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LLance said:

Nowhereman said:
Nobody can see anything when you are around to block out the sun!

If I deprive you of sunlight it's only because I want you to whither away into nothingness and then you can change your user name to NothingnessMan!

So if I withered away to nothingness:
a)How could I change my id?
b)Why would I need to seeing that I no longer exist?

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Your brain is Chuck Norris-ing again, Nowhereman....spare LLance...

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LLance said:

Beardguy57 said:

LLance said:

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:

MisterJLA said:
Yeah, Random Chat is NOT a dumping ground for Deep Thoughts. It's a magical board where UJ reigns supreme!

I try.


Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:

Prometheus said:
I have to disagree with this "Assholes came first" mentality/platform. It's illogical and ill-suited for a message board that wishes to avoid stagnation, inbreeding, and finally, obscurity.

This is where I fundamentally disagree with your rant. I'm more interested in making this place attractive for guys like BATTY, rufusTfirefly and Drzsmith than attracting new posters here. Does that drive people away? I don't really care much... however, history says otherwise. Dozens (including yourself) were attracted to OPPT because it was the only "free" corner of the DCMBs. Dozens were attracted to The Manor because it was the only "free" forum Athanon (and many remain with us to this day). Dozens were attracted here, after this place was a ghost town, when Franta and the guys took over. And so on, and so on.

I don't wanna be part of the sort of community that intentionally wants to become attractive to new users, like it's some sort of Mall or something. I was treated like shit when I first stumbled into OPPT, and here I am. What's the point of having a message board if it's gonna be like every other message board out there?

I hardly got to know Drzsmith, Franta, Llance and ROY. I think in another lifetime I might have called them friend.

First off I would like to thank Pro for this thought provoking thread. I've made similar criticisms at times and the thread was quickly denegrated into a endless barrage of tom-foolery and gay decadence.

Next I would like to say to Jaburg that I thought everybody knew me here. I came in around week one or two or so and I was at the Stately 8-Ball Manor and the DCMB's before this place exsisted. My pic has been all over this board. LLancing is a popular term and everybody has poked fun at me at some time or another. People have even got in my face and told me what a so and so I am. I've had many a fine posting experience here. Yet I am not here as often as I used to be. Why is that?

Repetitiveness would be one reason. Franta and BSAMS and Roy Batty and Mxy and many of our originals may have been repetitve in some various slogans but they were and remain very original in their commentary. Thoughts were not really randomly slung about but crafted in such a way as to entertain, amuse, anger, or belittle etc. They provoked some type of response. You felt obligated to give feedback. You felt obligated to try and be as witty and clever as they were. Everyone played off of one another. I use to laugh my arse off or I used to get pissed off or I used to feel compassion for someone or whatever. Get my drift? We weren't neccessarily trying to out-do one another as much as trying to entertain ourselves and one another. Even as we poked fun (or completely tore a victim apart) we were still trying to be thought-provoking...and genuinely funny and STILL entertaining.

Is this to say all that came afterwards are smucks? Of course not. Everybody here has made the others laugh or cry or stimulate some type of honest emotion and response. What I'm saying is there is too much posting w/o trying to maintain this rather high level of subtle intelligence we are all quite capable of. When the out and out silliness is in every thread in every forum it gets...OLD...REAL QUICK.

That is why I'm not seen much around these parts anymore. Not because I dislike anybody. Hell, I hated First National Bastard for such a long time way back when and he couldn't make me leave. That does bring up another point though. After our on-going fued after 9-11 some regular posters did vanish and were seen very infrequently or not at all. I have always felt guilty for my responsibilty for causing anybody NOT to come here. I suppose most have checked back and see what Pro and I are talking about and have decided NOT to participate. That is a loss for all of us. Many good people are no longer around.

Raise the bar everyone. It doesn't have to be 100 percent but if it's 80 percent or better I'm sure we'll grow as a community and all feel better for having done so!

And just for old times sake...have a good LLancing you buncha Mothers! Bwahahahaha!!!!!!!!

I read you, LLance..and hello. I can say for myself that I do my best to maintain a high standard of humor and clever yet twisted comments. My comments may not always be the wittiest, but I try my best to be consistant. Somedays, that is all one can aim for.

BeardGuy...I just had to quote the whole damn thing...way too tempting not to!

I've been posting the last couple days and have been enjoying myself. I approve of the new kids Karla, Big_Pimp_Tim, and Kill coney so much that I've made myself their self appointed mentor. (Allan1 has been a total nusiance though and I've decided to sell him to the German Proletariats.) The point is I see a ray of sunshine where once the landscape was completely dismal. I mean I can just see these three eager faces waiting to be graced w/ one LLancing after another! How can I turn my back on the RKMBs future? These are the prodigy that will confront the Speedys, the Carrina Winters, the Angry Bat-Men of the future. They will be our vanguard! They will defend our bandwidth unto the ends of the internet! Their's will be a thankless task whose only reward will be the occasional stray donkey or discarded sock. I encourage all of those who've been here for the last few years and beyond (except for NowhereMan-Remember young grasshoppers...YOU CAN NOT TRUST NOWHEREMAN!) to totally take these youngsters into your heart and coddle them (No fondling Rex!)and mold them into the internet force that no message board may withstand. We are united now in the same goal RKMBs. Make it so!

<<<<<<<<round of cheers and appause>>>>>>>>>>>>>

-----once over and may we all be twice twisted!-------

I am the mentor of the noobs you listed get PCGay.

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And yet, I own you, Peter....and LLance is my in're LLance's gimp....right?

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Just as long as I get to cum on a cracker and eat it.

did I say that out loud?

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PJP said:
Just as long as I get to cum on a cracker and eat it.

Did I say that out loud?

Insert sound of Joe Mama's jealous stomach growling.

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Nowhereman said:

LLance said:

Nowhereman said:
Nobody can see anything when you are around to block out the sun!

If I deprive you of sunlight it's only because I want you to whither away into nothingness and then you can change your user name to NothingnessMan!

So if I withered away to nothingness:
a)How could I change my id?
b)Why would I need to seeing that I no longer exist?

Your reasoning makes absolutely no fucking sense Nowhereman.

It's sad Karla, Killconey, and see one of the former great ones fall so far!
I would shed a tear but I think Nowhereman would sense weakness instead of compassion and try to do me up the butt or something equally gross!

-----once over and twice twisted---------
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PJP said:
Just as long as I get to cum on a cracker and eat it.

did I say that out loud?

Yes you did now I must insist on a picture!

Last edited by LLance; 2006-03-23 10:53 AM.

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too late Joe ate it.

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LLance said:

Nowhereman said:

LLance said:

Nowhereman said:
Nobody can see anything when you are around to block out the sun!

If I deprive you of sunlight it's only because I want you to whither away into nothingness and then you can change your user name to NothingnessMan!

So if I withered away to nothingness:
a)How could I change my id?
b)Why would I need to seeing that I no longer exist?

Your reasoning makes absolutely no fucking sense Nowhereman.

Poor sad deluded fat fool!
I remember two years ago he said the same thing when I told him the world was round!

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TheTranslator said:

Prometheus said:
Recently, my acerbic nature began to dominate. Certain comments I made caused PJP to think I was getting irritated with him. That is not the case, as I think we all agree "Thank God for PJP".

But, I think the concept of repetive jokes around here is a valid criticism. Some enjoy the simplicity of saying and doing the same old jokes over and over. Some don't. Either way, it's a valid topic of conversation and debate.

So, with that in mind, I think a list should be comprised of gripes or complaints about the mindset of the RKMBS community, and/or, things people would change around here if they could.

As such, I'll start it off with my top observations and opinions:

  • Obvious Alts : These are the alts that are simply a shadow of someone else's online ID, or, an exact mirror copy. They are generally created to make fun of a specific individual or just troll a forum with a single stale joke. Once, funny. Twice, okay. Three times? Boring.

  • Homosexual jokes : It is a positive aspect of guys like Jim Jackson and Klinton that they are not easily offended. If there is one defining aspect of the RKMBS, it is the constant....constant...use of homosexual reference, imagery, and discussions that are used in a negative, deragotory, or insulting manner. Yeah, I too join in on the "___ is gay!" jokes. But, in the end, love it or hate it, it's a repetitive theme that has simply taken over.

  • BSAMSing Threads : You know, the very fact that bumping old threads up for no apparent reason other than to clutter a forum is named after a specific poster (Britneyspearsatemyshorts) should tell people that really only one person can get away with it as a joke: BSAMS. Everyone else that does it is simply either trying to "be" him, or, is just following the crowd. Come on. Get an identity. Be yourself. Otherwise, you're just a pale imitation of the man himself.

  • Attention Whores : I could spout off a list of posters that simply create useless threads to try and get attention. You know who they are. You know if you're one of them. It's one thing if it's just a one-time, having fun kind of thing. It's another if it's a constant stream of pointless "Hey look at me! I need validation! Your opinion of me is important!" threads where nothing is served and nothing is gained. You know who you are.

  • Pick the Victim : Whether it be Rex, Chris Oakley, or any other, there is a serious habit prevalent on these boards of going after a single poster in every possible fashion, and in every possible thread. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm certain some deserve it. However, it's one thing for, say, PJP to tool on Rex consistently. It's almost damn expected, in that sense. It's an entirely different matter for everyone else to jump on the bandwagon and just lambast the guy with sock jokes, for no other reason than to be "included". Group mentality is a dangerous, pathetic notion that is as real here as it is in society. As with BSAMSing threads and being an attention whore, just get an identity. Be yourself, and be unique. Otherwise, you simply blend in with the crowd. And that, in my opinion, is boring.

  • Everything is a joke : Unless it's in the Deep Politics Forum...and even then because G-Man and Wednesday are able to sift out the pointless threads...everything in every forum here is a joke. And, I use the word "joke" quite lightly. Generally, ninety-percent of the supposed "wit" that's added to serious/semi-serious discussions are pointless trolling that simply tries to gain them attention, or a pity-laugh. Sometimes...and fuck, I know this will fall on deaf's okay to allow a serious discussion. If you like comic books, and want to discuss comic books, then, the comic book forum is exactly for that. Certain posters feel that they have to remind everyone, though, that comics can be made fun of, and serious or fun discussions should be broken up with consistent "jokes". And, I just use the comic forum as an example. It's in every forum, in every thread. At no point can anyone express a serious, or valid point about any subject without someone coming along and....quite predictably, I assure you...trying to make a joke about the subject, or belittling the person trying to discuss it. People,'s okay to have serious or purposeful talks here. We have plenty of other threads to have fun in, or whatnot. Not every single thread has to be a joke. Really. Swear. Believe that.

  • "He's thinking on his own....GET HIM!!" : This is a follow-up to my last point. If someone is critical of anything that goes on here, in the least, the mob mentality turns against them. For example, I'm certain any number of response could...and made about the points I've listed here. If it isn't the oft-norm inferiority sarcasm of "Hey, he's trying to take a message board seriously", then, it will be the creation of a mirror/insult alt, with mocking dialogue to accompany....or, the most to take excerpts from the posters content and use as a sig line to make fun of the individual, claiming some form of "victory". Predictable, assured, and, in the end....only funny to those that have their own inferiority issues. Of course, another response would be an outlash of "Who are you to criticize?" and the like. Also, expected and predictable. In the end, the point that should be considered is, why can't it be discussed or debated without it turning into personal insults? Why skip over the points, just because you either have no serious opinion on the subject, or, wrongly feel singled out, as if the criticism is being leveled at you personally? I think the RKMBS would be better served on a whole if individuals were allowed to speak their minds without the fear of reprisal from those that have inferiority issues, and wish to be the "cool" one. High school mentality will only serve you just so long.

See, these are my gripes and opinions about the repetitive nature of these boards. It certainly isn't universal. And, it is in no way brought about by anything that's personally happened or occured with me. It's all observation and feedback from spending the last five years here. As well as, the things I think need to be addressed if we ever expect to expand the roster of posters beyond MrJLA, and his three-hundred alt-ids.

Now, let's hear from others. What are your gripes or complaints? Don't be afraid to express them. Sure, some simpleton is going to come along and get a new sigline off of you. But, let them. In the end, your voice is heard, and they are still the same, tired old joke.

So, opinions?


I forgot message boards are for fun.


i forgot im a fake translator and i was picked out of a gay belly button and hatched by the gay dogs

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Someone guessed the Translator's password!

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Jeremy said:
Someone guessed the Translator's password!


someone guesses the password and its "imthegayesfuckingaltidsincetimebeganbecausetranslatorwannabessarenottelepathwannabesandilostmydictionary"

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I tried that one...

It wouldn't fit.

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Attention Whores : I could spout off a list of posters that simply create useless threads to try and get attention. You know who they are. You know if you're one of them. It's one thing if it's just a one-time, having fun kind of thing. It's another if it's a constant stream of pointless "Hey look at me! I need validation! Your opinion of me is important!" threads where nothing is served and nothing is gained. You know who you are.

*gasps* Attention the rkmbs!?! Say it aint so ;p


Pick the Victim : Whether it be Rex, Chris Oakley, or any other, there is a serious habit prevalent on these boards of going after a single poster in every possible fashion, and in every possible thread. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm certain some deserve it. However, it's one thing for, say, PJP to tool on Rex consistently. It's almost damn expected, in that sense. It's an entirely different matter for everyone else to jump on the bandwagon and just lambast the guy with sock jokes, for no other reason than to be "included". Group mentality is a dangerous, pathetic notion that is as real here as it is in society. As with BSAMSing threads and being an attention whore, just get an identity. Be yourself, and be unique. Otherwise, you simply blend in with the crowd. And that, in my opinion, is boring.

Victims on the rkmbs?!? Hey I know Jla's been through a lot but come on, guy!


"He's thinking on his own....GET HIM!!" : This is a follow-up to my last point. If someone is critical of anything that goes on here, in the least, the mob mentality turns against them. For example, I'm certain any number of response could...and made about the points I've listed here. If it isn't the oft-norm inferiority sarcasm of "Hey, he's trying to take a message board seriously", then, it will be the creation of a mirror/insult alt, with mocking dialogue to accompany....or, the most to take excerpts from the posters content and use as a sig line to make fun of the individual, claiming some form of "victory". Predictable, assured, and, in the end....only funny to those that have their own inferiority issues. Of course, another response would be an outlash of "Who are you to criticize?" and the like. Also, expected and predictable. In the end, the point that should be considered is, why can't it be discussed or debated without it turning into personal insults? Why skip over the points, just because you either have no serious opinion on the subject, or, wrongly feel singled out, as if the criticism is being leveled at you personally? I think the RKMBS would be better served on a whole if individuals were allowed to speak their minds without the fear of reprisal from those that have inferiority issues, and wish to be the "cool" one. High school mentality will only serve you just so long.

That's what makes the boards exciting like fifth period......the "high school mentality." Besides....what do you think the average mentality is on these boards anyway?!? Hey.....better yet: how bout IQ?!?


What are your gripes or complaints

Hrm.....we all still haven't gotten together at a party yet ;p

I have one....who is that Emporer Joker guy and why the hell did he steal my mahjong title?!?

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PrincessElisa said:
Besides....what do you think the average mentality is on these boards anyway?!? Hey.....better yet: how bout IQ?!?

I think Rex carries a higher IQ than the entire population of Texas, to be honest. I mean, fuck...look at the calibur of thier fucking teachers!

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!
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I totally agree.....teachers should be brutally tortured and killed, their bodies strewn across the paved concrete, for people to spit/kick/punch on their way to work every day. Because, after all, who gives a "fuck" about us!?!

Anyway, why are you taking this personally of all people?!? When was the last time the boards inspired you towards greatness/purity/morality/loving your fellow man? never....

Instead its about being more sarcastic than the last guy/one upping a comment made by someone else which, as promy said, is elementary like behavior.

And just for clarification, by mentality/iq I meant of the average john q rkmber, not you specifically klint!

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If you turned out to have a high IQ I'd be very scared.


PrincessElisa said:
When was the last time the boards inspired you towards greatness/purity/morality/loving your fellow man? never....

Ah, yes, and we all know that's what the boards are here for...

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Gerald in your living room said:
Rex,this is not a healthy way to live.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.
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rex would like to fuck gerald in your living room.

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rex can fuck gerald in the yard. my living room is off limits.

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your yard is outside, how would that be possible for rex?

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klinton said:

PrincessElisa said:
Besides....what do you think the average mentality is on these boards anyway?!? Hey.....better yet: how bout IQ?!?

I think Rex carries a higher IQ than the entire population of Texas, to be honest. I mean, fuck...look at the calibur of thier fucking teachers!

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Recently, my acerbic nature began to dominate. Certain comments I made caused PJP to think I was getting irritated with him. That is not the case, as I think we all agree "Thank God for PJP".

But, I think the concept of repetive jokes around here is a valid criticism. Some enjoy the simplicity of saying and doing the same old jokes over and over. Some don't. Either way, it's a valid topic of conversation and debate.

So, with that in mind, I think a list should be comprised of gripes or complaints about the mindset of the RKMBS community, and/or, things people would change around here if they could.

As such, I'll start it off with my top observations and opinions:

  • Obvious Alts : These are the alts that are simply a shadow of someone else's online ID, or, an exact mirror copy. They are generally created to make fun of a specific individual or just troll a forum with a single stale joke. Once, funny. Twice, okay. Three times? Boring.
  • Homosexual jokes : It is a positive aspect of guys like Jim Jackson and Klinton that they are not easily offended. If there is one defining aspect of the RKMBS, it is the constant....constant...use of homosexual reference, imagery, and discussions that are used in a negative, deragotory, or insulting manner. Yeah, I too join in on the "___ is gay!" jokes. But, in the end, love it or hate it, it's a repetitive theme that has simply taken over.
  • BSAMSing Threads : You know, the very fact that bumping old threads up for no apparent reason other than to clutter a forum is named after a specific poster (Britneyspearsatemyshorts) should tell people that really only one person can get away with it as a joke: BSAMS. Everyone else that does it is simply either trying to "be" him, or, is just following the crowd. Come on. Get an identity. Be yourself. Otherwise, you're just a pale imitation of the man himself.
  • Attention Whores : I could spout off a list of posters that simply create useless threads to try and get attention. You know who they are. You know if you're one of them. It's one thing if it's just a one-time, having fun kind of thing. It's another if it's a constant stream of pointless "Hey look at me! I need validation! Your opinion of me is important!" threads where nothing is served and nothing is gained. You know who you are.
  • Pick the Victim : Whether it be Rex, Chris Oakley, or any other, there is a serious habit prevalent on these boards of going after a single poster in every possible fashion, and in every possible thread. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm certain some deserve it. However, it's one thing for, say, PJP to tool on Rex consistently. It's almost damn expected, in that sense. It's an entirely different matter for everyone else to jump on the bandwagon and just lambast the guy with sock jokes, for no other reason than to be "included". Group mentality is a dangerous, pathetic notion that is as real here as it is in society. As with BSAMSing threads and being an attention whore, just get an identity. Be yourself, and be unique. Otherwise, you simply blend in with the crowd. And that, in my opinion, is boring.
  • Everything is a joke : Unless it's in the Deep Politics Forum...and even then because G-Man and Wednesday are able to sift out the pointless threads...everything in every forum here is a joke. And, I use the word "joke" quite lightly. Generally, ninety-percent of the supposed "wit" that's added to serious/semi-serious discussions are pointless trolling that simply tries to gain them attention, or a pity-laugh. Sometimes...and fuck, I know this will fall on deaf's okay to allow a serious discussion. If you like comic books, and want to discuss comic books, then, the comic book forum is exactly for that. Certain posters feel that they have to remind everyone, though, that comics can be made fun of, and serious or fun discussions should be broken up with consistent "jokes". And, I just use the comic forum as an example. It's in every forum, in every thread. At no point can anyone express a serious, or valid point about any subject without someone coming along and....quite predictably, I assure you...trying to make a joke about the subject, or belittling the person trying to discuss it. People,'s okay to have serious or purposeful talks here. We have plenty of other threads to have fun in, or whatnot. Not every single thread has to be a joke. Really. Swear. Believe that.
  • "He's thinking on his own....GET HIM!!" : This is a follow-up to my last point. If someone is critical of anything that goes on here, in the least, the mob mentality turns against them. For example, I'm certain any number of response could...and made about the points I've listed here. If it isn't the oft-norm inferiority sarcasm of "Hey, he's trying to take a message board seriously", then, it will be the creation of a mirror/insult alt, with mocking dialogue to accompany....or, the most to take excerpts from the posters content and use as a sig line to make fun of the individual, claiming some form of "victory". Predictable, assured, and, in the end....only funny to those that have their own inferiority issues. Of course, another response would be an outlash of "Who are you to criticize?" and the like. Also, expected and predictable. In the end, the point that should be considered is, why can't it be discussed or debated without it turning into personal insults? Why skip over the points, just because you either have no serious opinion on the subject, or, wrongly feel singled out, as if the criticism is being leveled at you personally? I think the RKMBS would be better served on a whole if individuals were allowed to speak their minds without the fear of reprisal from those that have inferiority issues, and wish to be the "cool" one. High school mentality will only serve you just so long.

See, these are my gripes and opinions about the repetitive nature of these boards. It certainly isn't universal. And, it is in no way brought about by anything that's personally happened or occured with me. It's all observation and feedback from spending the last five years here. As well as, the things I think need to be addressed if we ever expect to expand the roster of posters beyond MrJLA, and his three-hundred alt-ids.

Now, let's hear from others. What are your gripes or complaints? Don't be afraid to express them. Sure, some simpleton is going to come along and get a new sigline off of you. But, let them. In the end, your voice is heard, and they are still the same, tired old joke.

So, opinions?

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I agree with that guy.

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 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Ray Adler is a genius. He is here everyday developing new innovative ways to troll deep thoughts and drive people batshit.

He creates!

He makes me want to be a better confrontational fuckface!

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tell me, PROBAMA!! how have your feelings since changed?

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You wouldn't understand the truth, RobKampnazi!

I win again!

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 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
you have to keep in mind the origin of this place. It was a ghost town until in late 2000 or something Franta and the guys found out about and began an extended raid that in the long run spawned a "community".

yes, that 2-day ghost town was the worstiest!

(franta registered less than 48 hours after the board's creation. same with bsams and roy and rufie)

it wasn't that these boards needed saving. nor was it that these boards needed a raiding. its simply how they started out. their foundation is myself and them.

Prometheus said:
Second, I want to clarify that I'm not neccessarily saying that this place should take itself seriously. I'm just saying that a balance can exist. The balance would still allow for everyone to have a free-reign-run of they are prone to do.

beautiful point. one i agree with whole-heartedly, and would love to see followed out.

the issue here is with that of free will: the boards are pretty much set up for people to take over, for better or for worse. if "good" topics wanna take over, you can do it, you just have to do it, and not wait for others. same with "bad" topics, if you want those to take over.

its all up to the posters.

for all the people sometimes upset with how things are, myself included, where are our contributions to embettering the forum?

typical related complaint:
<img src="/images/graemlins/bawling.gif" alt="" /> the deep thoughts forum is all about politics!

dont like it? fucking change it!

if the only people posting in there are those that like politics, its up to you to interject something else 'bout it. otherwise, its their forum to use as they like.

same philosophy.

if you want more serious comic-related posts, you have to have the initiative to make'em.

"the power ... is yours!" (i can't remember the cartoon or movie that used that slogan, but i hear it very vividly in my mind!)

Prometheus said:
But, at the same time, making it viable for new people to come here without immediately being accosted with it. Some people out there that would actually have something positive to add to this community, while growing to understand the sly subtely of humor around here. I find that more new posters are run off simply because they absolutely cannot have a moment of serious discussion on any subject. Of course, the natural fallback reaction is "If they can't handle it, then they shouldn't be here". This is, in my opinion, a total phallacy and a kneejerk reaction. Not everyone is the same, and some have to find an accepting base before they are able to tolerate the gay-fuck-chaos-orgy that thrives within the parameters of these boards. Not everyone comes from the DC Boards and know or understand the personalities that make up the RKMBS.

I would never...NEVER...want the RKMBS to become totally "serious". Fuck, I would just leave if that happened. But, all things in moderation. That's my point.


Prometheus said:
Just saying. Stick around and do what's fun. That's the point...

more aye.

Nowhereman said:
Dont forget the main reason Rob created these boards was to get all the trouble makers away from DC, so is it any wonder most of us are arseholes.

not really, dear nowie.

the creation of "cyber-australia" is only one of the ways i was able to use these boards.

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 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
"the power ... is yours!" (i can't remember the cartoon or movie that used that slogan, but i hear it very vividly in my mind!)

captain mother-fuckin planet

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Hindsight is 20/20...

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 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Whoa... I have just one thing to say.


I love you.

You deserve this, pro. You asked for it.

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I think we need faster cars, and electric tamborines.

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