BeardGuy...I just had to quote the whole damn thing...way too tempting not to!
I've been posting the last couple days and have been enjoying myself. I approve of the new kids Karla, Big_Pimp_Tim, and Kill coney so much that I've made myself their self appointed mentor. (Allan1 has been a total nusiance though and I've decided to sell him to the German Proletariats.) The point is I see a ray of sunshine where once the landscape was completely dismal. I mean I can just see these three eager faces waiting to be graced w/ one LLancing after another! How can I turn my back on the RKMBs future? These are the prodigy that will confront the Speedys, the Carrina Winters, the Angry Bat-Men of the future. They will be our vanguard! They will defend our bandwidth unto the ends of the internet! Their's will be a thankless task whose only reward will be the occasional stray donkey or discarded sock. I encourage all of those who've been here for the last few years and beyond (except for NowhereMan-Remember young grasshoppers...YOU CAN NOT TRUST NOWHEREMAN!) to totally take these youngsters into your heart and coddle them (No fondling Rex!)and mold them into the internet force that no message board may withstand. We are united now in the same goal RKMBs. Make it so!
<<<<<<<<round of cheers and appause>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-----once over and may we all be twice twisted!-------
I appreciate all except for the discarded sock. No need to threaten us . The sock is equal to a fate worse than death itself.