Coming here to these boards at Rob's suggestion after he had deleted the JLR thread on the DCMBs has probably been my best experience in my years online.

However, when I first came, the Writer's block forum, or hero headquarters as it was known back then, welcomed myself and the other immigrants with what appeared to be open arms. But afterwards it felt like a VERY closed and a very elitist forum. I cannot speak for my fellow JLRians, but I myself did most certainly not feel welcome at all.

I really don't know how the mood is there now as I seldom venture in there anymore.
I'm not even holding anything against anyone who uses that forum, not at all. The open welcome simply seemed hollow, indifferent and utterly useless.

On another, and more serious note. I'm very much opposed to the targeting of individual posters here. I'll use the "Oakley affair" as an example.

It was like the entire message board turned against a single poster and harrassed him in every possible way because of a few jokes. Yes, I'm aware that it was Oakley himself that didn't like one particuliar joke and that he did indeed fan the flames, making it worse. But the amount of "hate" for lack of a better word, astounded me.

It seemed, nay, it WAS uncalled for.

Some people can take it, others can't. I think this is one the few things that posters here should realize, or at least try to realize.

Racks be to MisterJLA
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I don't really venture into the Writers Forum anymore. Not neccessarily because of what you stated. But, because, as you say, it's only a select group that even write there anymore. No one seems to want to try to do anything different, and thus, stagnation sets in. I, and a few others tried to find a way to bring it around. But, in the end, I realized I really had nothing more to say/write in that particular group and was attempting to capture a flame that had been burnt into the ground. So don't feel bad Chant. But, if you seriously want to write, then, go write. All it takes is one person with a good idea.

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Prometheus said:

So, opinions?

Prometheus is quite possibly my worst alt id!

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Pariah said:
You guys are complaining over nothing! All we need is to get some new blood here, like I proposed through inviting people from the Wondy boards, and then this place'll be fun again.

I don't believe anyone is saying it's not fun here. I don't think that's the point. The point is, no new blood will really stay here if they cannot find their own personal niche of enjoyment. And, given what I've seen, I can see how only a few particular types of people would want to stay here. That's what I was talking about. The repetitive nature of certain things can drive people away from these boards...

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One thing will always stay the same.........yer all cunts!

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Nowhereman said:
Prometheus is quite possibly my worst alt id!

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Prometheus said:

Nowhereman said:
Prometheus is quite possibly my worst alt id!

Wow, old joke alert!

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You, the use of the word "cunt", or, the pic?

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Prometheus said:
I could spout off a list of posters that simply create useless threads to try and get attention.

...all of them?

I usually only start threads when I notice an annoying trend. Like Snarf's absurd dedication to a pretty average science fiction flick that I can't remember the name of(someone should start a thread about it to remind me). Or 15 page threads started just to say "hi" to someone.

I really only come around here in spurts nowadays, but I would estimate that around 95% of what's posted here is "useless", and the 5% that isn't generally gets buried pretty quickly.

Frankly, it's become blatantly obvious that Velo was carrying this place. Without him, it's like the last few seasons of Cheers.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.
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................Velo? Really?

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I miss his obsession with borderline untalented teenage pop stars and obscure foreign sporting events.

I wish I could not care even half as much as he didn't.

Unfortunately, I think he died of old age.

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Alrighty here it goes!

i agree with everything Pro ranted about.
for starters.

many a times have threads been made that ment for a serious discusion, even in the deep thoughts forem, that ended up shortly after being created turning into a flame war or "joke."

i also agree with the constant hounding upon people, especailly newbies whom posters have run off because of the overwhealming flow of bashings. i remember the time i appeared here, migrated over from the DCMBs, and you all ran me off. i can back of course because robby baby couched me and gave me the crash course on how to "survive" here. i will say one thing the RKMBs are like none other baord i have ever seen! its great but ruff and rothless too.

and like IM said :

The Indestructible Man said:
What Pro says here is EVERY reason I no longer post a lot -- its a cliquefest I'm no longer a member of, but one that if I raised said points about, I'd probably be berated for in every juvenile fashion. Hell, most of the regulars here weren't even here in my heyday of posting on the DCMBs and Athanon, when I was a storytelling postmachine.

P.S. Pro, always good to see ya about.

that unfortunately is the common placed reason why only a meer of us post here. those that do post here run into that same problem, but that is what happens and i dont mind either. i love everybody! i try not to take sides. i stay outta most of the gangups. for the most part im happy with it. i have made some good freinds here like MisterJLA, PenWing, Sideways, and a bunch others. some i carry off the board to chat too others i havent. i do sometimes hinder my chats to some people because of the constant flaming and the constant gossipy gangup nature some poeple have here. some you just cant trust. such is life in the real world to, so to speak.

i agree that sometimes "jokes" are takin to far and some actually offend people no matter if they are ment as "play" or not.

i also agree on the organization of the threads needs handled a lot better.

it seams that we have a problem of moderators geting to freindly with posters, so to speak. im not blaming anyone or pointing fingers. again im saying this in a general. i have no problems with moderators posting to threads and makein their own as well. i have no problems of them voiceing their opinions either. i do however have a problem with the moderators useing their "power" to single out and flame posters. sometimes it seams moderators forget about their "jobs" and dutys here. and we all know that mods are safe from any wrath their might be. this board isnt one for banning people, shoot this is where all the bannies come too! which i think is a good and bad concept.

i dunno. i love this board. something do need a change tho, just slightly.

Last edited by Lor; 2006-03-11 12:46 AM.

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One suggestion I might make...

Rex's name shouldn't be green anymore, if ya know what I mean...

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All those people complaining clearly dont get the point of these boards!

Also the double standards from some of those people is quite humorous!

All the things that have been noted as being "negative" are the sole purpose of these boards creation.

Dont forget the main reason Rob created these boards was to get all the trouble makers away from DC, so is it any wonder most of us are arseholes.

What one person says is a worn out joke, another person says is tradition.
What one person says is annoying, another person says is tradition.
What one person says is gay, another person says is rex!
The minute you start spouting off about whats bad about these boards, thats when you automatically become a target of some of the biggest internet arseholes you have ever witnessed.

I'll let you all into a secret, one of the reasons the sports forum is rarely attacked is because I prefer not to moderate it in the same method as the media or deep thoughts forum, meaning you can pretty much do what you want in there.
That basically means a lot of good topics dont get swamped by spam, and if at any time they do, I just go with the flow & let it slide as thats what these boards are about!
Of course I cant speak for the other sports mod, but as far as I am concerned, the forum is not above the usual hijinks of other forums.

If you wanna be serious, join a serious message board!

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and just to add to what CC said....the other Sports Mod is a Bitch!

and bitter!

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Nowhereman said:
All those people complaining clearly dont get the point of these boards!

Also the double standards from some of those people is quite humorous!

All the things that have been noted as being "negative" are the sole purpose of these boards creation.

Dont forget the main reason Rob created these boards was to get all the trouble makers away from DC, so is it any wonder most of us are arseholes.

What one person says is a worn out joke, another person says is tradition.
What one person says is annoying, another person says is tradition.
What one person says is gay, another person says is rex!
The minute you start spouting off about whats bad about these boards, thats when you automatically become a target of some of the biggest internet arseholes you have ever witnessed.

I'll let you all into a secret, one of the reasons the sports forum is rarely attacked is because I prefer not to moderate it in the same method as the media or deep thoughts forum, meaning you can pretty much do what you want in there.
That basically means a lot of good topics dont get swamped by spam, and if at any time they do, I just go with the flow & let it slide as thats what these boards are about!
Of course I cant speak for the other sports mod, but as far as I am concerned, the forum is not above the usual hijinks of other forums.

If you wanna be serious, join a serious message board!

You make some valid arguments, in a way.

However, those are exactly what I'm talking about. A handful of posters think certain things are "tradition". Whereas, everyone else, plus any prospective new people, consider it oft-putting. And, double-standards don't exist if both standards are represented equally.

Stating that the boards were "created" by arseholes does not justify the behaivior. A rapist stating that he knows raping someone is wrong does not, in effect, clear him of the moral and legal ramifications of it. Just because something is "expected" does not mean it has to be.

You say that people should find a "serious message board", whereas I ask why must it be one or the other? Why cannot a balance be found within these forums? Why cannot certain forums/threads be respected for serious, or semi-serious conversations and debate, while others exist to be ejaculated over with the nonsense? Why is one person attacked incessantly if they voice opinions that contradict the group mentality?

I'm not asking for another fucking Athanon. If I wanted pretentious pseudo-intellectual conversations all the time, do you think I would fucking come here? And keep coming here for five years, as well as moderate a forum? Of course not. All I was saying is that a balance should be found, and the ability to attract new blood should be welcomed....not berated or visciously driven away. That's all.

Now, should I translate all of that into Welsh..."eh"?

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Prometheus said:
First of all, Mxy, thank you for actually expressing an intelligent opinion on the matter.

Second, I want to clarify that I'm not neccessarily saying that this place should take itself seriously. I'm just saying that a balance can exist. The balance would still allow for everyone to have a free-reign-run of they are prone to do. But, at the same time, making it viable for new people to come here without immediately being accosted with it. Some people out there that would actually have something positive to add to this community, while growing to understand the sly subtely of humor around here. I find that more new posters are run off simply because they absolutely cannot have a moment of serious discussion on any subject. Of course, the natural fallback reaction is "If they can't handle it, then they shouldn't be here". This is, in my opinion, a total phallacy and a kneejerk reaction. Not everyone is the same, and some have to find an accepting base before they are able to tolerate the gay-fuck-chaos-orgy that thrives within the parameters of these boards. Not everyone comes from the DC Boards and know or understand the personalities that make up the RKMBS.

See, things is, I do think that if someone wants to have a serious discussion about something it'd be smart for them to go somewhere else. A lot of guys here have fun with the bsamsing and llancing and general trolling, and I think it would be unfair to take it away from them. There aren't many places online where you can make a hundred alts to piss off another poster and not get banned. The whole point of this place is that we're free to do stuff like that, and if we have members that wanna behave more maturely, fine, you can do so too, as long as you don't mess with the natural order around here. It's not just that we trolls came first, it's also that, as I said before, it's the "free for all" what makes this place special.


Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
Ray Adler is a genius. He is here everyday developing new innovative ways to troll deep thoughts and drive people batshit.

He creates!

He makes me want to be a better confrontational fuckface!

I agree, Mr. Adler was born before his time.

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Nowhereman said:
All those people complaining clearly dont get the point of these boards!

Also the double standards from some of those people is quite humorous!

All the things that have been noted as being "negative" are the sole purpose of these boards creation.

Dont forget the main reason Rob created these boards was to get all the trouble makers away from DC, so is it any wonder most of us are arseholes.

What one person says is a worn out joke, another person says is tradition.
What one person says is annoying, another person says is tradition.
What one person says is gay, another person says is rex!
The minute you start spouting off about whats bad about these boards, thats when you automatically become a target of some of the biggest internet arseholes you have ever witnessed.

I'll let you all into a secret, one of the reasons the sports forum is rarely attacked is because I prefer not to moderate it in the same method as the media or deep thoughts forum, meaning you can pretty much do what you want in there.
That basically means a lot of good topics dont get swamped by spam, and if at any time they do, I just go with the flow & let it slide as thats what these boards are about!
Of course I cant speak for the other sports mod, but as far as I am concerned, the forum is not above the usual hijinks of other forums.

If you wanna be serious, join a serious message board!

Nowhereman is wise in the ways of the Force.

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Nowhereman said:

That basically means a lot of good topics dont get swamped by spam, and if at any time they do, I just go with the flow & let it slide as thats what these boards are about!

Exactly. My threads concerning Rob and types of wrestling matches (if you fought Rob in a ____ match...) were terrific wrestling threads, and didn't get buried by spam.

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I despise alt ids.

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Jeremy said:

Prometheus said:
However, when, say, Grimm, Sneaky, or Joe Mama start up, I pretty much understand most of their "jokes".



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Nowhereman said:
All those people complaining clearly dont get the point of these boards!

Also the double standards from some of those people is quite humorous!

All the things that have been noted as being "negative" are the sole purpose of these boards creation.

Dont forget the main reason Rob created these boards was to get all the trouble makers away from DC, so is it any wonder most of us are arseholes.

What one person says is a worn out joke, another person says is tradition.
What one person says is annoying, another person says is tradition.
What one person says is gay, another person says is rex!
The minute you start spouting off about whats bad about these boards, thats when you automatically become a target of some of the biggest internet arseholes you have ever witnessed.

I'll let you all into a secret, one of the reasons the sports forum is rarely attacked is because I prefer not to moderate it in the same method as the media or deep thoughts forum, meaning you can pretty much do what you want in there.
That basically means a lot of good topics dont get swamped by spam, and if at any time they do, I just go with the flow & let it slide as thats what these boards are about!
Of course I cant speak for the other sports mod, but as far as I am concerned, the forum is not above the usual hijinks of other forums.

If you wanna be serious, join a serious message board!

Amen, buddha.

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I have to disagree with this "Assholes came first" mentality/platform. It's illogical and ill-suited for a message board that wishes to avoid stagnation, inbreeding, and finally, obscurity.

I mean, that is, assuming Rob wants to evolve these boards into a larger crowd. He pushes the Poster Phoenix, and the recruiting of new blood. So, I can only assume that's what he wants. But, again with the moderation and balance, I also know that no one really wants to put up with a "Shazamgrrl" type that is only interested in one agenda, or, a "jacklildeath" that is intolerant of every other opinion but their own. There ARE, however, hundreds of "Lor"s, "I-Man"s, and "Harley"s out there that could be a great asset to this community, and bring many positive well as someone new to talk to.

As with every single thing I've ever posted on these boards, it's all just my personal opinion. I respect your right to have a different one...

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So Pro: what do you think of users who drop names in their threads...?

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I disagree with the whole idea of this place being full of cliques. There may be some dominant personalities.....but if other people want to contribute and be a part of the fun all they have to do is post away. Start a new thread.......make fun of somebody in order to help them build character. That's what I do.

and also we need a new Administrator.

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You could always post private messages, too. That's a confidence builder...

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Prometheus said:

a "Shazamgrrl" type that is only interested in one agenda, or, a "jacklildeath" that is intolerant of every other opinion but their own. There ARE, however, hundreds of "Lor"s, "I-Man"s, and "Harley"s

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Prometheus said:
I have to disagree with this "Assholes came first" mentality/platform. It's illogical and ill-suited for a message board that wishes to avoid stagnation, inbreeding, and finally, obscurity.

I mean, that is, assuming Rob wants to evolve these boards into a larger crowd. He pushes the Poster Phoenix, and the recruiting of new blood. So, I can only assume that's what he wants. But, again with the moderation and balance, I also know that no one really wants to put up with a "Shazamgrrl" type that is only interested in one agenda, or, a "jacklildeath" that is intolerant of every other opinion but their own. There ARE, however, hundreds of "Lor"s, "I-Man"s, and "Harley"s out there that could be a great asset to this community, and bring many positive well as someone new to talk to.

As with every single thing I've ever posted on these boards, it's all just my personal opinion. I respect your right to have a different one...

that's where I respectfully disagree....the "Lors" "I-Mans" and "harleys" have every opportunity to contribute......and whenever they do it is always usually sometimes golden. I hope that they do contribute more and they should all know that they have a friend in PJP.

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Glac-...I mean, SirJLA...having a prototypical example helps to get the idea across, and allows for better communication of ideas or insinuations that don't come across as naturally in simple written text. Thank you and goodnight my sweet prince...


PJP said:
I hope that they do contribute more and they should all know that they have a friend in PJP.

What, are you running for President now?

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You see I would love more posters and don't seek to drive them away. But for me these boards were all about freedom.

That is why I want to moderate this forum so badly. I knew it needed to be a place for freedom. It needed to be as fun as the off topic forum without being "offensive". Now I'm the first asshole to say what offensive is subjective.

It changes on a person's beliefs and opinions.

I try to see things from all angles before I push my pretty buttons.

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Prometheus said:
I have to disagree with this "Assholes came first" mentality/platform. It's illogical and ill-suited for a message board that wishes to avoid stagnation, inbreeding, and finally, obscurity.

This is where I fundamentally disagree with your rant. I'm more interested in making this place attractive for guys like BATTY, rufusTfirefly and Drzsmith than attracting new posters here. Does that drive people away? I don't really care much... however, history says otherwise. Dozens (including yourself) were attracted to OPPT because it was the only "free" corner of the DCMBs. Dozens were attracted to The Manor because it was the only "free" forum Athanon (and many remain with us to this day). Dozens were attracted here, after this place was a ghost town, when Franta and the guys took over. And so on, and so on.

I don't wanna be part of the sort of community that intentionally wants to become attractive to new users, like it's some sort of Mall or something. I was treated like shit when I first stumbled into OPPT, and here I am. What's the point of having a message board if it's gonna be like every other message board out there?

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I love the pretty buttons.

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Yeah, Random Chat is NOT a dumping ground for Deep Thoughts. It's a magical board where UJ reigns supreme!


Prometheus said:
Glac-...I mean, SirJLA...having a prototypical example helps to get the idea across, and allows for better communication of ideas or insinuations that don't come across as naturally in simple written text. Thank you and goodnight my sweet prince...

Like I "said" before:

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
you have to keep in mind the origin of this place. It was a ghost town until in late 2000 or something Franta and the guys found out about and began an extended raid that in the long run spawned a "community".

yes, that 2-day ghost town was the worstiest!

(franta registered less than 48 hours after the board's creation. same with bsams and roy and rufie)

it wasn't that these boards needed saving. nor was it that these boards needed a raiding. its simply how they started out. their foundation is myself and them.


Prometheus said:
Second, I want to clarify that I'm not neccessarily saying that this place should take itself seriously. I'm just saying that a balance can exist. The balance would still allow for everyone to have a free-reign-run of they are prone to do.

beautiful point. one i agree with whole-heartedly, and would love to see followed out.

the issue here is with that of free will: the boards are pretty much set up for people to take over, for better or for worse. if "good" topics wanna take over, you can do it, you just have to do it, and not wait for others. same with "bad" topics, if you want those to take over.

its all up to the posters.

for all the people sometimes upset with how things are, myself included, where are our contributions to embettering the forum?


typical related complaint:
the deep thoughts forum is all about politics!

dont like it? fucking change it!

if the only people posting in there are those that like politics, its up to you to interject something else 'bout it. otherwise, its their forum to use as they like.

same philosophy.

if you want more serious comic-related posts, you have to have the initiative to make'em.

"the power ... is yours!" (i can't remember the cartoon or movie that used that slogan, but i hear it very vividly in my mind!)


Prometheus said:
But, at the same time, making it viable for new people to come here without immediately being accosted with it. Some people out there that would actually have something positive to add to this community, while growing to understand the sly subtely of humor around here. I find that more new posters are run off simply because they absolutely cannot have a moment of serious discussion on any subject. Of course, the natural fallback reaction is "If they can't handle it, then they shouldn't be here". This is, in my opinion, a total phallacy and a kneejerk reaction. Not everyone is the same, and some have to find an accepting base before they are able to tolerate the gay-fuck-chaos-orgy that thrives within the parameters of these boards. Not everyone comes from the DC Boards and know or understand the personalities that make up the RKMBS.

I would never...NEVER...want the RKMBS to become totally "serious". Fuck, I would just leave if that happened. But, all things in moderation. That's my point.



Prometheus said:
Just saying. Stick around and do what's fun. That's the point...

more aye.


Nowhereman said:
Dont forget the main reason Rob created these boards was to get all the trouble makers away from DC, so is it any wonder most of us are arseholes.

not really, dear nowie.

the creation of "cyber-australia" is only one of the ways i was able to use these boards.

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