*A thunderous "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" is not only heard, but felt throughout the Cheesedome. The camera shows Joey Biles standing backstage outside the door to the cellar. He does not have to wait long for the door to open, and an angered Darth to appear from out of the shadows.*
JB: Darth, what is your response to Grimm's threats? What are you going to do?
*Darth's face is blank as he looks at Biles.*
D: Do? This!
*Darth grabs Biles by the throat and lifts him into the air for monstrous Sabreslam. The Sith Lord then makes his way through the Cheesedome in a blind rage.*
D: Grimm! Darkness is coming for you! Darkness is coming now!
*RDCW security immediately respond and attempt to subdue Darth, but he Mauls the poor soul standing in his way and begins climbing the stairs. At the top he is confronted by Homeland Security. Darth disorients them with Hellfire and slams their heads together rendering them unconscious.*
D: Show yourself, Grimm! I will not hesitate to take this place apart to find you!
*Dr. Paragon can be seen down the hall instructing some of the wrestlers on how to take Darth down. Unfortunately, they cannot contain his rage, and he leaves the Liberal Conspiracy bloodied. The OC use their numbers to surround the Sith Lord, but they make the mistake of holding chairs. Darth makes short work the faction, and is now armed with a chair. Finally, Dr. Paragon stands stubbornly in his way.*
DP: Darth, you either stop this insanity right now, or you won't get your Dark Forever Match! Do you hear me?! Do you want your shot at Grimm?!
*Darth stops for a moment and lowers the chair. At that moment, a dozen RDCW security personnel attack the Sith Lord, using Tesars to subdue him. With Darth on the floor, they cuff his hands and drag him off camera.*
Monroe: Buhgawb! Darth has lost his mind!
Bastardo: He never had a chance! Grimm is in his head now! I'm afraid this is the last time we will ever see the Sith Lord in the RDCW again!