Mister Mxypltk, you have flooded the Mobius Infinity Message Boards in direct violation of the user agreement. As a result, you are banned from these boards and your posts have been deleted. If you have a problem with this, contact me or one of the other keepers and we will discuss this matter further with you.
im not the kind of person you want to be messin with bub your site name is my sites name with the new in front of it and what is that accent in your typing is that brittish ha and u made your site off of amarican comic books ha ha ha iv read more comics than your country owns.. if u want to piss me off dont insult my typing i dont sit down all day and worry if i type something wrong om not gay like u fuckin dumb ass
That was uncalled for and extremely immature. You knew the guidelines when you joined the group. If you did not agree with them you should have gone elsewhere to begin with. Your hostility is pettey and juvenile, as is your egotism. Please have the decency to remove yourself from the group and cease immediately with this harassment.
<B>Private Message Notification</B> <P>MARVEL DOG just sent you (britneyspearsatemyshorts) a Private Message at <A HREF="http://ubb.marvel.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi">Marvel Message Boards</A>. <P> Here is the message sent by MARVEL DOG: <P> Subject: <A HREF="http://ubb.marvel.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_pm&d=C&t=00000871">About Power Pack</A> <BR> -------------------------------------------------- <P> Hey Britanny,<P>I haven't heard any Power Pack comments from you in a while, so I guess you were due. I don't know what you know but I do work at Marvel and haven't heard a peep about Power Pack. <P>I am a fan of the old book so I keep a ear to the ground. Other people are fans too and since I figure if there were a new series Joe wouldn't let you blab about it, I am going to ask you to either get him to send me a conformation or stop posting these statements.<P>I don't like to see people get excited over something if it is a bald-faced lie, so please either get me the conformation or stop posting these lies (which I will erase in ONE day). <P>
Private Message Notification Lionstryke just sent you (britneyspearsatemyshorts) a Private Message at Marvel Message Boards.
Here is the message sent by Lionstryke:
Subject: Education for the Ignorate --------------------------------------------------
(I am the sister to Lionstryke)
I am addressing this message to the person who called my brother an "Antisemite". First of all, lets get a little education here. An "anitsemite" is a hater of persons of the Jewish faith. (check the Webster). And not all jews are of the caucasion persuasion.
My brothers questions was posed to inquire about Marvel creating more "non-white" characters. Let's a definition of "non-white" - persons of other minority ethnicities. This question was/is not a question to cause racial intensities or "hate". It was just a general question.
Before you decide to respond to other messages posted on this board you will need to learn how to read and comprehend what you are reading (back to Phonics).
Watch you say and the name calling. That was a very low-blow on your part and it shows how uneducated you are.
If you would like to respond to "me" in regards to this message you are more than welcome to "respond" to me at srenep@yahoo.com.
From: Chris Oakley <chriso_01801@yahoo.com> Date: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 11:20 PM Subject: This is the REAL Chris Oakley.Just to set the record straight....
....whoever posted that so-called "goodbye" thread,it certainly wasn't me.I haven't been able to post on the DC Boards in months because I can't retrieve my password. What you're dealing with is a sicko who's impersonating me because it's his twisted idea of a joke.Don't believe a single word this loser says;he's doing it to try and embarass me because I wouldn't put up with his garbage on another board.While I'm at it,I have never liked Kurt Angle or Roy Batty and I never will;matter of fact,I con- sider Roy a rotten little scumbag who deserves to burn in hell.
In short,I've been made the target of a long-running harassment campaign by a couple of sickos who by all rights should be banned from the Internet for the rest of their unnatural lives.To sum up:I hate Roy Batty,I hate Kurt Angle,and I never intended to
quit the DC boards.Matter of fact,if I could just get my password back,I'd be on the boards right now telling everybody just how full of crap Roy is.
>>>From: "Marcus Vitchell" <idhaise@hotmail.com> >>>To: farrell316@hotmail.com >>>CC: ventrue_nox@hotmail.com, schindlerslift@shihad.zzn.com >>>Subject: Athanon >>>Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 21:34:47 GMT >>> >>>Please return the threads you placed into the misanthropic social club >>>back to the point of origin. The next a Keeper politely asks you to undo >>>something you admitted to doing and you take a smartass attitude about >>>it, I'll replace you. >>> >>>Dhaise >>>Owner
>>From: "THE DADDY" <farrell316@hotmail.com> >>To: idhaise@hotmail.com >>Subject: Re: Athanon >>Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 21:40:44 GMT >>MIME-Version: 1.0 >>X-Originating-IP: [] >>Received: from by lw2fd.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP;Tue, 14 >>Nov 2000 21:40:44 GMT >> >> >>Fuck off.
Please refrain from making signatures that long. ( in English, please)
Bobbie Bender Cracked Magazine
We would appreciate English so ALL of our readers can understand. Long signatures just take up too much room. :)
Bobbie Bender CRACKED Magazine
Sorry about deleting your signature, but please refrain from writing more than three lines. It's not really asking much. Do it for Sylvester. Do it for the Naked Guy. Do it for Simpy...er...Forget that!
You are a prick arent you. At least I don't spam message boards and screw them up so they dont work. Go have sex with Disco Steve. Get your little faggit friends to join in on the homo-erotic fun. HEHEHEHEHEHE You like it dont you. Just admit it.
Thank you for registering on Nightly.Net. Your registration information is provided below, including your new password. You will need this information in order to post any messages in our forums at http://www.nightly.net/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi .
Your Login (User) Name: Jolene Blalock #1 Fan Your Password: U6WA2Z Your Email Address of record is: swfpele@yahoo.com
Note that you can change this password online at http://www.nightly.net/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=my_profile . If you change your registered email address, however, a new random password will be emailed to you so that we can verify any new email address you use.
quote:Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts: From: Chris Oakley <chriso_01801@yahoo.com> Date: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 11:20 PM Subject: This is the REAL Chris Oakley.Just to set the record straight....
....whoever posted that so-called "goodbye" thread,it certainly wasn't me.I haven't been able to post on the DC Boards in months because I can't retrieve my password. What you're dealing with is a sicko who's impersonating me because it's his twisted idea of a joke.Don't believe a single word this loser says;he's doing it to try and embarass me because I wouldn't put up with his garbage on another board.While I'm at it,I have never liked Kurt Angle or Roy Batty and I never will;matter of fact,I con- sider Roy a rotten little scumbag who deserves to burn in hell.
In short,I've been made the target of a long-running harassment campaign by a couple of sickos who by all rights should be banned from the Internet for the rest of their unnatural lives.To sum up:I hate Roy Batty,I hate Kurt Angle,and I never intended to
quit the DC boards.Matter of fact,if I could just get my password back,I'd be on the boards right now telling everybody just how full of crap Roy is.
You'll have to read it from the bottom...............up! ___________________________________________________________________-- You don't really think I'm going to be bullied by a loser like you, do you? Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you do have a sense of humor!
I never could do or listen to someone who talks the talk but can't walk the walk. You are a thoroughly dislikable and boring fella and you give new meaning to the word predictability!
Keep buying comics, keep slating them because you're never gonna be a writer. You're just gonna moderate these boards for the rest of your putrid little life, as that is the only way you will ever truly feel big.
It's been nice, real nice.
>From: "Marcus Vitchell" <idhaise@hotmail.com> >To: farrell316@hotmail.com >Subject: Re: Athanon >Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 21:45:39 GMT > > >Enjoy citizenship kid. > >>From: "THE DADDY" <farrell316@hotmail.com> >>To: idhaise@hotmail.com >>Subject: Re: Athanon >>Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 21:40:44 GMT >>MIME-Version: 1.0 >>X-Originating-IP: [] >>Received: from by lw2fd.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP;Tue, 14 >>Nov 2000 21:40:44 GMT >> >> >>Fuck off. >> >>>From: "Marcus Vitchell" <idhaise@hotmail.com> >>>To: farrell316@hotmail.com >>>CC: ventrue_nox@hotmail.com, schindlerslift@shihad.zzn.com >>>Subject: Athanon >>>Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 21:34:47 GMT >>> >>>Please return the threads you placed into the misanthropic social club >>>back to the point of origin. The next a Keeper politely asks you to undo >>>something you admitted to doing and you take a smartass attitude about >>>it, I'll replace you. >>> >>>Dhaise >>>Owner >>> >> >
Jack Yerly wrote: > So, if I were to find myself wandering about the countryside in England, where would I run into you? I can't swear that I can make it over there in any reasonable time-frame. But since you've offered to actually put up a fight -- which I'll confess, is more than any of the other Nature Boyz have done -- I might as well see if I can oblige. And I've always meant to visit Britain anyway. I don't really expect an honest reply. My expectation is that you'd try to make me feel like a fool by wandering around somewhere quite a distance from wherever you expected to be. After all, you've got a whole continent AND an ocean between us at the moment, right? But I can live with feeling like a fool. Hell, I do foolish things all the time. The better question is, can you live with feeling like a chickenshit? Are you used to it, yet? Have you accepted that your role in life is that of a coward, or is there still a little hope for you? Look at it this way. It would be your big chance to change history. Since the first moment the Earl Grey hit the harbor in Boston, it could be the first time a Brit has given an American a decent fight.
===== > "The higher you are, the farther you fall > The longer the walk, the farther you crawl > My body, my temple, this temple it tilts > Step into the house that Jack built" > > -- Metallica, The House That Jack Built > >
Why the fuck would I wanna lie? As I`ve said before I dont like to fight cause fighting is what intellectually challenged people think solves things,but I also never walk away from a fight if thats what its gonna take! I`ve never been scared of anyone in my life,& guess what,I aint scared of you either! Heres the deal,if you honestly find yourself coming to England,email me then & I`ll give ya all the info ya want as there is little point at this juncture giving you details about something that might never happen! I make no assumptions that I would kick your arse,as any man who can make such claims without meeting someone in h flesh,is either insane or just too damn full of themselves! Oh,& IF the meeting did ever take place,you can count on the fact that I would not bring back up as you have made assertions to before.