Ultimate Y Match
Chewy Walrus (C) vs. PenWing vs. Amuck
Robblemania opened with the first ever Ultimate Y match! Three ropes converged above the match to form a Y, with the Y Division title hanging at the center. One by one the competitors entered the ring. First was the unpredictable Amuck, who was booed loudly by the crowd. Following Amuck was PenWing to his usual "Detroit Rock City." PenWing waited at the ring steps for "TNT" to start up. The Y Division champion, Chewy Walrus made his way down the ramp, and PenWing shook his hand as the two SDC members promised each other they would not hold back.
Impatient, Amuck spring boarded himself over the ropes, taking both of his opponents down with a flying cross body. Amuck immediately began working over PenWing, but Chewy grabbed his smaller attacker from behind and threw him over the ropes and back into the ring. The Walrus walked up the ring steps and the crowd cheered as he entered the ring and Lothar signaled for the bell.
Amuck used his speed to his advantage and began attacking Chewy from all angles, leaping onto and off the ropes to launch himself at the Walrus and keep him off his feet. PenWing slowly entered the ring, and as Amuck was preparing to make another run at Chewy, the former Big Cheese champ took Amuck down with a spear.
Together, Chewy and PenWing began working over Amuck, as they pushed him back and forth between them. The SDC members then went for a double clothesline from opposite sides, but Amuck dropped down and allowed his opponents to take themselves down. Amuck then hit a quick moonsault on both wrestlers, and began climbing the corner post to reach the Ultimate Y.
Chewy was the first to get up, and he reached for Amuck's legs and pulled him down into his arms. The Walrus then hit Big Let-down (Russian back drop). By then, PenWing had managed to climb to the Ultimate Y, and was slowly inching his way towards the title. Chewy went to the corner and climbed the ropes. He reached up and jerked the Ultimate Y repeatedly, causing PenWing to lose his grip and fall to the mat.
As Chewy stepped down to face PenWing, he found himself on the receiving end of a Spin-o-rama. However, one kick was not enough to knock the big man down, and PenWing grapped Chewy's arm to whip him into the ropes. Chewy was able to grab a hold of the ropes, stopping his movement, but PenWing ran up and knocked The Walrus out of the ring with a high drop kick.
Amuck got back to his feet and attacked PenWing from behind, executing a German suplex. On impact, PenWing managed to break loose of Amuck's grip and roll away. Both wrestlers returned to their feet in time to see Chewy enter the ring. Chewy ran at PenWing with the Walrus Wallop (hard clothesline), but PenWing had time to duck out of the way. Amuck then attacked Chewy with a flying clothesline of his own.
PenWing took advantage of the distraction to climb back up to the Ultimate Y. Taking notice, Amuck climbed up to an intersecting rope of the Ultimate Y, and both wrestlers met at the center. Chewy got back his feet and climbed to third rope of the Ultimate Y. As PenWing and Amuck took shots at each other, Chewy quickly made his way towards the center. All the while, Chewy used his weight to shade the ropes, causing both PenWing and Amuck difficulty in keeping their grips.
As all three competitors began exchanging blows above the ring, the crowd came to it's feet chanting "RDCW!" Amuck attempted to knock both PenWing and Chewy down to the mat with a double kick, but as PenWing locked his legs around the rope and fell away from Amuck's leg, Amuck was only able to connect with Chewy. The Walrus managed to catch Amuck's leg with one hand, but he lost his grip on the rope and pulled Amuck down. As Chewy swung towards the mat, Amuck used his momentum to pull on the Walrus, causing his legs to release their hold on the Ultimate Y.
As both Chewy and Amuck hit the mat, PenWing reached for the Y Division title and unclipped it from the center of the Ultimate Y. Dropping to the mat, Lothar signaled the bell and named PenWing the second ever Ultimate Y champion!