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Also, if you guys are up for it, let's just create a whole new thread called "Vanguard". No 'Europe' or 'La Perdita' or anything. Just plain "Vanguard". We start with the characters we want, how we want, and go from there.
In essence, I would love it if we could keep the running background concept that the world is not right, and has not been right for over a year. This could keep us from having to deal with anything "continuity"-wise. Also, the character of Mxy should be something ominous, now. A presence that we won't see for awhile. The team of characters we choose to put together could make it their subtle mission to find Mxy, and figure how to make a god correct the world. Of course, high adventure and intrigue along the way. Death, destruction, sex, and mayhem.
So, let's all do alot of drinking, and smoke alot of pot, and take some acid, and bang our heads against the wall, and see if we can do some crazy 88 mph stories. Yes/No?
No limits! We aren't limited by editors, the FCC, or the Comics Code Authority. I want you to dig deep, I-Man. Get in an explore your karma, and make spiritual babies with this stuff. It's been too long since I've seen you flex your writing muscle. But, don't write a fucking encyclopedia either...
BTW, I suggest we keep the current roster of characters we have (Adem, Ozzy, Lykopis, Icarus, and Victor), plus anyone Mxy or you wants to create. And unless the creator of said character comes along and removes him/her, we should feel that any and all liberties can be taken as we wish. I feel that, after almost six months, the writers would have come along and done something with their characters if they wanted to.
Either way, it's just fiction. There are no real rules,
And, I want to warn you guys of my latest inspirations in life:
Phillip K. Dick novels The television show "LOST" The television show "Battlestar Galactica" Short storied by Robert E. Howard DC's Infinite Crisis unwanted sobriety
Take all of that how you will...
I've made Icarus into something of a tragic character, at first. His body has been changed, and grafted with cybernetics (of your own design and choosing, I assure you). To me, at first, he's not gonna be too thrilled with what he's become. But, Like Johnny Storm, I expect him to jump after awhile and be even better than before. And, most importantly, more mature than before. Is he leadership material now? Could be.
Lykopis, I'm going to flesh out some. Take away a slight bit of her personal hardness. Remind her how to be a woman without having to be so utterly dominating. That was CJ's thing. Not mine. I think it's time she stepped up and helped lead a group anyway.
Victor is Victor, and Danny can do what he wants. I just took his sight to make him even more dangerous.
Adem without the ability of easy communication. But, his brain was always his power, not his mouth. Can he re-learn English? Why did he lose it in the first place?
Ozzy's skin is now metallic, ala' Colossus. And, he can't turn it off. Not much of an impediment. But, it's something to start with. I may do more.
These are just my initial ideas. I think it goes without saying that any creator may override my wishes. However, unless they're going to do something different than before, I would rather the character just be removed all together.
And, last but most importantly.....pick a character. And that's it, you know? No matter what Gaunt may have said in that last post, I have had no intention of having Paragon, or anyone else readily appear still the way they were. The world is changed. The La Perdita team...are they gone? What's happened? I stated that 11 people had vanished over a year ago, with six being the crew I spotlighted. With Gaunt gone, it's five. Who are the rest? Well, that's the hole I left open for others to bring a character in. Notice, my concept is that these characters that have been missing...they're the only ones that really know the world is different than it was.
And, really.....what happened to these eleven? What happened to the six we've seen so far? What happened to make them so different? What changed them? What took Victor's eyes? Adem's "tongue"? What scarred Lykopis, hardened Ozzy, and teched-up Icky?
That's the exploration I'm looking for from you guys. And, one that I hope isn't solved in a single story.
Does any of this make sense?
Chewy, that's some damn good stuff, man! Seriously. I really dig the words you put in Ozzy's mouth, as well as how you are evolving Icarus...even in the slightest of ways. PLEASE keep it up...
Phil, if you or anyone else want to do your old characters with your old stuff, that's cool. But, you'll have to do it in a seperate thread, or something. This story...this new about change and a new perspective. I'm simply against going back to any of the characters the way they were, or the stories/continuity left behind. If you or Euro want to "tie up" old stories, go right ahead. Just create a seperate story in this forum for it.
Now, if you want to really change Smith, or, create something utterly different, go right ahead and join in.
And guys? Let's keep the mood of the characters in perspective. Let's make sure that we remember (much like Chewy did with Icky) that this change has been abrupt and brutal. As far as their memories are concerned, it's only been a few hours since they were in Spain. Then BAM! Here they are...a year has seemingly passed...Drake and Foxe, both dead...and for the moment, they're simply trying to find their bearings, crashing at one of Montag's European castles. Shock and inner reflection are the name of the game at the moment...