Joe Mama, Captain Howdy, and Jeeves are walking back to the locker room of the IV. As Captain Howdy and Jeeves enter...

Voice: Joe Mama! JOE MAMA!!! A few questions...!!!

Joe Mama turns to the voice.It's Joey Biles.

JM: What the hell do you want? I'm a busy man and this is a very important night!

JB: I have a coupl'a questions for you...

JM: Make 'em quick. I have better things to do than waste my time with you...

JB: Joe Mama, we've heard MisterJLA's comments. One would think he's thinking of flying solo. Your thoughts?

JM: As far as I'm concerned, MisterJLA can say anything he wants, as long as his focus tonight is on Nowhereman and the Heavyweight Cheese Championship! His comments told me that he's aware of what's at stake, what he has to do to succeed, and how intense his mindset is.I don't need him to kiss my arse and tell me how wonderful I am. I already know - my record speaks for itself. The only thing I want is for MisterJLA to go out there and destroy Nowhereman. That limey cunt's overrated and underachieving, and it's time that the Heavyweight Cheese Title found its way around the waist of TRUE greatness!!!

JB: You also have men competing for the Hardcore Porn Title...

JM: That's right. Pig Iron realized that he's not man enough to survive in the RDCW, so he's crawling back into whatever bottle of cheap liquor he came from. His failure is just another chance for the IV to prove why we're the best damn faction in this promotion! Doc Mid-Nite and Captain Howdy WILL get the job done tonight!

JB: But will they be working together or separately?

JM: Joey, Doc Mid-Nite and Captain Howdy are two professionals. They know that the IV's business comes first. Once those other ham 'n' eggers are eliminated, they can tear each other apart for all any of us care. They both want that title, and they'll do whatever it damn well takes to bring it back to the IV! Frankly, those two are looking forward to seeing who can beat who. And that means a great match for the Title, the IV, and the fans!

JB: Fair enough, I guess. Onto the Inter-Cunt-Inental Title. Your thoughts?

JM: Everyone knows that I held and defended that title with intensity and dignity - I'm the man who gave that strap the prestige it had before the RDCW's friendliest jobber won it! Captain Sammitch has held it too damn long for my tastes, so we're sending out the man who will bring back the prestige, glory, and honor the IC Title has lacked. There is no man in the RDCW who deserves the Inter-Cunt-Inental Title more than Charlie! He's hungry, he's angry, he's intense, and he's that fucking good! Sammitch, I hope you did your homework! I hope you reviewed every tape of our feud AND every match that the IV's Enforcer has been in! You thought I put you through the wringer? SamBitch, you don't know punishment! But Charlie's gonna show you soon enough! I guaran-DAMN-tee it!!!

JB: One last question: What is the timetable for your return?

JM: Biles, do I look like I'm in any mood to play psychic friend? This is an important night for the IV! All IV of my guys are in title contention tonight! I'll return when I'm good and ready! Until then, why don't you find Nowhereman and let him make a man outta you? I got match prep to do...

Joe Mama shoves Joey Biles aside and enters the IV's locker room. Biles regains his composure and turns towards the camera.

JB: Mike and Louie, back to you!

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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