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Captain Sammitch said: P.S.: I referred to it as unfair because in my opinion you are expecting something of me you have not/would not expect of the other writers in here.
Listen, I've been dicking around with you all night, mostly out of fun. But, I've also been honest with you, as I like to think I generally am with everyone. I don't study my words very much, or worry about being insensitive because, frankly, we're all adults. And anyone who takes themself so seriously as to be offended by honesty doesn't deserve hand-holding or coddling. And that's NOT to say you're that type of person. I'm just throwing it out there, as there always seems to be some misunderstanding of my motives in what I say, by almost every writer here (save Danny and Chewy...those guys get me...probably due to time spent together).
Now, as far as why I'm "picking" on you right now? Very simple. And I shall explain it henceforth. However, I'm not going to debate you on the details. This is simply how I feel.
Let's look at your one and only post in this story.
All of us are going the distance in trying to find some way of presenting our characters at their wits end. Emotionally, philosophically, whatever. Even Grimm is coming across as troubled (although I'm certain the writer just intends this as being a common "arsehole" trait).
In one post, you have Phil make this forcibly-cool entrance where he is completely and utterly in control of himself, and his powers. He comes in, showing off his new threads (which you intentionally tied to Chewy's new theme for Icarus, for whatever reason), and, of course, a demonstration of how in control he is with his abilities. He shows no signs of introspection, surprise, alarm, or even the slightest hint that the complete redesigning of his world has affected him in the slightest way. He's Phil Smith. Uber-Cool Man of Mystery. Ish.
And that is it.
You have the chance to show Phil being human. To show his flaws, and failings. To show his insecurities and fears. You've always had this chance with this character. But, I've never seen you take him there.
In fact, all I've ever seen from Phil Smith, the character, is a consistent fight to be the alpha-male. You designed him to be generally infallible. He is Jason Bourne, master of weapons, hand-to-hand, and covert intrigue. PLUS, he's bloody Jean Grey....a full scale telepath and telekinetic.
Now, I get 'The Big'. In stories. In characters. I love The Big. Ask anyone. I'll go cosmic faster than Danny goes for the sarcastic one-liner. But, that's not all I write. And, I most certainly leave a level of extreme falliblity in my characters. At least I go to great lengths to try.
As a solo character, Phil Smith is wonderful. Full of mystery and intrigue. Full of power and intelligence. He's a one-man John Woo flick with eyebrows. But, in a group setting, you have seem to gone out of your way in the past to have him overshadow others. Dirk was the expert weaponsmith. But, then suddenly, Phil was, too. Grissom was the covert man of mystery and 007-like adventure. But, then suddenly, Phil was, too. In The World of Darkness, every character was affected by the evil of that dimension, usually causing a hinderance of some kind. A limitation to overcome. But, Phil? Phil became fucking Neo, and tapped into some kind of Ulti-Nature power. How is that limiting?
I am only one opinion, and one writer. I have no more of a say over your character, and the legitimacy therein, than I do any other writer here. But, I call them like I see them.
Have you ever written other characters in your posts? Yes. Have you ever written them well? Definitely. But, the majority of your writing deals with how Phil can expertly deal with a situation. The challenge isn't to neccessarily live out your fantasies with a fictional character. It's to give that character life. A fully-rounded, well-oiled, perfectly understandable being that at least part of is relatable to real life, and real people. There's nothing I can relate to with Phil. He faultless. He's flawless. And, he's so powerful, I'm encapable of reasoning why he would need or want to be in a group. He's a one-man army.
In the past I have outright punked your character as a joke. I've also wrote him as a newbie. Or, I've concentrated on a specific ability, and tried to find the levels there. I've also used him as you use him...the ultimate badass. But, in the end, I cannot tell you what Phil Smith dreams at night. I cannot tell you his greatest fears, or his greates desires. I cannot tell you what his purest beliefs are, or what he does in his spare time. I cannot tell you anything about the human under the abilities.
If you are so dead-set on focusing every post on your own character, that's fine. We all do it from time to time. I've always found that if I make my own character the least relevant in certain scenes, it adds to the group dynamic. It allows me to get in and have fun with everyone elses character. And, in turn, it allows others to come along and play with mine. That's really the whole point of group writing. Not just showing off your sandbox, but, letting others build castles with your sand. And you, with theirs.
In the end, these are the things I want to see from you. These are the things I know you are capable of achieving with Phil. But, if Phil is always "on"...if he's always the superman...always the best at what he does, period...well, then, he remains a one-note, two-dimensional cliche'. Which either forces me to ignore him....or....rewrite him in scenes...or....bitch at you.
Now, this was alot of rambling. But, given your level of intelligence, I feel fairly certain you can pick out my point.
I like writing with you Phil. I was just hoping that, after two years (three?), you would have evolved your character past this point by now.
Motherfucker, make Phil Smith cry!! 
I hope this makes it a bit clearer for you. And please, don't get hurt feelings. If I didn't give a shit, I would just fucking ignore you...