Next up is the hardcore match between Foley & Edge!

Promo video about the lead up to this match!

I predict Foley will win!

Finally Styles is brought in as its a ECW style match!
(Are they gonna make him piss off afer this one?)

Lillian Garcia says the word hardcore!
I wank some more!

Edge & his old slapper come out!
He carries the baseball bat Foley gave him!

Foley comes out as Foley, he carries a lot of extra weight!

Edge tries to hit Foley with the bat but Foley beats him up instead!

Tree of woe from Foley & he drops an elbow on Edges face!

Edge gets up & knocks Foley down!

Edge twats Foley with a cookie tray a few times.

Edge kicks a road sign into Foleys face!

Edge beckons for the spear, and hits it but Edges shoulder is hurt!
Foley has barb wire wrapped round his waist.
Foley cuts it away then whips & chokes Edge with it!
Foley has socko hanging out of his trousers!

Foley finds the barb wire baseball bat under the ring!

Chita jumps on Foleys back!

Foley clotheslines Edge over the top rope so all three go together!

Swinging neckbreaker from Foley outside the ring!

Foley punches Edge then runs at him!
Hiptoss from Edge & Foley lands on the ring steps!

Edge punches Foley!

Foley is Irish whipped into the steps!

Back in the ring!
Edge baseball slides Foley out of the ring again!

Edge gets a table from under the ring and sets it up!

Edge lays Foley on the table & goes to the top rope but Foley rolls off the table!

Edge gets down & slams Foleys head into the steel ramp!

Back in the ring again!

Chita gives Edge a bottle of lighter fluid & soaks Foley with it!

Piledriver from Foley!

Foley slips the tray under Edges head & picks up a chair!
Chits runs in & distracts Foley!
Edge DDTs Foley onto the chair!

Edge picks up Foleys barb wire bat & hits Foley in the gut, the back then the face!
Edge drags the bat across Foleys forehead!

Edge Bulldogs Foley onto the barb wire bat but Foley kicks out of a pin!

Foley is bleeding like a bitch!

Edge gets a bag of thumb tacs & empties it in the ring!

Edge punches Foley.
Foley back suplexes Edge onto the thumb tacs!

Foley grabs socko!
Foley wraps socko in barb wire, applies the mandible claw to Edge, then Chita when she interferes!

Foley hits Edge in the gut then the back with the barb wire bat!
He then hits Edge in the face with it!
Foley drops it onto Edges face like an elbow drop, then drags it across Edges forehead!

Edge is bleeding like a bitch!

Foley gets the lighter fluid & pours it on the table Edge set up earlier!

Chita hits Foley with the barb wire bat, then pours fluid on the table as well!
Chita sets it on fire.
Foley is standing on the apron, Edge spears him & they both hit the table!
Edge pins Foley outside the ring!

Another prediction failed!

I am doing really well tonight!