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#657017 2006-04-02 10:06 PM
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Some miserable bitch from Destinys Child sings the Merican anthem.
She is rubbish!
They play some video footage of various WWE stars playing with the soldiers in Iraq.
An eagle flies in front of old glory (its not at all tacky).

Wow, she really is rubbish!

The crowd chants "USA USA USA!"

WrestleMania collage video!

The feed fucks up & the music plays to a frozen pic of HBGay!

We now hear stuff about tonights matches, but HBGay is still frozen on screen!

Ok, its sorted now!

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Before we go any further, the story is that Bret has already flown home but obviously my graphic is still what most people are wondering about!

Fuck, Fat Retard is commentating!

Carlito comes out and does some kinda roll on the floor!

Fatty is teamed with Lawler (no Styles, proving WWE are cunts) and we also have the tards from Smackdown.

Shit Masterbator comes out & poses a bit!

Hugo Savaloybitch & Carlos Mexican are also commentating as well!

Kane & Big Show come out together!

I am predicting new tag champs tonight!

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This is the greatest "WrestleMania 22 as it happens" thread ever!

A brillizion points!

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Fucking impressive dropkick from Kane to Shit!

Show tags in & slaps shit!

Show slams Shit then steps on him!

Carlito tags in & tries to lock up with Show!
The crowd is behind Carlito, chanting his name!

Show drops Carlito on the ropes goolies first!

Show press slams Shit (who rolls out of the ring).
Show then press slams Carlito out of the ring onto Shit!
Kane goes to top rope & clotheslines them outside the ring!

Carlito back in the ring and dropkicks Shows knees!

Carlito & Shit flapjack Show!

Carlito beats on a downed Show then tags in Shit!

Show verticle suplexes both at once!

Kane tags in & twats them.

Kane punches Carlito in the head then clotheslines Shit!

Sidewalk slam to Carlito!

Top rope clothesline from Kane is reveresed into a Mastercock!
Show kicks Shit in the face!

Backbreaker thingee from Carlito to Kane!

Show gets chop blocked by Shit!

Kane twats Shit!

Shit jumps off the top rope and accidentally hits Carlito!

Kane gets rid of Shit, chokeslams Carlito & wins!

Well thats one prediction wrong!

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Carlito & Shit argue in the ring!
The crowd keeps chanting Carlitos name as he leaves!

Coach talks to HBGay backstage!

Stuff is said about HBGay & Mahon!

HBGay says he has had the best matches at the last few WrestleManias cause he is a big headed cunt!

HBGay shouts!

The ladders are set up in the ring & on the ramp!

Lillian has a dress cut down to the navel!
I wank!

Matt Hardy V1uhhhhh comes out first!
Shelton comes out next!
Finlay is third out!
Its me, its me, its RVD!
Bobby Shatley is crap....I mean on his way to the ring!
Woooooooo the grand wizard cometh!

They start brawling!
Crowd seems to be behind RVD!

Hardy gets a ladder but RVD kicks it in his face then vaults over the rope & lands on him & the ladder!

Shelton hits Finlay with a ladder!

Shelton runs up a ladder thats laying on a rope & does a senton to the outside, landing on Hardy, Shatley & RVD!

Flair puts the ladder on top of Finlay & climbs it.
Hardy climbs the other side & superplexes Flair from the top.

Flair shouts a lot & is helped out of the ring by some people, he is holding his knee!

RVD drop toe holds Shelton.
RVD misses a rolling thunder & land on a ladder!

Shatley sets up the ladder.
He has trouble working out how you climb it!

Shelton climbs the other side!

Shelton tries to sunset flip him, but needs help from Hardy & Finlay to powerbomb him!

Shelton unloads on Finlay!
Finlay twonks Shelton.
Hardy unloads on Finlay!
Finlay throws a ladder into Hardys face then twats Shatley with one!

Flair hobbles back to the ring & chops Finlay!

Flair is in the ring on his own!
He climbs but Hardy pulls him down!
Flair fights off Hardy & Benjamin.
Flair clibs the ladder!
Finlay hits him with his stick thing!
Finlay goes for the case!
Shelton climbs the ladder but Shatley knocks the ladder over!

Shatley hits Shelton with his finisher!

RVD van daminators Shatley from a top turnbuckle to the top of the ladder!

Hardy climbs the ladder in the corner & leg drops Shatley.

Hardy climbs the ladder again but Finlay climbs up the same side.
Sideaffect from Hardy to Finlay from the top of the ladder!

RVD climbs the ladder in the corner and frog splashes Finlay from the top.

The EC-Dub chant starts!

RVD climbs the ladder.
Shelton jumps onto the ladder from a top turnbuckle!
Hardy sets up another ladder & climbs it!
They all brawl!

RVD kicks the other ladder & Hardy & Shelton fall to the outside!

RVD grabs the case & is now Mr.Money-in-the-bank!


I predict RVD will win!

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Josh Mathews talks to Mean Gene!

Mandy Shortone interupts!

I dont listen to Mandy.......he sucks balls!

Batista interupts him! (Should I still call him Shatista?)

He says stuff & Mandy doesnt!

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Finkel says Bret Hart was uncomfortable being involved tonight & all the inductees come out (I am waiting to see Eddie)!
Funny, Eddie looks like Chavo.

The fans go apeshit chanting Eddies name, his wife smiles!
(Riva La Eddie, we do still miss you)

Next up JBL vs Benoit for the US championship!
I predict a Benoit win!

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The whole ramp raises into the air & JBLs limo drives out from under it!

The ramp lowers so that Benoit doesnt have to fly to the ring!

They lock up!

They trade punches!

Benoit tries to lock in the crossface!
BEnoit headbutts JBL then goes back to trying the crossface!
JBL gets the rope!
JBL applies a headlock but Benoit reverses it into an ankle lock!

Chops from Benoit!
JBL boots Benoit in the face!
Attempted sharpshooter from Benoit!

Some punches from JBL!
Another boot to Benoits face!
More punches from JBL!
Triple Germans from Benoit!

Benoit goes to the top rope!
JBL hits the ropes & goolies Benoit!
JBL mocks Eddie!
Superplex from top rope by JBL!

More Eddie mocking!

JBL hits the three amigos but Benoit breaks it up after two!
Another boot to Benoits face (nice to see variety).

Headlock from JBL and some sorta nerve pinch to the shoulder!

Back suplex from Benoit breaks the hold!

Three amigos from Benoit!

Top rope again for Benoit!
Flying headbutt hits home but JBL kicks out!

Benoit ducks a clothesline from hell & goes for a German suplex, but JBL grabs ref!

Crossface is locked in, but JBL rolls over on top of Benoit!
JBL holds the ropes as the ref counts three!

Cant any of the heels win without using the ropes these days?

At least I failed at another prediction!

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And here I thought Finlay was going to win the ladder match...

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Next up is the hardcore match between Foley & Edge!

Promo video about the lead up to this match!

I predict Foley will win!

Finally Styles is brought in as its a ECW style match!
(Are they gonna make him piss off afer this one?)

Lillian Garcia says the word hardcore!
I wank some more!

Edge & his old slapper come out!
He carries the baseball bat Foley gave him!

Foley comes out as Foley, he carries a lot of extra weight!

Edge tries to hit Foley with the bat but Foley beats him up instead!

Tree of woe from Foley & he drops an elbow on Edges face!

Edge gets up & knocks Foley down!

Edge twats Foley with a cookie tray a few times.

Edge kicks a road sign into Foleys face!

Edge beckons for the spear, and hits it but Edges shoulder is hurt!
Foley has barb wire wrapped round his waist.
Foley cuts it away then whips & chokes Edge with it!
Foley has socko hanging out of his trousers!

Foley finds the barb wire baseball bat under the ring!

Chita jumps on Foleys back!

Foley clotheslines Edge over the top rope so all three go together!

Swinging neckbreaker from Foley outside the ring!

Foley punches Edge then runs at him!
Hiptoss from Edge & Foley lands on the ring steps!

Edge punches Foley!

Foley is Irish whipped into the steps!

Back in the ring!
Edge baseball slides Foley out of the ring again!

Edge gets a table from under the ring and sets it up!

Edge lays Foley on the table & goes to the top rope but Foley rolls off the table!

Edge gets down & slams Foleys head into the steel ramp!

Back in the ring again!

Chita gives Edge a bottle of lighter fluid & soaks Foley with it!

Piledriver from Foley!

Foley slips the tray under Edges head & picks up a chair!
Chits runs in & distracts Foley!
Edge DDTs Foley onto the chair!

Edge picks up Foleys barb wire bat & hits Foley in the gut, the back then the face!
Edge drags the bat across Foleys forehead!

Edge Bulldogs Foley onto the barb wire bat but Foley kicks out of a pin!

Foley is bleeding like a bitch!

Edge gets a bag of thumb tacs & empties it in the ring!

Edge punches Foley.
Foley back suplexes Edge onto the thumb tacs!

Foley grabs socko!
Foley wraps socko in barb wire, applies the mandible claw to Edge, then Chita when she interferes!

Foley hits Edge in the gut then the back with the barb wire bat!
He then hits Edge in the face with it!
Foley drops it onto Edges face like an elbow drop, then drags it across Edges forehead!

Edge is bleeding like a bitch!

Foley gets the lighter fluid & pours it on the table Edge set up earlier!

Chita hits Foley with the barb wire bat, then pours fluid on the table as well!
Chita sets it on fire.
Foley is standing on the apron, Edge spears him & they both hit the table!
Edge pins Foley outside the ring!

Another prediction failed!

I am doing really well tonight!

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MisterJLA said:
And here I thought Finlay was going to win the ladder match...

I'm not really watching WrestleMania, I am making all this up!

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"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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Booker & Black Cliche Woman are backstage.
BCW is freaking out as usual!
Birchall is pretending to be a pirate!
Eugene is betting with Ted DiBiase!
Snitsky is licking Mae Youngs foot!
Goldust is dressed as a Oprah Winfrey!
Goldust says they are all freaks.
Snitsky says it wasnt his fault!
Ted DiBiase laughs!

Backlash promo!

Four eyes is talking to some bitches who won some competition.

Some bloke is in the audience who is apparently famous, but I have no idea who he is!

I predict Booker/Sharmell will win!

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Booker & BCW make their way to the ring!

The Shittymans music hits but where is he?
He crawls out of the entrance!

Apparently the Shittyman comes from "Bottomless pit".
If its bottomless, where does he stand/sit?

Booker makes BCW start the match then attacks Shitty from behind!
Booker tags in & beats up Shitty!

Booker kicks Shitty in the knackers then superkicks him!

Booker cries that he has been reduced to this.

Booker keeps kicking Shitty!

Shittyman smiles!

Bookend from Booker!

They trade punches!
Shitty knocks Booker down!

This twat cant even do something as simmple as punch someone!

Shitty pulls some worms out of his pocket & eats them!
BCW tries to hit him with his own stick but he turns round & kisses her.
She runs off!
Shitty does a variation of a sit down powerbomb & pins Booker!

What a joke of a match!

And what a joke of a prediction!

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Fat Retard goes on about BBQ sauce!
I really have not missed that cunt!
I hate him, and I hate WWE for bringing him back!

Promo for the Trish/Mickie match!

I predict Mickie will win the womens title!

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Mickie come to the ring!
I'd fuck her!

Trish comes out!
I'd fuck her!

Lillian is in the ring!
I'd fuck her!

Trishes outfit is hawt!
Thats it, its wank time again!

They lock up (the girls, not my hand & my penis)!

Trish chops her......several times!
Trish stops a kick from Mickie & makes her do the splits!
Trish kicks Mickie outta the ring!
Chick kick from Trish misses & she hits the ring post!

Mickie puts Trish back in the ring then smashes her leg into the ring post again!
They trade punches!

Low drop kick from Mickie!
Mickie continues to work on the leg!

The crowd appear to be cheering for Mickie!

More work on Trish's leg as she applies a half Boston crab!

The crowd are hugely behind Mickie.........that must piss WWE off!

Trish does that spinning thing, where she runs on her hands!
Fans boo!
Trish hits boo!
Clothesline from boo!
Powerbomb from boo!
Mickie kicks out of cheer!

Mickie kicks Trish!

Trish tries to do her top rope leg scissors thing but Mickie reverses it!

Big powerbomb from Trish, but Mickie kicks out!

Matrix move from Trish!

Trish goes for Stratusfaction but Mickie grabs her cunt then licks her fingers!
Crowd love it.
Botched Stratusfaction from Mickie!
Chick kick from Mickie & she gets the pin!

The fans love it, mainly because I got a prediction right at last!

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All the Mahons are backstage!
They talk!

Vince Mahon makes them all pray!
Shane & Tits react as Vince says stuff, Wooden appears to have fallen asleep!

I predict a Taker win in the next match!
No way will WWE let that fat useless slug take away his unbeaten record!

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JBL's first Wrestlemania victory! That's cool.

Edge is still undefeated at Wrestlemania. That's even cooler.

Big Show breaks his defeated Wrestlemania streak on Carlito and Masters. That's not cool.

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Some hooded blokes bring out the casket!

Recap of the feud!

Fat Useless Cunt comes out alone as apparently Daivari is still recovering!

Lightning flashes, flames roar high as the Undertaker makes his way out!

Cunt attacks Taker!
Taker fails to knock cunt down twice but Cunt ends up knocking him down!

Cunt hangs up Taker on the middle rope!

Cunt tries to smash Takers head into the steps but its blocked!
Taker whacks Cunts head into the steps, then Cunt does it to him!

Back in the ring they brawl until Taker gets the upper hand briefly!
Cunt blocks Old school then kicks Taker a few times!

Cunt tries to kick Taker into the casket!

Taker blocks!

Taker kicks Cunt in the face then starts working on his arm!
Taker hits Old school this time!

Cunt knocks Taker down!

Cunt puts Taker on the middle rope & runs at him!
Cunt ends up sliding into the casket then Taker goes in the casket as well!

They brawl in the casket!

Cunt rolls back in the ring!

Taker punches Cunt!

Taker runs at Cunt but is caught & slammed!
Cunt forgets its a casket match & tries to pin him!

Taker is rolled into the casket but Taker hangs Cunt up on the ropes!

Taker headbutts Cunt!
Cunt clotheslines Taker!

Cunt climbs to the second rope to punch Taker in the head, but Taker hits a sorta Last ride!
Taker throws Cunt out of the ring & he lands on the casket then rolls off!
Taker launches himself over the top rope, clears the casket & lands on Cunt!

Back in the ring Taker hits the Tombstone!

Taker rolls Cunt into the casket & shuts the lid!

14-0 at WrestleMania for the Undertaker!

Yay, I win again!

Taker is still fucking impressive!
He might not be a tech wizard like Benoit, but for a big guy, he can fucking fly!

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Promo for Diva DVD that is currently on PPV!

I'm trying to work out who will win the next match!

There are four outcomes!

Mahon will win with help from Bret!
Mahon will win with help from his family!
HBGay will win with help from Bret!
HBGay will win clean!

I think the first choice is the one that most people hope for, with the third choice coming in second!

I am gonna go for a clean HBGay win, but if (and thats a big if) Bret gets involved, I'd say he will go with Mahon!

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HBGay is out first!

Mahon struts out!

What the fuck is the deal with the way Mahon walks?

Mahon walks over to a board covered by a cloth!
He removes the cloth & its a pic of his muscle & fitness cover!

HBGay runs out and twats him!

They fight on the announce table!

HBGay throws Mahon back in the ring & goes and gets Mahons picture then of course twats him over the head with it!

In runs......

........The Spirit Squad

They beat up HBGay!

They then attack him one by one so he can beat them up!
He twats them all then throws one over the top rope onto all the others!
He spits at them, turns round and meets a Mahon clothesline!
Mahon shoulder barges him in the corner!
Mahon removes his belt & whips HBGay!
Mahon chokes him with the belt!

HBGay fights back but Mahon knocks him down again!

Mahon apes HBGay & tunes up the band!
HBGay catches Mahons foot then chops him!
HBGay knocks Mahon down with a flying forearm!
HBGay whips Mahon with the belt!
Bodyslam from HBGay then its top rope time!
Flying elbow connects!

HBGay tunes up the band!
Shane O Mac twats HBGay with a kendo stick!

Shane dances, then pulls out some handcuffs!
Mahon drops his strides for the kiss my arse club!
HBGay shoves Shanes face into Mahons arse!
Mahon thinks its the other way round!
Low blow from HBGay to Mahon!
HBGay clotheslines Shane over the top rope then cuffs him to the ropes!
Shane gets whipped with his own kendo stick!

HBGay gets a chair from under the ring!
Mahon takes a shot to the head!
He's busted wide open!

HBGay tunes up the band but doesnt bother hitting sweet chin music, instead he goes outside & pulls a ladder from under the ring!

HBGay smacks Mahon in the head with the ladder!

Tuning the band again, but once again, no sweet chin music!

Now HBGay has some trash cans & a table!

Trash can one smacks Mahon in the head!

HBGay sets up the table!

HBGay lays Mahon on the table then sets up the ladder!
HBGay goes up top, but climbs down again!

HBGay goes back outside, punches Shane, then pulls out a bigger ladder!
The ladder has to be at least 15ft high!

HBGay puts trash can two over Mahons head & lays him back on the table!
HBGay goes to the top of the ladder, does the DX sign & drops a high elbow!

Doctors run to the ring, but HBGay gets up & goes to attack them!

HBGay blows his nose over Shane!

Finally HBGay hits sweet chin music, and gets the pin!

My prediction came true again!
I'm on a roll now!

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As Mahon is stretchered off, he flips the finger at HBGay!

Lotsa celebrating for HBGay!

Promo for WrestleMania 23

Who will win the triple threat?

I'll go out on a limb & pick the guy who should win it, Rey Mysterio!

I'll be happy as long as it aint Cockboy though!
Promo about the feud!

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Carlito Caribbean Cool said:
JBL's first Wrestlemania victory! That's cool.

Edge is still undefeated at Wrestlemania. That's even cooler.

Big Show breaks his defeated Wrestlemania streak on Carlito and Masters. That's not cool.

Thanks Grimm!

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HHH will beat Cena, RVD will cash in his briefcase, defeat HHH, and be the new WWE champion...

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Rey comes out with some Mexicans performing his intro music live!

Rey goes back out again!
Rey comes back out dressed as an Aztec warrior!
Strangely though, he doesnt seem to have one of his normal "special" big PPV costumes for in ring work!

Mandy Cockboy is next out!
His new theme song didnt last long, one show I think it was, which is good as his intro music is the only good thing about him!

Lord Kury Angle is in the hizzouse!

Mandy grabs the belt & twats Angle with it!

Mandy attacks Rey!

Angle German suplexes Mandy!

Mandy grans Rey for a German, but Angle German suplexes them both at the same time!
Rey flies!

Belly to belly from Angle to Cockboy!

Rey smacks Angles face into Mandys cods!
Hurricarana from Rey to Mandy off the top rope!

Angle tries to apply anklelock to Mandy but ends up clotheslining Rey!

Rey kicks Angle in the head!

619 to Angle!

Angle applies anklelock to Rey who taps out, but Mandy distracts ref!

Mandy hits Angle!
Angle hits Mandy!
German to Mandy!
German to Rey who lands face first!

Angle slam to Rey over the top rope!

Angle applies ankle lock to Mandy!
Mandy taps, but Rey grabs ref!

Ankle lock on Mandy again but Rey drops a leg onto Angle from top rope!

Angle throws Rey into ring post!
RKO to Angle!

Angle kicks out of pin!

Crowd are behind Angle in this match!
Angle hits a belly to belly on Mandy from the top rope!

619 onto Angle followed by sitting senton!
Angle kicks outta pin!

Mandy kicks Angle out of ring!

Mandy does a variation of a neckbreaker on Rey!

Angle slam to Mandy!
Mandy kicks out of pin!
Rey reverses Angle slam into an arm drag!
Drop kicks Mandy!
Hits the 619 followed by a west coast pop & pins Mandy 1-2-3!

Rey Mysterio is the new World Heavyweight Champion!

I win again!

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Let me guess:

"I won this for you, Deaddie!"

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Chavo Eddie comes out with Vikki Guerrero to celebrate with the smallest world champion ever!

So, is it HHH or Cenas night?

I reckon its gonna be HHH!

They show video of Cena backstage, the fans boo!

They show a video of HHH backstage, the fans cheer!

According to Fat Retard, the fans will probably cheer for HHH as they are a traditional wrestling crowd.
Really, cause surely a traditional fan would cheer the faces!

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MisterJLA said:
Let me guess:

"I won this for you, Deaddie!"


"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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Ok its pillow fight time!
Firstly Candice Michelle isnt even that attractive, secondly Torrie looks anorexic these days (but I'd still fuck her).

I still dont get the point of matches (if you can call them that) like these!
If I want hot chicks, thats what porn was invented for!

I am not play by playing or predicting this one!

I am trying to listen to what the fans are chanting!
Not sure if its "Torrie" or "Boring".

Torrie rolls up Candice for the pin!

Funny pillow fight seeing as nobody actually picked up a pillow!

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MisterJLA said:

MisterJLA said:
Let me guess:

"I won this for you, Deaddie!"



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MisterJLA said:
HHH will beat Cena, RVD will cash in his briefcase, defeat HHH, and be the new WWE champion...

I hope not, only because this would be one of those fake reigns that forces RVD to job to HHH again or someone that Vince deems "deserving". Rob deserves better than that.

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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Motorhead appear to have written a new song for HHH called King of kings!
It sounds like The Game!
Well done Motorhead!

HHH comes up through the floor sitting on a throne dressed as Conan or something!

The Game song starts up but I am still trying to work out if its the same song!

Can someone tell me how many WrestleManias Undertaker has wrestled in succession?
I know he's wrestled 14 obviously, but was there a gap as Lawler & JR say that Bret Hart has the record at 12 with this being HHHs 11th!

Anyway, some video about the great depression & the ramp raises.
A car comes out with a bunch of 1920s gangsters in it!
The ramp lowers & Cena comes out in a long overcoat with a Tommygun!
Is that how he plans to beat HHH?

HHH wins the entrance competition!

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Nowhereman said:

Can someone tell me how many WrestleManias Undertaker has wrestled in succession?
I know he's wrestled 14 obviously, but was there a gap as Lawler & JR say that Bret Hart has the record at 12 with this being HHHs 11th!

Just did some checking & he missed 94 I think!
So that means he is equal to Bret Hart!

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Lillian intros them both!
Big cheers for HHH.
Big boos for Cena.

Not a lot happens!

Stuff finally happens!
Cena has the upper hand!

I cant be arsed calling this!
I'll just throw out random snapshots!

Rob is gay!

HHH has the upper hand!
The fans like it!

Just as you think Cena has regained fan support, he loses it again!
We need HHH to win the belt, thats how bad things are!

Oh fuck, Fat Retard just said slobberknocker.......twice!

A ref down........thats new!

HHH does the DX sign!

They both kick out of finishers or something!

HHH taps out the the STFU!

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that's the second dx sign of the night?

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DX is in da house!!!

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Nowhereman said:

Nowhereman said:

Can someone tell me how many WrestleManias Undertaker has wrestled in succession?
I know he's wrestled 14 obviously, but was there a gap as Lawler & JR say that Bret Hart has the record at 12 with this being HHHs 11th!

Just did some checking & he missed 94 I think!
So that means he is equal to Bret Hart!

He took time off in 94 to spend time with his family. also, cuz Yokozuna locked him in a casket.

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MisterJLA said:

Carlito Caribbean Cool said:
JBL's first Wrestlemania victory! That's cool.

Edge is still undefeated at Wrestlemania. That's even cooler.

Big Show breaks his defeated Wrestlemania streak on Carlito and Masters. That's not cool.

Thanks Grimm!

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Joe Mama said:

MisterJLA said:
HHH will beat Cena, RVD will cash in his briefcase, defeat HHH, and be the new WWE champion...

I hope not, only because this would be one of those fake reigns that forces RVD to job to HHH again or someone that Vince deems "deserving". Rob deserves better than that.

RVD will cash in his shot at One Night Stand. pretty obvious.

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But that would mean a WWE title & wrestler being on the ECW PPV!
I hope not!

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