
LLance said:

Beardguy57 said:

LLance said:

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:

MisterJLA said:
Yeah, Random Chat is NOT a dumping ground for Deep Thoughts. It's a magical board where UJ reigns supreme!

I try.


Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:

Prometheus said:
I have to disagree with this "Assholes came first" mentality/platform. It's illogical and ill-suited for a message board that wishes to avoid stagnation, inbreeding, and finally, obscurity.

This is where I fundamentally disagree with your rant. I'm more interested in making this place attractive for guys like BATTY, rufusTfirefly and Drzsmith than attracting new posters here. Does that drive people away? I don't really care much... however, history says otherwise. Dozens (including yourself) were attracted to OPPT because it was the only "free" corner of the DCMBs. Dozens were attracted to The Manor because it was the only "free" forum Athanon (and many remain with us to this day). Dozens were attracted here, after this place was a ghost town, when Franta and the guys took over. And so on, and so on.

I don't wanna be part of the sort of community that intentionally wants to become attractive to new users, like it's some sort of Mall or something. I was treated like shit when I first stumbled into OPPT, and here I am. What's the point of having a message board if it's gonna be like every other message board out there?

I hardly got to know Drzsmith, Franta, Llance and ROY. I think in another lifetime I might have called them friend.

First off I would like to thank Pro for this thought provoking thread. I've made similar criticisms at times and the thread was quickly denegrated into a endless barrage of tom-foolery and gay decadence.

Next I would like to say to Jaburg that I thought everybody knew me here. I came in around week one or two or so and I was at the Stately 8-Ball Manor and the DCMB's before this place exsisted. My pic has been all over this board. LLancing is a popular term and everybody has poked fun at me at some time or another. People have even got in my face and told me what a so and so I am. I've had many a fine posting experience here. Yet I am not here as often as I used to be. Why is that?

Repetitiveness would be one reason. Franta and BSAMS and Roy Batty and Mxy and many of our originals may have been repetitve in some various slogans but they were and remain very original in their commentary. Thoughts were not really randomly slung about but crafted in such a way as to entertain, amuse, anger, or belittle etc. They provoked some type of response. You felt obligated to give feedback. You felt obligated to try and be as witty and clever as they were. Everyone played off of one another. I use to laugh my arse off or I used to get pissed off or I used to feel compassion for someone or whatever. Get my drift? We weren't neccessarily trying to out-do one another as much as trying to entertain ourselves and one another. Even as we poked fun (or completely tore a victim apart) we were still trying to be thought-provoking...and genuinely funny and STILL entertaining.

Is this to say all that came afterwards are smucks? Of course not. Everybody here has made the others laugh or cry or stimulate some type of honest emotion and response. What I'm saying is there is too much posting w/o trying to maintain this rather high level of subtle intelligence we are all quite capable of. When the out and out silliness is in every thread in every forum it gets...OLD...REAL QUICK.

That is why I'm not seen much around these parts anymore. Not because I dislike anybody. Hell, I hated First National Bastard for such a long time way back when and he couldn't make me leave. That does bring up another point though. After our on-going fued after 9-11 some regular posters did vanish and were seen very infrequently or not at all. I have always felt guilty for my responsibilty for causing anybody NOT to come here. I suppose most have checked back and see what Pro and I are talking about and have decided NOT to participate. That is a loss for all of us. Many good people are no longer around.

Raise the bar everyone. It doesn't have to be 100 percent but if it's 80 percent or better I'm sure we'll grow as a community and all feel better for having done so!

And just for old times sake...have a good LLancing you buncha Mothers! Bwahahahaha!!!!!!!!

I read you, LLance..and hello. I can say for myself that I do my best to maintain a high standard of humor and clever yet twisted comments. My comments may not always be the wittiest, but I try my best to be consistant. Somedays, that is all one can aim for.

BeardGuy...I just had to quote the whole damn thing...way too tempting not to!

I've been posting the last couple days and have been enjoying myself. I approve of the new kids Karla, Big_Pimp_Tim, and Kill coney so much that I've made myself their self appointed mentor. (Allan1 has been a total nusiance though and I've decided to sell him to the German Proletariats.) The point is I see a ray of sunshine where once the landscape was completely dismal. I mean I can just see these three eager faces waiting to be graced w/ one LLancing after another! How can I turn my back on the RKMBs future? These are the prodigy that will confront the Speedys, the Carrina Winters, the Angry Bat-Men of the future. They will be our vanguard! They will defend our bandwidth unto the ends of the internet! Their's will be a thankless task whose only reward will be the occasional stray donkey or discarded sock. I encourage all of those who've been here for the last few years and beyond (except for NowhereMan-Remember young grasshoppers...YOU CAN NOT TRUST NOWHEREMAN!) to totally take these youngsters into your heart and coddle them (No fondling Rex!)and mold them into the internet force that no message board may withstand. We are united now in the same goal RKMBs. Make it so!

<<<<<<<<round of cheers and appause>>>>>>>>>>>>>

-----once over and may we all be twice twisted!-------

As a youngster, I approve of this message.

Reveling in the knowledge that Sammitch will never interrupt my nookie ever again. 112,000 RACK Points!