Prometheus said: CJ!! Welcome back! And there go my plans for Lykopis.... 
Actually, I really have to thank you for two things. One, you didn't ditch Lykopis just because I got busy. Two, you did something I've always been afraid of doing. I've always worried that character development/change was next to impossible in this style of writing. Thank you for proving me wrong.
Actually, if you had any idea for Lykopis, toss 'em to me. It could work.
Grimm, I completely agree. Not all the eleven have to be in Vanguard. And, as we only have...what...three? spots left...I would be against ANY MORE CHARACTERS KNOWING at this time. Let's leave a little room to play with in the future, people....sheesh...
I totally agree. It would be nice if Jocasta came back, but there is no way I would want her to be part of the eleven. It would never work. I think we should leave those empty spots alone for now.
That being said, are you guys cool if Jocasta remains a threat? I really like the idea of her being Lykopis's arch-nemisis. The Lex Luthor to her Superman. I was taught about mirrors and foils in my literature classes, and I thought it would be cool to try those concepts with the pair.
"You're either lying or stupid." "I'm stupid! I'm stupid!" Megatron and Starscream