
big_pimp_tim said:

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:

Rob Kamphausen said:


britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
bobo likes to think he's a manipulator, he doesnt like being honest about the boards thats why the secret forum is there.

well done, lil death!

actually, that forum is there so's mods can discuss modly things without fucking up regular conversations. so, instead of "hey dave, more elektra" posts in the comic forum and "hey g-man, less dubya" posts in the deep thoughts forum, mods can make suggestions to one another in there, off to the side.

its similar to all of the PMs you and i share, when you're all cranky about something and want it brought to my immediate attention. sure, you could bring that up on the boards, too ... but that'd also be silly.

so it is oversight that sneaky,and nowhereman arent there? they are mods? not as important mods?


big_pimp_tim said:
what is the deciding factor on who needs to see it or not. and then, why would a mod not meet that.

i agree with that. that would bother me

rob explined it was made so mods could have discussions without fucking up regular conversations. now sure sneaky and nowhereman are mods but im sure rob will be along to explain how that isnt relavent to his hole ridden explanation.