Now, now, children...

Okay, you may be wondering if I'm writing Ozzy out, or, leaving the writing. The answers are, yes and no.
Yes, I'm writing Ozzy out. I will continue what's left of his story in a solo, that will guest star all the other characters, too. That's forthcoming within the month.
Why am I writing Ozzy out? Because I feel his character has and will come full circle to a point. And, I would rather put him away than run him into the ground.
As for who I am going to write as a character, well, I haven't decided that yet. Meanwhile, I'll still be writing posts just to advance the story along.
Now, I've given you some group-emotional fodder to play with. Some characters may be torn up about the loss of Ozzy. Others (Victor) may not care. It's up to you. But, realistically, I don't see everyone still having gumdrop-and-candycane emotions right now. The point is to break these characters down, and realize that....bit by bit...they are losing everything.
Where do they go from here? Up to you...