PrincessElisa said:
Jla said: All roads lead to LA...
We need to talk.........
Sneakys said:
UJ opened a can of shit by telling people about the secret mod forum.
*gasps* No way......there is one?!? And if you believed I was that naive, your the one with issues ;P
Klinton got me preggers, again.
So much for our date this wekeend....
pro threw a bitch fit.
I thought that was Uj.....
Oh, and you didn't ivte harley and i so we had fun wihtout you.
Darn...I knew I was forgetting something when I left to go on the vacation from hell
The only person notably missing was pigsy.....hrm.....conspiracy?!? He's on break too ya know
He's be EXTREMELY drunk the last few days.
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points