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Eurostar said: But what interest me is that Eddie has been pulled like the other eleven from the altered reality and and has been SUDDENLY found himself grown up. I don't know what Doc though, but what I find brilliant about his stuff is that I have to write the mind of a three year old kid into a young adult. If you give me a kid that's has been already one year in the body of an adult, the fun is lost.
So, if you concede me this, and don't consider it a lack of respect of Doc's works, but just a reallignment, I will be extremely happy to join you.
Well, if you want to write him as him suddenly growing up overnight, instead of him just being part of this new universe (with no memory of the original, or the characters), that's up to you. Personally, I think it would better serve everything if he was just another character from this new universe that ends up hooking with the characters, having grown rapidly in the last year with no explanation as to how. That way, he doesn't have to be one of the eleven, but, is still "special" in some way.
But, you handle that in the way you wish. And, I have an idea on how to bring him in if you want...