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Grimm said:

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Nowhereman said:

Can someone tell me how many WrestleManias Undertaker has wrestled in succession?
I know he's wrestled 14 obviously, but was there a gap as Lawler & JR say that Bret Hart has the record at 12 with this being HHHs 11th!

Just did some checking & he missed 94 I think!
So that means he is equal to Bret Hart!

He took time off in 94 to spend time with his family. also, cuz Yokozuna locked him in a casket.

So he is equal to Hart as I thought!
JR is a fucking ignorant cunt!

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Nowhereman said:
But that would mean a WWE title & wrestler being on the ECW PPV!
I hope not!

They're all WWE titles and wrestlers now, aren't they?

kidding aside, they do have a way around that. that being RVD can challenge for either title. Including the one that Rey Rey just won.

alternatively, they could use past history to validate it. Cripple H beat Tazz in a match on Smackdown in 2000 when Tazz was the ECW champion. they could build on that with Cripple H running them down until RVD makes the challenge. it could work.

it's a big assumption to make, but then they did build to and execute last year's ECW show perfectly. of course, that was largely due to Heyman and Dreamer's involvement. I'm not sure if they're still around.

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Nowhereman said:

Grimm said:

Nowhereman said:

Nowhereman said:

Can someone tell me how many WrestleManias Undertaker has wrestled in succession?
I know he's wrestled 14 obviously, but was there a gap as Lawler & JR say that Bret Hart has the record at 12 with this being HHHs 11th!

Just did some checking & he missed 94 I think!
So that means he is equal to Bret Hart!

He took time off in 94 to spend time with his family. also, cuz Yokozuna locked him in a casket.

So he is equal to Hart as I thought!
JR is a fucking ignorant cunt!

JR's fucking useless.

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Grimm said:

Nowhereman said:
But that would mean a WWE title & wrestler being on the ECW PPV!
I hope not!

They're all WWE titles and wrestlers now, aren't they?

kidding aside, they do have a way around that. that being RVD can challenge for either title. Including the one that Rey Rey just won.

alternatively, they could use past history to validate it. Cripple H beat Tazz in a match on Smackdown in 2000 when Tazz was the ECW champion. they could build on that with Cripple H running them down until RVD makes the challenge. it could work.

it's a big assumption to make, but then they did build to and execute last year's ECW show perfectly. of course, that was largely due to Heyman and Dreamer's involvement. I'm not sure if they're still around.

As far as I know, both are still heavily involved!

I'd just be very surprised if they had a WWE title defended on an ECW PPV.
I'm sure Vince would see that as belittling the title (he might not care about belittling the title on a WWE show, but on an ECW branded show, he might not be so willing to).

Personally, I'd just as soon keep all WWE titles out of the ECW show, and let the brand stand alone!

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This look like it could have been the worst WrestleMania EVAR.

Did anyone think Mark Henry had a chance against the Undertaker?

Fit Finlay in a Money in the Bank match? Huh?

Another stupid T & A pillow fight match... that must have been for the retards that never heard of Internet porn.

The Boogeyman has to be the dumbest gimmick I've seen in a while. "HE EATS WORMS! THAT'S SOOOO DISGUSTING!'

And putting the World Title on Gay Gay is a mistake. Let him go for the Cruiserweight Title (which wasn't even defended) or a Tag Belt. If Deaddie was still breathing oxygen, there's no way Gay Gay would be a champ.

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Actually it wasnt a bad PPV by recent standards!
Ok, it aint gonna be a classic, but it was far from terrible!

Putting the belt on Rey is probably the best thing they have done in ages as it breathes fresh life into the title (just like it did when "small guy" Michaels did years ago, and in Reys favour, he, unlike Orton/Batista/Cena, has truly paid his dues).
On top of that, the chemistry between Rey & Kurt is just awesome, and even helped disguise Ortons lack of talent!

Obviously nobody thought Henry would beat Taker, so that was a negative over last years match with Orton, as that one could have gone either way in peoples minds.

The pillow fight was only good if you compare it to last years Big Show match.

Benoit vs JBL was half decent, but too predictable!

Booker/Sharmell vs Boogeyman was just terrible!
The guy really cannot wrestle.
Compared to him, Orton, Lashley & Hulk Hogan look talented!
The fact that guys like Booker & JBL have had to job to him is just laughable!
I mean, JBL was beaten in less than a minute & JBL beat Benoit last night, so what does that say about Benoit?

Edge vs Foley was a good old fashioned hardcore match.
It wasnt one thats gonna be remembered for years to come, but it was a good reminder of the days when the hardcore division was worthwhile.
Nothing too ienovative, but both guys took some credible bumps!

Mahon vs HBK wasnt really much of a match, but there were some really good spots from HBK which stopped this from being the terrible match predicted.

James vs Stratus was quite possibly the first decent womens match I have seen in a long time!
James is a great addition to the WWE womens division, and hopefully with the likes of Trinity signing developemental deals, could mean more good things in future!

Big Show/Kane vs Carlito/Masters, was another wasted opportunity!
Pushing the champs as undefeatable monsters isnt a bad idea, but has been handled badly.
Neither has looked that undefeatable, and the title has rarely been defended!
Its also a wasted opportunity for Masters/Carlito.
Carlito has got himself massively over with the fans with his great promos & vast improvement in his in ring work, and the way he has brought Masters along with him is amazing for someone who is not a veteran, but WWE still fails to capitalise on it.
The whole idea with Carlito constantly manipulating the "dumb" Masters, is comedy & tag team gold!
It also helps detract from Masters obvious lack of talent!

HHH vs Cena wasnt a bad match per se, it just wasnt very interesting!

The ladder match had a tough act to follow after last years debut.
Last year Kane was the only guy out of place in the match, yet he managed to make his addition to the match credible.
This year three people were out of place & nothing the other three could do could disguise it!
Lashley was just pointless even being there!
Flair was there to take one big bump, and that was about it!
Finlay just wasnt able to adapt to the style, and did a whole lotta laying down!
From Benjamin, RVD & Hardy, we got pretty much what we expected!
A handful of minor holy shit moments (and HBK stole that thunder later anyway), and some good chemistry working together.
This actually would have probably been a better match if the deadwood had not been included, and the three guys suited to this match had wrestled as a three way!

WM22 was certainly an improvement over 21, but it could have been so much better!
Without the likes of Eddie, Jericho & Christian WWE has lost a lot of its true show stoppers!
Just putting those three into any of last nights weaker matches could have improved the PPV a whole lot more, but WWE would just find another way to fuck things up!

As for the cruiserweight title, its not WWE disrespecting it (for once), its about the fact Helms is still rehabbing the surgery on his nose.
They obviously dont wanna strip him of the title as it should be a short rehab, just like they did when Kash broke his arm!

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I didn't know that about the Cruiserweight belt. They still didn't do anything for the WWE Tag Belts, or the IC Belt, which proves there are just too many "championships", and that the "brand" gimmick is ill conceived.

Mahon as a wrestler and villain is played out. It stopped being funny and interesting years ago.

Cena and HHH sounds like a Main Event that nobody really cared about. I didn't see that match, but if it's anything like a standard match from either of those two, I didn't miss anything.

Still have to disagree about Rey as a major champion. I just never liked him, and don't see him filling the role that well.

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The IC champion was involved in the ladder match, as were both of the current IC contenders (Flair & RVD).
The fact that the ladder match was interpromotional obviously stopped the title being on the line, but I fully agree that there are too many titles!

There should only be one heavyweight title, and one tag title!
Now if they got rid of one of each & reinstated the HC title, that would be ok!

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i agree, i don't mind the different titles, but the repetitive ones, tag, world, and ic/us titles need to be unified, and then one eliminated.

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The IC & US title can work, just like the days when WWF had the IC & Euro titles, but these dasy the titles arent used properly!

The Euro title was less than the IC title, and was a real midcard belt, where as the IC title was used as either a stepping stone belt to build up momentum for a wrestler to make his way up to main event status, or a holding title for main eventers not in the title hunt currently which gave the up and coming stars more credibility when they faced the IC champion.

These days both belts are mid card belts!
Despite guys like Orton & Cena holding the belts, you never got the feeling it was a developemental thing as their opponents were usually fellow mid carders!

With guys like Benoit & JBL holding the US title recently, you dont really get the feeling they will ever be heavyweight champs again unlike the days when HHH, Stone Cold & The Rock would do battle for the title!
You feel like they are now just mid carders again!

The biggest problem is exactly what JLA said, the brand extension!

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y'know... i was really expecting this mania to be disasterous.

i hate hbk. i have no interest in seeing a mahon match. henry is unsaveable shit. foley has become pathetic to me. cena is being booed relentlessly, to the point where they're cheering h's, and they're seemingly not addressing that. i was under very strong belief that there'd be no austin, no hogan, or no bret hart run in (which most of you would consider a good thing, anyway). boogie man, girl matches, masterpiece, etc...

just wasn't lookin like something i'd be at all interested in.

but, quite honestly, i was amazingly surprised.

i think foley did a great job. he truly worked the match and worked it well. the cool highlight bump spots were fun and well done.

hbk's spots on junior were at least memorable.

the rey / angle / orton bout was great -- three of my favorites, if not my favorites. it was just nonstop great spots.

the crowd was AMAZINGLY into cena and h's match, even despite the retarded intros they both had (hhh's entrance theme had... an entrance theme?)

the match itself, i thought was really good. they didn't feed into the crowd like the equally polarizing hogan and rock match of x8, but they fed off the crowd very well and put on a great show. very intense. towards the final shot at the end, where the camera panned back to reveal cena calling for his finisher, it really looked like the crowd was going insane.

flair's role in money in the bank was great, even if he didn't win -- and rvd really deserved it.

and, y'know, i gotta say, mickie james' match was actually really good! even aside from all the great boobie and bergyner shots!

sure, there was some crap in there. the torrie bout. booker t being ridiculously jobbed (though his "freak hallway" segment was fantastic). i hated every moment of the taker match. no masterpiece / carlito "payoff" split after the match. jbl and benoit was nothing memorable. and the angle/rey/orton match was but a mere 9 minutes.

but... for the most part... i gotta say i was truly pleasantly surprised with how it played out. definite, solid B.

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And now they fuck Carlito over more by giving the tag titles to the Spirit Squad on RAW the next night

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Also, seems like Grimm was right about the ECW thing as RVD just alluded to it on RAW.
He didnt say it directly, but thats what you got from his speech!

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Nowhereman said:
And now they fuck Carlito over more by giving the tag titles to the Spirit Squad on RAW the next night

that was bs
it's ok, carlito is whuppin ass right now on that chump anyway

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And now they have ruined what could have been a great tag team, by having Carlito attack Masters!
I have no love for Masters, but I really enjoyed their tag team!

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they were good. but who would they fight? kane and big show? spirit squad? lack of good teams on tv make tag teams like that useless.

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But thats why there are no tag teams, they keep splitting em up!
Cade & Murdoch plus La Resistance spring to mind as viable tag teams they failed to utilise!
On top of that theres V2 and Snitsky/Tomko which both recieved mini pushes, yet failed to get pushed into the tag division for some reason!

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which probably goes back to the brands......2 shows a week means every raw won't have to have a hhh match, and hbk match, plus their 20 min of posturing and bs'n

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Whether I rate any of those teams is neither here nor there, the point is that they have built up a good back story to make them valid tag teams rather than cobbled together teams like Hardy/Tatanka, Show/Kane & most other five minute wonders!

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big_pimp_tim said:
which probably goes back to the brands......2 shows a week means every raw won't have to have a hhh match, and hbk match, plus their 20 min of posturing and bs'n

that is what i meant up there. not alot of time to develop when each show has it's own main eventers to push for half the show.

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that wouldn't be jamal from 3 minute warning as that uganu, or whatever the fuck his name is, is it?

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I was just reiterating my position.
Didnt want people thinking I liked people like Murdoch!

Back to RAW, Umanga (or whatever his name is)......who they kidding?
Its Jamal fer fucksake!

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what horse crap.
didn't they just let rosey go?
and again, another good tag team gone.

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Nowhereman said:
And now they fuck Carlito over more by giving the tag titles to the Spirit Squad on RAW the next night

This is the greatest RAW review ever!

2,000 points!

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Good grief, does Flair need to retire.

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I laughed last week when I heard Rosey was gone as I didnt understand why they hired Jamal a few months ago.
I wasnt laughing at Rosey, I was laughing at WWE and their way of thinking.

When Jamal re-signed, they initially teamed him with Rosey again as Five minute warning at house shows, but obviously they had better plans for them both.

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To his credit, the Lou Bega manager was entertaining.

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he will probably outlast umanga

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So they finally found an angle for you then!

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I was disappointed with umidcarder, though.

After that build-up and with that name, I was expecting someone like Batista, not the missing Headshrinker.

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well he is related to Rikishi

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Nowhereman said:

Grimm said:

Nowhereman said:
But that would mean a WWE title & wrestler being on the ECW PPV!
I hope not!

They're all WWE titles and wrestlers now, aren't they?

kidding aside, they do have a way around that. that being RVD can challenge for either title. Including the one that Rey Rey just won.

alternatively, they could use past history to validate it. Cripple H beat Tazz in a match on Smackdown in 2000 when Tazz was the ECW champion. they could build on that with Cripple H running them down until RVD makes the challenge. it could work.

it's a big assumption to make, but then they did build to and execute last year's ECW show perfectly. of course, that was largely due to Heyman and Dreamer's involvement. I'm not sure if they're still around.

As far as I know, both are still heavily involved!

I'd just be very surprised if they had a WWE title defended on an ECW PPV.
I'm sure Vince would see that as belittling the title (he might not care about belittling the title on a WWE show, but on an ECW branded show, he might not be so willing to).

Personally, I'd just as soon keep all WWE titles out of the ECW show, and let the brand stand alone!

Yeah, I get that. But if it involves RVD winning the big belt, I'm all for it.

A lot of people felt the same way about the Raw and Smackdown wrestlers "invading" the ppv last year. But I saw it as a great piece of "closure" for the ECW wrestlers and fans. Getting in their last shots to show that they were worthwhile and punking out one of the guys responsible for killing the company.

If done right, this could have a similar storytelling vibe going for it. You have to remember that one of the great things about ECW was that when things happened, they acknowledged it and used it to further the storylines. Whether it be Mike Awesome jumping to WCW while still being ECW champion, or have you. Done properly, this could have a similar feel to it.

But again, that's assuming Heyman and Dreamer would still be involved.

And for the "purists" there's also Hardcore Homecoming. . .You just know Shane Douglas is happy as hell about more ECW talent leaving the big E.

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The WWE invasion worked really well, especially as WWE was the one made to look silly during the angle, but actually defending a WWE title on the ECW PPV just seems disrespectful.

As for HH. With the rumoured "You cant work HH if you work ONS" contracts being issued by WWE, both PPVs could end up suffering.
The biggest benefit HH has at the moment is that TNA would let their people work it and not ONS, which is some pretty big ECW names.

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For those who are wondering, Armando Alejandro Estrada was from Ohio Valley Wrestling. He was known as Osama Rodriguez Alejandro (aka Big Lalo) in OVW.

WWE trademarked the Lalo nickname and his new ring name a few weeks ago. Estrada has been a big pet project for Paul Heyman over the past few months. A big part of his deal in OVW was a pairing with Robbie Dawber.

Umaga, his protégé, is better known as Jamal from Three Minute Warning, who was brought back several months ago

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Nowhereman said:
The WWE invasion worked really well, especially as WWE was the one made to look silly during the angle, but actually defending a WWE title on the ECW PPV just seems disrespectful.

The sad fact of the matter is that the WWE titles (all of them, not just the big two) are little more than props in this day. They've done a lot more to disrespect those titles than this idea. Hell, I would actually have more respect for it if they go through with this.


As for HH. With the rumoured "You cant work HH if you work ONS" contracts being issued by WWE, both PPVs could end up suffering.
The biggest benefit HH has at the moment is that TNA would let their people work it and not ONS, which is some pretty big ECW names.

Yeah, it's gonna be very interesting to see who shows up where this year. There was a lot of double duty last year.

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I didnt mean disrespectful to the titles, I meant disrespectful to ECW & its fans!
Ir would be less disrespectful if it was against Rey, but if its Cena (or another non-ECW wrestler), its a slap in the face that could only be saved if RVD was to win!

Also, it could be used as another crappy angle where he wins, then WWE says that it wasnt a WWE show, so the title change isnt valid!

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good points.

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Sorry, its cold!

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Nowhereman said:
I didnt mean disrespectful to the titles, I meant disrespectful to ECW & its fans!
Ir would be less disrespectful if it was against Rey, but if its Cena (or another non-ECW wrestler), its a slap in the face that could only be saved if RVD was to win!

Also, it could be used as another crappy angle where he wins, then WWE says that it wasnt a WWE show, so the title change isnt valid!

if it is just to remain a yearly show i agree. if not, pissing of ecw fans with somthing like that could be a story for a more ongoing ecw event.

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