A hip-hop medley of "Turning Japanese","Back From The Grave",and "Rooster" booms out over the Cheesedome PA as the RDCW world tag team champion Outcasts and their manager Nuriko ride down to the ring in a black Hummer with the words "OUTCASTS RULE!" painted on the hood in blood red.Chris hits the ring,picks up a mic,and begins to address the crowd.
CHRIS: This is my third Robblemania, and trust me when I say it's damn sure going to be my best! You all know that I'm willing to put my neck on the line for the sake of my goals...you all remember how I took on the entire RDCW roster in a single match...you saw how me and Superbeasto have dominated the tag team division since we won these belts...(holds up tag titles)...now you're going to see me and El Superbeasto crush the Sudden Death Connection once and for all!
SDC es muerte!
CHRIS(pointing to the Cheese-O-Tron as video highlights of the Outcasts' six-man tag team match against the SDC on last week's
Havoc play on the screen): What me, the Giant Luchadore, and Amuck did to DeadThing and his hired hands on last week's
Havoc is just a sneak preview of the ass-kicking we'll give Screwy Walrus and Swillconey when they come into the ring! And speaking of Amuck, you people had better start respecting him, because he's going to leave here as the new Y Division champion!
Crowd boos raucously as the video fades out.
CHRIS: Not only that, but tonight you'll see our manager,the lovely Nuriko,crowned as the new RDCW women's champion!
Nuriko bows graciously and accepts the mic from Chris.
Domo arigato. I am flattered by your confidence in my abilities.
Crowd boos even louder as Chris takes the mic back.
CHRIS: Shut up, you ignorant jackasses! None of you has the brains to appreciate a real woman! (slight pause) Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, after we've destroyed the Sudden Bad Breath Connection, the next team on our hit list is....(longer pause)...
the MWO.


Oakley's playing with fire!!!
CHRIS: That's right, Spandex Junky Man-- the Outcasts are coming for you, and whey they get hold of you they're going to bury your precious Monkey World Order for good!
The crowd is now on the verge of rioting as Chris,Nuriko,and Superbeasto exit the ring and head back to the Outcasts' dressing room.

Robblemania's always full of surprises, folks, and this year's edition is no exception-- the Outcasts have declared war on the MWO!