"Hey this is PCG342's bro..." 15000+ posts
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*Joe Mama*: Easy there, Howdy. I don't want two stable members, and former Tag Team Champions, fighting on the biggest night that God himself has ever imagined...besides, I'm under the impression that I'm the person JLA wants to thank for molding him into the wrestling machine that stands before us all. ROLL FILM!
The lights dim, and Joe points to the CheeseTron. Footage is shown of the historic TLC III match, that pitted JLA and Howdy vs Sammitch/Penwing and the Tag Champions Joe Mama and another wrestler who has been erased from history.
*Joe Mama*: You see that! Look up at the CheeseTron! East Coast Hammer! East Coast Hammer East Coast Hammer! Right then and there, I taught JLA how to take a massive hit, and still emerge as a champion!
Now check this out! Flying Tea Bag Slam! Flying Tea Bag Slam! Flying Tea Bag Slam! Through a table! Now, sure, we were enemies at the time, but that match made you a better person...well, a better wrestler, JLA! You can't deny it! And that's how you became a Tag Champion!
Keep rolling!
The Cheesedome now shows highlights of The Allied Powers vs The Unholy Alliance, the doomed pairing of Joe Mama and PenWing...
*Joe Mama*: Look! I had you trapped in the Joe Mama-Lock! Somehow, you weathered the storm, and took the IC Title from me!
And now finally, roll the last clip!
Footage of JLA's adventure in Boston...
*Joe Mama*: Your finest hour! In MY town! You got your ass kicked from one end of Boston to the other, and it just made you stronger!
There you have it! I was the dominant force in creating the next World Champ. You can thank me now, JLA... [/url]
Joe feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns to face...Jeeves?
*Joe Mama:* How did you get here undetected, Jeeves?
*Jeeves:* I do not have a proper ring introduction, nor theme music Mr. Mama. Nonetheless, I have been the trusted butler to the Allied Powers for quite some time now. While I do not have a highlight montage like you do, I know that my role as an aide to The Powers, has bolstered MisterJLA's status in the wrestling world, while...
*MisterJLA:* Uh, fellas, this is getting to be too much. The person I wanted to thank...was...ME!
Camera cuts to unnecessary close-ups of Jeeves, Howdy, and Mama. All are pissed and overacting.
*JLA*: What's the big surprise? I owe it all to myself! Joe, you put through me a table not too long ago! You DAMN NEAR broke me in half with the Joe Mama-Lock! I almost didn't make it out of Boston alive!
And you! Howdy! Where we you when Darth locked me in a casket, and took my precious Cunt Title???
*Monroe*: Boy, I forgot about that one. Was it ever explained how JLA disappeared from the casket?
*Bastardo:* No. They dropped that angle long ago, I mean, no, but that was SCARY!
JLA looks down from the ring, at the announcer's table.
*JLA:* You two done over there?
Bastardo nods and gives JLA a "thumbs up" sign.
*JLA:* As I was saying, I've only been able to count on myself since arriving here! And Jeeves...
Jeeves looks at JLA with puppy-dog eyes...
*JLA:* Uh...well, you shrunk my tights! You can't do laundry for jack! This pair is riding up my crotch right now! You're lucky you have a job! This night is about ME! I'm here to thank myself for winning the Randy Rumble! For destroying my enemies in an Elimination Chamber match! It's all about the JLA!
Howdy, Jeeves, and Joe look at each other, look at JLA, then leave the ring in disgust. As they walk away, Jeeves whispers to Joe...
*Jeeves*: I'm confident he doesn't mean any of that. He has to face Nowhereman alone in the 60 minute Iron Man match, and if any of us are near ringside, thedoctor win ban us for life! Surely, JLA is simply trying to get in the right mindset...
*Joe Mama*: I hope you're right, for his sake.